Decoding Da Dubya Code
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value (String, 17139 characters ) <div class="intro"> <p><strong>Revolutionaries...
<div class="intro"> <p><strong>Revolutionaries, reporters and film crews assembled on Friday morning for a "Press Conference and Anti-Inaugural Banquet." It was held near Howard University at Café Manowaj, a cool and funky hang-out run by a crew of radical South Africans. Steaming breakfast dishes (named for people’s heroes and historical highpoints) soon appeared. Indymedia and RW reporters tended to order Amandla eggs. The Fox-5 TV guy was all over the Paris Commune French Toast. (His footage of our red-flag-filled cowboy-hat stomping made the 5 o’clock news that night.)</strong></p> </div> <p><strong>Sunsara Taylor:</strong> Are there any born-agains in the house who are deep into biblical armageddon prophesies? No? In that case, I first need to first walk you all through my ‘Armageddon Crash Course for post-Enlightenment Thinkers’....</p> <p>At this very moment millions of people are being seduced into going for simple, good-versus-evil answers to the agonizing and growing complexities of the world. They are consumed with the coming Judgment Day, the return of Jesus, Armageddon, the Rapture.</p> <!--break-->  </p><h1>Decoding Da Dubya Code</h1><p /><p> </p><p id="issueinfo"><cite>Revolutionary Worker #1266</cite>, January<br /> 30, 2005, posted at</p><p /><p> </p><div class="intro"><br />   <p><strong>Revolutionaries, reporters and film crews assembled on<br />   Friday morning for a "Press Conference and Anti-Inaugural<br />   Banquet." It was held near Howard University at Café<br />   Manowaj, a cool and funky hang-out run by a crew of radical South<br />   Africans. Steaming breakfast dishes (named for people’s<br />   heroes and historical highpoints) soon appeared. Indymedia and RW<br />   reporters tended to order Amandla eggs. The Fox-5 TV guy was all<br />   over the Paris Commune French Toast. (His footage of our<br />   red-flag-filled cowboy-hat stomping made the 5 o’clock news<br />   that night.)</strong></p><br /> </div><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Sunsara Taylor:</strong> Are there any born-agains in the<br /> house who are deep into biblical armageddon prophesies? No? In that<br /> case, I first need to first walk you all through my ‘Armageddon<br /> Crash Course for post-Enlightenment Thinkers’....</p><p /><p> </p><p>At this very moment millions of people are being seduced into<br /> going for simple, good-versus-evil answers to the agonizing and<br /> growing complexities of the world. They are consumed with the coming<br /> Judgment Day, the return of Jesus, Armageddon, the Rapture.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Here’s the <cite>Revelations</cite> scenario rolling around<br /> in their heads: First, Israel finds peace and then the Rapture<br /> happens. God calls up his true believers and all those who are pure<br /> of heart—those 12 years old or younger. Cars pile up in huge<br /> crashes on the freeways as drivers are called up to heaven, airplanes<br /> plummet to the ground as the true-believing pilots<br /> disappear—there are black-outs and sheer havoc. The<br /> anti-christ, an internationalist talking world peace, rises through<br /> the United Nations. During the next seven terrible years of<br /> tribulation, punishment is meted out by a vengeful Jesus, the rivers<br /> will run six feet deep in blood, and people must be willing to fight<br /> and die for the Lord.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Okay, that’s the mindset of a good section of Bush’s<br /> audience. And knowing that, his speech was deliberately loaded up<br /> with lots of coded "End Times" language fashioned by his<br /> hotshot evangelical speechwriter, Michael Gerson—all designed<br /> to send the Armageddon addicts into orbit.</p><p /><p> </p><p>At the same time, the central thrust of Bush’s speech, and<br /> the clear message telegraphed to his imperial minders, cohorts and<br /> rivals—was an affirmation of the U.S. right and intention to<br /> rampage, to flex its "sole superpower" status and roll up<br /> the planet under its permanent domination (all cloaked in deceitful<br /> banalities: "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly<br /> depends on the success of liberty in other lands.")</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Then Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor took turns<br /> reading</strong></p><p /><p> </p><h3>"The Communist Guide to the Top Ten Lies and Armageddon<br /> References in George Bush’s Inaugural Speech"</h3><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie 10</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Scientifically, the word FIRE refers to combustion. But in the<br /> Bible, fire refers to the wrathful punishment of a vengeful God. When<br /> Bush said <em>"a day of fire,"</em> he meant 9/11, which<br /> many Christian fascists believe is punishment for American’s<br /> turning their backs on Jesus.</p><p /><p> </p><p>The reality is that 9/11 and the rise of the Islamic<br /> fundamentalists cannot be understood without Bob Avakian’s<br /> writings on the Enlightenment, the massive dislocations of<br /> globalization, and the loss of revolutionary China as a pole of<br /> attraction in the world.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #9</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Many people were confused to hear Bush talk so much about<br /> "freedom," some figured he was just straight-up lying.