Reading With Friends Needs Your Help
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Our summer reading program is coming up on it's third week and we need more kids involved! <!--break--> <p>We’ve just finished the second week of the Reading With Friends program. A program designed to get books into the homes of kids in the city. We’ve collected an amazing number of books (and will always take more), but we’re having some trouble getting kids to us.</p><p>Here’s how you can help!</p><p>We need volunteers for an hour or two each Wedensday afternoon to do two things. First, to walk through the neigborhood, reminding kids about the program and handing out flyers. Second, to actually read with the kids and then help them pick out books to take home.</p><p>To help, you can contact Dave Atias at <a href=""></a> or 966-9067.  Or simply show up any Wednesday this summer at 1:30pm at 367 Lyell Avenue (the Friends Helping Friends building).<br /></p>
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<p>Our summer reading program is coming up on it's third week and we need more kids involved!</p> <!--break--><p>We’ve just finished the second week of the Reading With Friends program. A program designed to get books into the homes of kids in the city. We’ve collected an amazing number of books (and will always take more), but we’re having some trouble getting kids to us.</p> <p>Here’s how you can help!</p> <p>We need volunteers for an hour or two each Wedensday afternoon to do two things. First, to walk through the neigborhood, reminding kids about the program and handing out flyers. Second, to actually read with the kids and then help them pick out books to take home.</p> <p>To help, you can contact Dave Atias at <a href=""></a> or 966-9067.  Or simply show up any Wednesday this summer at 1:30pm at 367 Lyell Avenue (the Friends Helping Friends building).</p>
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Reading With Friends Needs Your Help
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title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
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value (String, 984 characters ) Our summer reading program is coming up on it's...
Our summer reading program is coming up on it's third week and we need more kids involved! <!--break--> <p>We’ve just finished the second week of the Reading With Friends program. A program designed to get books into the homes of kids in the city. We’ve collected an amazing number of books (and will always take more), but we’re having some trouble getting kids to us.</p><p>Here’s how you can help!</p><p>We need volunteers for an hour or two each Wedensday afternoon to do two things. First, to walk through the neigborhood, reminding kids about the program and handing out flyers. Second, to actually read with the kids and then help them pick out books to take home.</p><p>To help, you can contact Dave Atias at <a href=""></a> or 966-9067.  Or simply show up any Wednesday this summer at 1:30pm at 367 Lyell Avenue (the Friends Helping Friends building).<br /></p>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 988 characters ) <p>Our summer reading program is coming up on i...
<p>Our summer reading program is coming up on it's third week and we need more kids involved!</p> <!--break--><p>We’ve just finished the second week of the Reading With Friends program. A program designed to get books into the homes of kids in the city. We’ve collected an amazing number of books (and will always take more), but we’re having some trouble getting kids to us.</p> <p>Here’s how you can help!</p> <p>We need volunteers for an hour or two each Wedensday afternoon to do two things. First, to walk through the neigborhood, reminding kids about the program and handing out flyers. Second, to actually read with the kids and then help them pick out books to take home.</p> <p>To help, you can contact Dave Atias at <a href=""></a> or 966-9067.  Or simply show up any Wednesday this summer at 1:30pm at 367 Lyell Avenue (the Friends Helping Friends building).</p>
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#markup (String, 988 characters ) <p>Our summer reading program is coming up on i...
<p>Our summer reading program is coming up on it's third week and we need more kids involved!</p> <!--break--><p>We’ve just finished the second week of the Reading With Friends program. A program designed to get books into the homes of kids in the city. We’ve collected an amazing number of books (and will always take more), but we’re having some trouble getting kids to us.</p> <p>Here’s how you can help!</p> <p>We need volunteers for an hour or two each Wedensday afternoon to do two things. First, to walk through the neigborhood, reminding kids about the program and handing out flyers. Second, to actually read with the kids and then help them pick out books to take home.</p> <p>To help, you can contact Dave Atias at <a href=""></a> or 966-9067.  Or simply show up any Wednesday this summer at 1:30pm at 367 Lyell Avenue (the Friends Helping Friends building).</p>
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Reading With Friends Needs Your Help
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<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Reddit logo" />
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title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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