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Homo Proudhonianus
Homo Proudhonianus
In a brilliant work, in the disconcerting operation, but in a coherence it interns rigorous, all the subjects and the humanity's problems are approached with a surprising sense of the projection and of the perspective. “I know what it is the poverty, he writes. I already lived her. Everything that I know, I owe him to the despair. “A such life could have made an irritated one. A formidable physical and moral health, a prodigious intelligence, a temper with determination pragmatic becoming a realist. Proudhon decides to consecrate your life “to your siblings' emancipation and companions” (letter to the academy of Besançon), and, face to the established world, he gets dressed as “an adventurer of the thought and of the science.”
Science and freedom, scientific socialism and socialism liberal, liberal because scientific, and pluralist because liberal: such it is the originality of the thought of Proudhon, relatively to the utopian socialists of your century and ace dogmatic consequences of Marx's scientific thought.
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Homo Proudhonianus
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The friend always José Carlos Fortuna.