</p><p /><p> </p><p>But when he says <em>"Because we have acted in the great<br /> liberating tradition of this country, tens of millions have achieved<br /> their freedom,"</em> Bush is actually (believe it or not)<br /> referring to the never-ending U.S. conquest of Iraq, and telling the<br /> world to expect more of the same and worse! His global mission of<br /> "spreading freedom" is nothing more than the freedom of<br /> U.S. empire to further dominate the world.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Years ago, on Tom Snyder’s TV show, Bob Avakian pointed out<br /> that "If the exploiters are free to exploit, then the masses of<br /> people are not free to be free of that exploitation."</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #8</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>At the end of his speech, Bush speaks of <em>"liberty and the<br /> Author of Liberty."</em> The implication is that liberty is<br /> God’s will and its author is God.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Mainly Bush uses "freedom" as a stand-in for global<br /> configuring—but his use of vocabulary also allows evangelicals<br /> to hear a message that literally <em>sanctifies</em> American attacks<br /> in the world.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Listened to from this framework, the use of the word<br /> "freedom" 27 times and the use of "liberty" 15<br /> times give this global mission of George Bush a true crusader<br /> feel.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #7</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush said: "<em>From the day of our founding we have<br /> proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights and<br /> dignity and matchless value.</em>"</p><p /><p> </p><p>This, about a country that dragged Africans to its shores in slave<br /> chains? This, about a country that carried out systematic genocide<br /> against the Native inhabitants?</p><p /><p> </p><p>Did Condoleezza tutor him about this history? Does she know it<br /> herself?</p><p /><p> </p><p>In contrast, Bob Avakian has recently written his memoir, <em>From<br /> Ike to Mao and Beyond,</em>about what he learned from Black<br /> classmates in an integrated high school during the 1950s and by<br /> getting to know leaders of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. This<br /> played a critical role in his development as a revolutionary<br /> communist leader who has dug deeply into how revolution must and can<br /> uproot every last vestige of racism and national oppression.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #6</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush said in his speech: <em>"Americans, at our best, value<br /> the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even<br /> the unwanted have worth."</em></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush didn’t choose to speak openly about his plans to<br /> criminalize abortion and the doctors who perform them. But this<br /> deceitful talk of "valuing life," coupled with "the<br /> unwanted have worth" was clearly a set of codewords.</p><p /><p> </p><p>The day after his reelection, he called up a newly elected senator<br /> who believes in legally executing abortion providers, and said,<br /> "It’s time to get the job done."</p><p /><p> </p><p>Okay, in Bush’s twisted world, fetuses are holy persons and<br /> adult women are just incubators.</p><p /><p> </p><p>The Revolutionary Communist Party says, "Break the chains!<br /> Unleash the fury of women as a mighty force for revolution!"</p><p /><p> </p><p>In our new revolutionary society, women and men will develop new<br /> ways of relating with mutual respect and equality. And the impatience<br /> of women to tear up the old oppressive arrangements will actually be<br /> a positive factor that pushes the whole revolution forward until<br /> communism is achieved.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #5</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush said, <em>"Leaders of governments with long habits of<br /> control need to know: To serve your people you must learn to trust<br /> them."</em> Right. From the man who called the protests of<br /> millions worldwide against the Iraq invasion a "focus<br /> group."</p><p /><p> </p><p>Bob Avakian doesn’t huddle with advisors trying to<br /> manipulate or deceive the people. His approach is to put<br /> contradictions in the hands of more and more people, including the<br /> biggest questions of how to make revolution and how to run a society<br /> that the masses would actually want to live in. He leads the people<br /> to understand these contradictions and to help solve them.</p><p /><p> </p><p>He actually <em>does</em> trust the people and has confidence that<br /> with genuine communist leadership they can change the whole<br /> world.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #4</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush says, <em>"America’s vital interests and our<br /> deepest beliefs are now one."</em></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush is effectively saying he recognizes no separation between<br /> church and state.</p><p /><p> </p><p>For example, Bush’s faith-based initiative: They are pulling<br /> millions of dollars in government funding out of secular social<br /> service programs and pouring it almost exclusively into Christian<br /> organizations.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #3</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush says, <em>"Rights must be more than the grudging<br /> concessions of dictators; they are secured by free dissent and the<br /> participation of the governed..."