SPEECH: 'Is the Rochester City School District Being Blackmailed?'
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I attempted to deliver the following Speech at the second of three so-called Public Hearings sponsored by the Rochester Board of Education's Community and Intergovernmental Relations Committee at James Madison High School on February 7, 2005. After the measly two-minute time limit was up --- President of the Board, Darryl Porter threatened to have me arrested for refusing to yield the podium. I want the public to know that I took those actions (not because I love breaking rules, or because I am disrespectful or inconsiderate of others, but instead because I wanted to make the point that it is absolutely ludicrous that so-called education leaders believe that it is appropriate to stipulate that a lousy two minutes is adequate time for parents and community members (their bosses) to express their thoughts,ideas and opinions regarding a topic as serious and profound as closing down schools. Let's ban together and force them to change the time limit to at least five, if not ten minutes.

Public Hearing on School Closings: Rochester City School District
Community and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
James Madison High School, February 7, 2005
By: Howard J. Eagle
I would like to point out a few glaring contradictions regarding the so-called rationale underlying this madness that you’re engaging in. First, as it relates to motivation and validity, the claim is that this whole scheme to close schools is based on declining enrollment, which is projected to continue in the future. In turn, the projection regarding the future is based on declining birthrate, which is in turn based on 5 year-old census data. Now everyone knows that African American and Hispanic people (whom represent the overwhelming majority of the District’s student population) are grossly undercounted in the census. If you want to find out whether or not African American and Hispanic people are having babies, you don’t look to the census. Not to mention the well established, decades old demographic pattern of substantial decreases, then 10 or 15 years later --- substantial increases in student population. Commissioner and Board President Darryl Porter and Henry Marini (the District’s Chief Financial Officer) were questioned about this well established pattern when they appeared on Bob Smith’s talk-radio show on January 27th, but they never did address the question. Next, we must question the integrity and possibly the legality of some things that are happening in this process. For example, a very serious issue is that there are representatives of construction companies (architects and engineers) acting as so-called advisors to the District’s Facilities staff. They are assisting in evaluating the physical condition of each building. These construction people claim that they are volunteering services for free, but I asked one of the construction crooks at an October 20th so-called public forum at Frederick Douglass – was his company really volunteering services out of the kindness of their hearts, or was it because his company expects to get a construction contract --- once the so-called facilities modernization process begins. He had the audacity to look me straight in the eyes, and tell me to my face --- "that’s the way it usually works." This sort of practice comes dangerously close to representing illegal kickbacks. The integrity of the process that the so-called School And Community Advisory Board utilized relative to their criteria is also being questioned by many, including Commissioner James Bowers (whom to his credit) speaking as a social scientist on the night that the Advisory Board presented its recommendations to the School Board, ripped their process to pieces, and pointed out several reasons why it can’t possibly be a legitimate or valid process. In spite of this, one Board member (whom in my view, can be very silly at times) had the intestinal fortitude to attempt justification of the phony, fundamentally flawed process. She commended the Advisory Board, and mentioned that their process was the same one used by a military unit that she is a part of, which caused me to think out loud: "Even after numerous reported satellite-sightings --- no wonder the military can’t find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." We also have to ask about expertise regarding so-called modernization of buildings, and so-called schools of the future. Do you really understand or care about what our children will need in the future in order to bring them legitimately into the 21st century and beyond, especially as it relates to technology? One little, but important example is that one man who served on the Advisory Board, and knows quite a bit about technology, pointed out that he could not believe a discussion the Advisory Board had about wiring buildings in order to make sure that they all have internet capability. He said that he kept telling the Committee "no, no, no," --- wiring is out. Internet is wireless in the future, and the future is now. So, we have to wonder how many other such fundamental mistakes or less expensive shortcuts will occur? Lastly, as it relates to expertise and so-called under-utilization of buildings --- it is not necessary for one to be an education leader to understand that if numerous buildings are currently under-utilized --- this means that many class-sizes are currently small. Yet, we still have massive academic failure across the District. So, what will happen when class-sizes necessarily increase (that is, even if one school is closed). The overall academic crisis is a lot more pervasive and profound than many people realize. We’re talking thousands of students who are not even close to having adequate, basic, reading, writing and math skills, which represents the foundation of all learning --- not to mention higher-order skills such as critical and analytical thinking, and the use of reasoning and logic. The real shame and crime is that narrow-minded, money hungry, so-called education leaders don’t even recognize and/or acknowledge the golden opportunity that current conditions offer relative to developing widespread, small school settings and small class-sizes, along with innovative, alternative ideas and approaches that could make a world of difference (socially, emotionally, and academically) for massive numbers of our students during their most critical, formative years, in which the foundation is laid. Of course the question will be raised, how would we pay for such measures? The answer is really quite simple: Rearrange your priorities! Redirect money from non-essential "services" and "play-ground" projects such as the fast ferry love boat; spooky, underground bus terminal; smelly zoo; Broad Street, suburban soccer stadium; urban boat-launching areas that go along with the new, downtown, luxurious condominiums-on-the-river, and many other areas of non-essential, wild, ludicrous spending. Oh, I almost forgot --- you probably should cut some salaries --- such as secretaries whose highest academic degree is a high school diploma making nearly $100,000 a year. So, what is this really all about? Is it about "blackmail"? This is not my term. It is the term that one of the School Board members used last year --- when the City cut the School District’s budget by $7 million, essentially because the District refused to close one additional school (that is, one in addition to Josh Lofton, which they did close last year). However, due to quick, effective organizing and resistance on the part of parents, educators and community --- the School Board knew better than to vote in favor of closing School #36. So, if it was "blackmail" when the City cut the District’s Budget for refusing to close one school --- what is it now --- when they want you to close (according to the D&C) up to five schools? How do you logically explain your newfound cooperation and collaboration --- if not conspiracy? Is it a matter of giving in to the crime of "blackmail"?