Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y
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Flight 93 – Flight 93 = Y
Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:37 pm
I was struggling to remember a word that had not past through my memory for some time.
That, Even for Weeks, I still had not the word that would define...
Then Finally I saw it.
For I am witness to the crimes, and That they shall not go unpunished…
Let these words furnish the good omen unto Men...
And May the Good Lord permit those who profess to Understand, the patience to understand these true words…
We are in great danger.
And may this Understanding always offer the best reformation in man, through a composition of the humblest minds, that can possibly be had...
Todd Beamer’s epitaph reads, ‘He has shown you O’ man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.’
‘We raised Todd to love the Lord,’ David says, ‘both my folks and Peggy’s folks are committed Christians. That’s a legacy we don’t take lightly. Before we became parents, we determined to honor and preserve the heritage of Christian faith.’
These are the words of David Beamer, the father of Todd Beamer – who is said to have died on Flight 93, the airplane that reportedly crashed in a remote field in Pennsylvania.
On a Christian website called ‘justbetweenus.org’, I found an article entitled, ‘Raising a Hero,’ by Greg Asimakoupoulos. The article is devoted to Peggy Beamer, Todd’s mother, and to the popular myth of Flight 93. It states that while Flight 93 was being overrun by terrorists, ‘Todd attempted to call his wife Lisa Beamer, to say goodbye. When he couldn’t reach her, Todd called a GTE Airfone operator who relayed his conversation and words of farewell to his wife Lisa. As the media picked up this heartrending account, it was learned that Todd asked the operator to pray the Lord’s Prayer with him.’
And I wonder at Which Point did Todd Beamer decide it was all over, to then call his wife and bid adieu? Was it before he said, ‘Let’s roll!’ to fellow passengers?
And was it Before or After reciting the Lord’s Prayer that he suddenly felt the sudden twist of faith and enigmatically call out, ‘Let’s Roll’?
The article also asserts, though mistaken in its intended use of irony, ‘Ironically, the home Bible study that Todd and Lisa belonged to were in the process of studying the Lord’s Prayer.’
Yet, it is this, which I find to be truly ironic…
And I will explain into full detail -the depth of this irony…
Unbeknownst to me at the time, and the same day the song ‘god in neutral’ was posted on www.subbionic.com -April 23, 2005, an article appeared from the Associated Press that claimed 'David Beamer, whose son Todd Beamer was killed on United Flight 93, said Moussaoui should be sentenced to death and executed.’
That audio can be found here, http://www.startribune.com/stories/124/5365486.html
In September of 1966, David Beamer became the second Associate Pastor of Stone Church, in Wheaton Illinois. Eight years later, in 1974, he became the church’s Pastor.
In 1980, Mr. David Beamer, resigned his Pastorate to move on to other fine things…
In September of 1999, he and partner John Arnold founded PoliticsDirect.
John Arnold - - was once President of Stirling University where he gained a degree in Business Studies and Economics. He then became Chair of Scottish Labour Students before being appointed Adviser to the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland. He then joined the Local Government International Bureau where he became Head of the International Section. John moved to The Communication Group plc, London, as a Senior Consultant before becoming Divisional Board Director of the political division.
David Beamer - - studied business at Aston University and University of Miami, Florida. In January 1995, he joined the Conservative Research Department as Desk Officer for Trade and Industry, and Transport. In 1996, he was made Head of Home Affairs and worked on the Health, National Heritage and Wales briefs. He joined The Communication Group plc in December 1997 as a consultant and was appointed Director of Healthcare in May 1999. He left The Communication Group a short four months later to become a founding Director of PoliticsDirect. - (from PoliticsDirect website)
Absent from his summary of work detail is his 14 year Pastorate at Stone Church...
And not only can it be found that Mr. Beamer is a founding Director of PoliticsDirect, but it can also be found that he later became the Chief Operating Officer for Legato Systems:
‘As chief operating officer for Legato Systems, David Beamer reported to work early on September 11, 2001 at corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California. Having flown to California the day before, he was there for a key meeting to be held in Palo Alto that morning.’ – (from the Christian website Lifeway.com)
And then almost expectedly, I found this piece posted on their own website to accompany:
‘Mountain View, CA, December 15, 2003 - Legato Software, the leader in open software for Information Management, today announced it received a $4.3 million competitive award for business continuance and availability solutions from the Pentagon Renovation Office (PENREN), a large-scale initiative to modernize the Department of Defense’s IT infrastructure. PENREN supports many agencies within the Pentagon, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army, Navy, Air Force and the Marine Corps.’
And furthermore:
In a quasi ‘Oswaldian’ twist, David Beamer’s ‘deceased’ son was a Software Consultant, employed by Oracle – which is listed as a Strategic Alliance Partner for Legato Systems, the company his father became Chief Operating Officer for.
Adding more ink from thought:
In the article, ‘Unholy Alliance: Radical Environmentalists and the Churches,’ dated April of 2002, Mr. Philip De Vous, public policy manager for the Acton Institute, wrote of his concern over the alliance between the radical environmentalists and the churches ‘posing a significant threat to the moral authority of contemporary churches.’
The Acton Institute has its roots in the Christian religion, and was named after Lord John Acton (1834-1902), who coined ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ The Acton institute seeks to ‘articulate a vision of society that is both free and virtuous, the end of which is human flourishing.’
Mr. De Vous justly asserts, ‘…given this situation, believers would do well to examine the most basic tenets of the environmental agenda itself. Groups such as the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace all embrace the idea of population control, which has, at its root, a very anti-human conviction. Such a conviction views the human as primarily a polluter and consumer, and dismisses the idea of human capital, which adds to creation’s resources. Such an analysis seeks to deny humans the finest products of human ingenuity and threatens the quality of life for all, most especially the poorest of the poor. This kind of thinking is far afield…of the Gospel’s call to defend and preserve human dignity.’