</em></p><p /><p> </p><p>This, said at the most militarized inaugural address in history,<br /> where protesters were attacked, cordoned off, and even reactionary<br /> George Will said the whole affair looked like a banana republic under<br /> siege.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Bob Avakian understands that the proletariat must hold firmly on<br /> to state power once it is achieved, that it is not worth holding onto<br /> if it doesn’t just tolerate dissent, but foster it. Because<br /> even truths that bring to light negative things about the<br /> revolutionary vanguard can become part of what we need to learn to<br /> move society forward.</p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #2</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>We’re getting up there in our Top Ten, this is Number Two.<br /> We saved it till the end because it is such a BIG LIE. Throughout<br /> Bush’s speech dwells this HUGE LIE that has been with humanity<br /> for thousands of years, causing untold slaughter and suffering, the<br /> lie used by all of the biggest tyrants in the world. That lie is<br /> GOD.</p><p /><p> </p><p>The Truth: GOD DOES NOT EXIST.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Chairman Avakian has said it is time to quit praying to things<br /> that don’t exist and time to be liberating our minds and moving<br /> to end oppression the only way it can be done—by fighting<br /> it.</p><p /><p> </p><p><em>Finally, let’s have a drumroll here for the Number One<br /> lie from Bush’s speech!</em></p><p /><p> </p><p><strong>Lie #1</strong></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bush said: <em>"After the shipwreck of<br /> communism..."</em></p><p /><p> </p><p>It is now supposed to be an assumed and accepted fact that<br /> communism was a failure—and that any hopes of a radically<br /> different and liberated alternative to capitalism are a false<br /> hope.</p><p /><p> </p><p>But, in fact, communism was no shipwreck!</p><p /><p> </p><p>The actual history of socialist society puts to shame Bush’s<br /> mangling of the truth, and his smirking declaration that no society<br /> greater than the U.S. has ever existed. <em lang="fr" xml:lang="<br"> "fr">Au contraire!</em></p><p /><p> </p><p>Bursting through the cracks of the 20th-century lumbering<br /> imperialist death machine, the workers and peasants in Russia in 1917<br /> and in China in 1949 made revolution and accomplished amazing things.<br /> They went from unspeakable poverty and misery to becoming the people<br /> who, for the first time in history, started to consciously transform<br /> society and themselves.</p><p /><p> </p><p>During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, workers,<br /> peasants and students were called upon by Mao Tsetung to struggle to<br /> keep China on the road to a classless communist world. They<br /> criticized those leaders who were trying to take things back to the<br /> old society. They debated philosophy, political economy, and world<br /> affairs. They got involved in the running of factories, hospitals and<br /> schools.</p><p /><p> </p><p>In the end, the communist revolutions of the Soviet Union and<br /> China were overturned. How should we sum this up?</p><p /><p> </p><p>Bob Avakian looks at these socialist experiences of the last 100<br /> years, and sees a great start! But, he says, we can do much better<br /> and soar much higher.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Standing on the accomplishments of these great chapters in human<br /> history, and fearlessly examining the grievous aspects of these<br /> revolutions, Bob Avakian has re-envisioned what it will take to get<br /> to a communist world, and even what that classless society could look<br /> like.</p><p /><p> </p><p>Avakian’s approach combines the need for firm revolutionary<br /> leadership to hold onto power with involving more and more people in<br /> the process of exercising that power. It includes unleashing ferment,<br /> giving expression to the diversity in society as opposed to people<br /> being regimented and saluting an "official ideology." He is<br /> about moving society and the world to the point where there is no<br /> longer a need for a government of any kind; where the people<br /> consciously and voluntarily transform themselves and the world.</p><p /><p> </p><p>For all the real and monumental dangers that Bush concentrates,<br /> the same global shifts and changes that are driving Bush to his<br /> extremes are also bringing the possibility of Bob Avakian’s<br /> liberating future more sharply into focus. These two futures are<br /> colliding. If people come to know about Bob Avakian and throw<br /> everything they have into this battle for the future (for indeed,<br /> everything is at stake!) then some day folks will look back and be<br /> able to speak with <em>profound truth</em> and <em>profound joy</em><br /> about the "shipwreck of capitalism."</p><p /><p> </p><div class="footer"><br />   <hr /><p /><p>   </p><p>This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary<br />   Worker Online<br /><br />   <a href="<a%20href="></a>" title=<br />   "Revolutionary Worker"></a /><br /><br />   Write: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654<br /><br />   Phone: 773-227-4066 Fax: 773-227-4497</p><br /> </div><br /><br /><br /><p />
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 17576 characters ) <div class="intro"> <p><strong>Revolutionaries,...
<div class="intro"> <p><strong>Revolutionaries, reporters and film crews assembled on<br /> Friday morning for a "Press Conference and Anti-Inaugural<br /> Banquet." It was held near Howard University at Café<br /> Manowaj, a cool and funky hang-out run by a crew of radical South<br /> Africans. Steaming breakfast dishes (named for people’s<br /> heroes and historical highpoints) soon appeared. Indymedia and RW<br /> reporters tended to order Amandla eggs. The Fox-5 TV guy was all<br /> over the Paris Commune French Toast. (His footage of our<br /> red-flag-filled cowboy-hat stomping made the 5 o’clock news<br /> that night.)</strong></p> </div> <p><strong>Sunsara Taylor:</strong> Are there any born-agains in the<br /> house who are deep into biblical armageddon prophesies? No? In that<br /> case, I first need to first walk you all through my ‘Armageddon<br /> Crash Course for post-Enlightenment Thinkers’....</p> <p>At this very moment millions of people are being seduced into<br /> going for simple, good-versus-evil answers to the agonizing and<br /> growing complexities of the world. They are consumed with the coming<br /> Judgment Day, the return of Jesus, Armageddon, the Rapture.</p> <!--break--><p> </p> <h1>Decoding Da Dubya Code</h1> <p></p> <p> </p> <p id="issueinfo"><cite>Revolutionary Worker #1266</cite>, January<br /> 30, 2005, posted at</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <div class="intro">   <p><strong>Revolutionaries, reporters and film crews assembled on<br />   Friday morning for a "Press Conference and Anti-Inaugural<br />   Banquet." It was held near Howard University at Café<br />   Manowaj, a cool and funky hang-out run by a crew of radical South<br />   Africans. Steaming breakfast dishes (named for people’s<br />   heroes and historical highpoints) soon appeared. Indymedia and RW<br />   reporters tended to order Amandla eggs. The Fox-5 TV guy was all<br />   over the Paris Commune French Toast. (His footage of our<br />   red-flag-filled cowboy-hat stomping made the 5 o’clock news<br />   that night.)</strong></p> <p> </p></div> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Sunsara Taylor:</strong> Are there any born-agains in the<br /> house who are deep into biblical armageddon prophesies? No? In that<br /> case, I first need to first walk you all through my ‘Armageddon<br /> Crash Course for post-Enlightenment Thinkers’....</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>At this very moment millions of people are being seduced into<br /> going for simple, good-versus-evil answers to the agonizing and<br /> growing complexities of the world. They are consumed with the coming<br /> Judgment Day, the return of Jesus, Armageddon, the Rapture.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Here’s the <cite>Revelations</cite> scenario rolling around<br /> in their heads: First, Israel finds peace and then the Rapture<br /> happens. God calls up his true believers and all those who are pure<br /> of heart—those 12 years old or younger. Cars pile up in huge<br /> crashes on the freeways as drivers are called up to heaven, airplanes<br /> plummet to the ground as the true-believing pilots<br /> disappear—there are black-outs and sheer havoc. The<br /> anti-christ, an internationalist talking world peace, rises through<br /> the United Nations. During the next seven terrible years of<br /> tribulation, punishment is meted out by a vengeful Jesus, the rivers<br /> will run six feet deep in blood, and people must be willing to fight<br /> and die for the Lord.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Okay, that’s the mindset of a good section of Bush’s<br /> audience. And knowing that, his speech was deliberately loaded up<br /> with lots of coded "End Times" language fashioned by his<br /> hotshot evangelical speechwriter, Michael Gerson—all designed<br /> to send the Armageddon addicts into orbit.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>At the same time, the central thrust of Bush’s speech, and<br /> the clear message telegraphed to his imperial minders, cohorts and<br /> rivals—was an affirmation of the U.S. right and intention to<br /> rampage, to flex its "sole superpower" status and roll up<br /> the planet under its permanent domination (all cloaked in deceitful<br /> banalities: "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly<br /> depends on the success of liberty in other lands.")</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Then Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor took turns<br /> reading</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <h3>"The Communist Guide to the Top Ten Lies and Armageddon<br /> References in George Bush’s Inaugural Speech"</h3> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie 10</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Scientifically, the word FIRE refers to combustion. But in the<br /> Bible, fire refers to the wrathful punishment of a vengeful God. When<br /> Bush said <em>"a day of fire,"</em> he meant 9/11, which<br /> many Christian fascists believe is punishment for American’s<br /> turning their backs on Jesus.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>The reality is that 9/11 and the rise of the Islamic<br /> fundamentalists cannot be understood without Bob Avakian’s<br /> writings on the Enlightenment, the massive dislocations of<br /> globalization, and the loss of revolutionary China as a pole of<br /> attraction in the world.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #9</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Many people were confused to hear Bush talk so much about<br /> "freedom," some figured he was just straight-up lying.