On the topic of population control, another group aligned to this ‘anti-human conviction’ ideology is CUSP, a non-profit, non-partisan organization of nearly 1000 partners united in the belief that U.S. overpopulation is threatening the national and global environment and that environmental problems in the U.S. and the world ‘would be much closer to solution if the population of the United States were gradually reduced to sustainable levels.’ – (from CUSP website)
Their ‘Ohio Resolution,’ declares the CUSP intent of ‘Expressing the sense of the Congress that it should explore the feasibility of the Nation moving toward a sustainable economy.’
A sustainable economy is a system where the number of people and the quality of goods are maintained at some desirable and consistent level - - And This Is - - the facelift in the form of wrecking ball -to the face of our Capitalist System.
In a letter to club members in June 2003, CUSP President Dr. Alan Kuper writes:
‘Los Padres Chapter of the Sierra Club, which covers Ventura and Santa Barbara California Counties, passed the Ohio Resolution, due to the remarkable work of Partner Dave Beamer, Sierra Club Life Member.’
The President of CUSP then encourages their forward progress by praising a letter written by a CUSP Partner (member) that appeared in Sierra Magazine. The piece, written by Olivia Eielson (CA) insists, ‘The more Americans, the more we damage the planet.’
Other such organizations that are affiliated directly with CUSP include:
SUSPS, a ‘network of individual members of the Sierra Club who support U.S. population stabilization…A comprehensive Sierra Club population policy is absolutely necessary and must acknowledge the true impact of increasing U.S. population on our environment, our quality of life, and depletion of the planet’s resources.’ – (from SUSPS website)
And an organization called Zero Population Growth, that, having found ‘Zero’ not to be particularly constructive after 9-11, changed their name to Population Connection so as to ‘rally even more support for the kind of education and action that can – and must – change the world.’ Population Connection is an organization that wants ‘people everywhere’ to join their cause so that together they ‘can make the world better, safer, and less-crowded.’ (website)
Another organization directly linked to David Beamer’s adopted ideology of population control is the Scientists for Population Reduction, who state on their website, ‘Stress factors in human civilization have now reached maximal impact since 9/11 where we are witnessing a fundamental conflict between western materialism and eastern Islamic fundamentalism which was always going to happen and can never be resolved.’ (website)
For the anecdotal scientist who would be discriminate toward the laws of science, here is something to remember:
Due to the limitless possibilities of technological potential alone, it would be unlike our human nature to not find affiliation with an absolute value that identifies with our preservation.
And let us pray that it is for the Good Preservation of the Whole –and not for the Whole Preservation of the ‘Good’.
It will be also scientific, within This conviction, to Acknowledge the Existence of its Opposite’s…
And if that is not yet enough…
I recently found an article by Vincent Sammartino, entitled ‘9-11 Passenger List Oddity,’ on the LetsRoll911.org homepage. Sammartino writes:
‘The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with Social Security.’ In fact, it is a database and query for obtaining information on the names of deceased Americans. He continues, ‘It boasts an accuracy rate of about 83%...To check its reliability, I input the names of people I knew that had died in my family along with friends and neighbors…and with the exception of a cousin, I found everyone I was looking for.’
Searching for the 9-11 victims names in the registry, Sammartino writes that on Mr. Todd Beamer’s Flight 93, ‘of the 45 people who are listed as dying in this flight, only six are listed in the Social Security Death Index (13%).
The 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund was part of legislation ‘passed by Congress and signed into law by the President to provide compensation for economic and non-economic loss to individuals who were killed or physically injured as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001. The average payout for a death claim is about 2 million, ranging from $250,000 to over $7 million.’ (website)
*The website Flaunts that the ‘fund is designed to provide a No-Fault alterative to tort litigation’ for victims. So if a person were to ask, ‘Why didn't anyone ever sue the airlines?’ one could then rightfully respond, ‘You leftist fool! Because of the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund!’
Yet, of the 45 victims who are listed as dying on Flight 93, Mr. Sammartino writes, ‘none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list.’
Of course one could even shirk off the notion of considering any amount of money intended as compensation for the incommensurable price of human life- and thereby not accept the sum - - but it is the overwhelming evidence and substantiated logic that dictates: ‘The only victims of Flight 93 were you and I, carriers of the hoax.’
Be it my allegory, my mana, the encompassing light to which a shadow of doubt in this case cannot find shape…
That I do not find Mrs. Lisa Beamer odd -nor at all compelling- while she repeatedly made the rounds of the National Media Circuit drowning us with her story -like Jonah and the whale…
Nor did I find it awkward as she stood before the thunderous applause of Congress on September 20, 2001, with George Bush invoking her name and the name of her ‘tragic loss,’ that is equal in fable to ‘My Pet Goat,’ that the children read aloud to Mr. Bush on our mutually tragic day…
And furthermore to hear her Own words as she addressed a class of Seniors from her Alma Mater, Wheaton College, in October 2002, as her soul scattered and wisp Could Not hide haughtiness nor pleasure…
‘..God’s gonna only lead us as far as we obey him...and I just challenge myself to live in that daily walk of humility and of trust and Obedience, because...if Todd hadn't done That in his life - September 11th would have been a lot different than that and the way he responded to 9-11 would have looked a lot different..’
And it is Lisa’s Faith that I find Intriguing…
As sure as Anthony was an ‘angel’-
A tourniquet wound tight, that kept me from bleeding into the night – - that passed - - -
It is a ‘miracle’ - that Todd Beamer is alive and breathing at last…
please listen carefully to the full ‘Todd Beamer 91’ Memorial Service’ audio found at the Wheaton College link: http://www.wheaton.edu/wetn/alumniarchive.htm