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>But when he says <em>"Because we have acted in the great<br /> liberating tradition of this country, tens of millions have achieved<br /> their freedom,"</em> Bush is actually (believe it or not)<br /> referring to the never-ending U.S. conquest of Iraq, and telling the<br /> world to expect more of the same and worse! His global mission of<br /> "spreading freedom" is nothing more than the freedom of<br /> U.S. empire to further dominate the world.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Years ago, on Tom Snyder’s TV show, Bob Avakian pointed out<br /> that "If the exploiters are free to exploit, then the masses of<br /> people are not free to be free of that exploitation."</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #8</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>At the end of his speech, Bush speaks of <em>"liberty and the<br /> Author of Liberty."</em> The implication is that liberty is<br /> God’s will and its author is God.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Mainly Bush uses "freedom" as a stand-in for global<br /> configuring—but his use of vocabulary also allows evangelicals<br /> to hear a message that literally <em>sanctifies</em> American attacks<br /> in the world.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Listened to from this framework, the use of the word<br /> "freedom" 27 times and the use of "liberty" 15<br /> times give this global mission of George Bush a true crusader<br /> feel.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #7</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush said: "<em>From the day of our founding we have<br /> proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights and<br /> dignity and matchless value.</em>"</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>This, about a country that dragged Africans to its shores in slave<br /> chains? This, about a country that carried out systematic genocide<br /> against the Native inhabitants?</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Did Condoleezza tutor him about this history? Does she know it<br /> herself?</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>In contrast, Bob Avakian has recently written his memoir, <em>From<br /> Ike to Mao and Beyond,</em>about what he learned from Black<br /> classmates in an integrated high school during the 1950s and by<br /> getting to know leaders of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. This<br /> played a critical role in his development as a revolutionary<br /> communist leader who has dug deeply into how revolution must and can<br /> uproot every last vestige of racism and national oppression.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #6</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush said in his speech: <em>"Americans, at our best, value<br /> the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even<br /> the unwanted have worth."</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush didn’t choose to speak openly about his plans to<br /> criminalize abortion and the doctors who perform them. But this<br /> deceitful talk of "valuing life," coupled with "the<br /> unwanted have worth" was clearly a set of codewords.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>The day after his reelection, he called up a newly elected senator<br /> who believes in legally executing abortion providers, and said,<br /> "It’s time to get the job done."</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Okay, in Bush’s twisted world, fetuses are holy persons and<br /> adult women are just incubators.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>The Revolutionary Communist Party says, "Break the chains!<br /> Unleash the fury of women as a mighty force for revolution!"</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>In our new revolutionary society, women and men will develop new<br /> ways of relating with mutual respect and equality. And the impatience<br /> of women to tear up the old oppressive arrangements will actually be<br /> a positive factor that pushes the whole revolution forward until<br /> communism is achieved.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #5</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush said, <em>"Leaders of governments with long habits of<br /> control need to know: To serve your people you must learn to trust<br /> them."</em> Right. From the man who called the protests of<br /> millions worldwide against the Iraq invasion a "focus<br /> group."</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bob Avakian doesn’t huddle with advisors trying to<br /> manipulate or deceive the people. His approach is to put<br /> contradictions in the hands of more and more people, including the<br /> biggest questions of how to make revolution and how to run a society<br /> that the masses would actually want to live in. He leads the people<br /> to understand these contradictions and to help solve them.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>He actually <em>does</em> trust the people and has confidence that<br /> with genuine communist leadership they can change the whole<br /> world.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #4</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush says, <em>"America’s vital interests and our<br /> deepest beliefs are now one."</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush is effectively saying he recognizes no separation between<br /> church and state.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>For example, Bush’s faith-based initiative: They are pulling<br /> millions of dollars in government funding out of secular social<br /> service programs and pouring it almost exclusively into Christian<br /> organizations.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #3</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush says, <em>"Rights must be more than the grudging<br /> concessions of dictators; they are secured by free dissent and the<br /> participation of the governed..."</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>This, said at the most militarized inaugural address in history,<br /> where protesters were attacked, cordoned off, and even reactionary<br /> George Will said the whole affair looked like a banana republic under<br /> siege.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bob Avakian understands that the proletariat must hold firmly on<br /> to state power once it is achieved, that it is not worth holding onto<br /> if it doesn’t just tolerate dissent, but foster it. Because<br /> even truths that bring to light negative things about the<br /> revolutionary vanguard can become part of what we need to learn to<br /> move society forward.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #2</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>We’re getting up there in our Top Ten, this is Number Two.<br /> We saved it till the end because it is such a BIG LIE. Throughout<br /> Bush’s speech dwells this HUGE LIE that has been with humanity<br /> for thousands of years, causing untold slaughter and suffering, the<br /> lie used by all of the biggest tyrants in the world. That lie is<br /> GOD.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>The Truth: GOD DOES NOT EXIST.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Chairman Avakian has said it is time to quit praying to things<br /> that don’t exist and time to be liberating our minds and moving<br /> to end oppression the only way it can be done—by fighting<br /> it.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Finally, let’s have a drumroll here for the Number One<br /> lie from Bush’s speech!</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Lie #1</strong></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bush said: <em>"After the shipwreck of<br /> communism..."</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>It is now supposed to be an assumed and accepted fact that<br /> communism was a failure—and that any hopes of a radically<br /> different and liberated alternative to capitalism are a false<br /> hope.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>But, in fact, communism was no shipwreck!</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>The actual history of socialist society puts to shame Bush’s<br /> mangling of the truth, and his smirking declaration that no society<br /> greater than the U.S. has ever existed. <em lang="fr" xml:lang="<br" xml:lang="fr"> "fr">Au contraire!</em></p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bursting through the cracks of the 20th-century lumbering<br /> imperialist death machine, the workers and peasants in Russia in 1917<br /> and in China in 1949 made revolution and accomplished amazing things.<br /> They went from unspeakable poverty and misery to becoming the people<br /> who, for the first time in history, started to consciously transform<br /> society and themselves.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, workers,<br /> peasants and students were called upon by Mao Tsetung to struggle to<br /> keep China on the road to a classless communist world. They<br /> criticized those leaders who were trying to take things back to the<br /> old society. They debated philosophy, political economy, and world<br /> affairs. They got involved in the running of factories, hospitals and<br /> schools.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>In the end, the communist revolutions of the Soviet Union and<br /> China were overturned. How should we sum this up?</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Bob Avakian looks at these socialist experiences of the last 100<br /> years, and sees a great start! But, he says, we can do much better<br /> and soar much higher.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Standing on the accomplishments of these great chapters in human<br /> history, and fearlessly examining the grievous aspects of these<br /> revolutions, Bob Avakian has re-envisioned what it will take to get<br /> to a communist world, and even what that classless society could look<br /> like.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>Avakian’s approach combines the need for firm revolutionary<br /> leadership to hold onto power with involving more and more people in<br /> the process of exercising that power. It includes unleashing ferment,<br /> giving expression to the diversity in society as opposed to people<br /> being regimented and saluting an "official ideology." He is<br /> about moving society and the world to the point where there is no<br /> longer a need for a government of any kind; where the people<br /> consciously and voluntarily transform themselves and the world.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>For all the real and monumental dangers that Bush concentrates,<br /> the same global shifts and changes that are driving Bush to his<br /> extremes are also bringing the possibility of Bob Avakian’s<br /> liberating future more sharply into focus. These two futures are<br /> colliding. If people come to know about Bob Avakian and throw<br /> everything they have into this battle for the future (for indeed,<br /> everything is at stake!) then some day folks will look back and be<br /> able to speak with <em>profound truth</em> and <em>profound joy</em><br /> about the "shipwreck of capitalism."</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <div class="footer">   <br /> <hr /> <p></p> <p>   </p> <p>This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary<br />   Worker Online</p> <p>   <a href="<a%20href="></a>" title=<br />   "Revolutionary Worker"><a href=""></a>/></p> <p>   Write: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654</p> <p>   Phone: 773-227-4066 Fax: 773-227-4497</p> <p> </p></div> <p> </p><p></p>
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