The Chris Powers Activist Calender- Nov. 20
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Table of Contents:
1. Video Games and Violence forum: SUNY Brockport on Wed. Nov. 20
2. Voices of the Excluded: Farm workers Speak! SUNY Brockport on Wed. Nov. 20
3. Energy experts: Rochester on Thurs. Nov. 21
4. War Toys Demonstration: Sat. Nov. 23 in Rochester
5. Meeting on future focus of the Monroe County Greens: Mon., Nov. 25
6. March against poverty & Thanksgiving food baskets: Wed. Nov. 26 in Roch.
7. Kodak pollution: Call-In Week
8. Rochester Alliance for Christian Alternatives vigil: Sun. Nov. 24
9. Hope and Hot Chocolateby Foof Not Bombs
10. CD called "No Space Wars: Songs for Peace in Space"
11. Pentagon's new Office of Information Awareness
12. MASS DEMONSTRATION in Washington DC on January 18-19, 2003
If anyone can help to hand out anti-war fliers before the Ani DiFranco concert, come join a few members of Metro Justice from 7 until 8 PM in front of the Auditorium Theatre on East Main Street on Wed., Nov. 20
Video Games & Violence Forum from 4 pm until 6 PM at SUNY College at Brockport’s
Seymour College Union Ballroom East
Voices of the Excluded: Farm workers Speak!
Forum and Discussion on the Plight of New York’s
Wednesday, November 20th
7:00 p.m.
SUNY Brockport
Seymour Union Room 220
Sponsored by:
The Independent Farmworkers Center - CITA
Rural and Migrant Ministry
SUNY Brockport Newman Center
Brockport Migrant Education
November 21st, 7:15 pm, Third Presbyterian Church, corner of Meigs & East Ave.
With rising energy costs and a lean financial outlook, it is more important than
ever to get a handle on your energy consumption. On November 21st, the
Rochester Regional Group of the Sierra Club is sponsoring a timely program on
conserving energy and making your home energy efficient.
Two experts will help you seize control of your energy usage and find state
sponsored programs to help you save money. Bill LaBine- Local energy
conservation expert will speak about what can be done around the house. Bill
has converted his old colonial home in Avon into a super efficient solar powered
house. He will have literature on products available for any size energy
project. Will Poppe- Our local NYSERDA
representative will speak about NY State grants and energy conservation
This program is free and open to the public. Find out more at the Rochester
Regional Group of the Sierra Club's Energy Page:
Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace will host a War Toys Demonstration on Saturday, November 23, from 11-12 at Marketplace Mall. We will gather to act as witnesses for peace by encouraging shoppers to get toys during this holiday season which don't encourage violence, militarism, and war.
Please join us on the southwest corner of Jefferson Road and Hylan Drive, near the pond and the Marketplace "monolith."
For further information, contact:
Judi Salsburg, 292-3275,
Dr. Arnold Matlin,
Hank Stone,
Monday, November 25th at 7pm at Rocket Cafe (171 Monroe Ave) the Green Party of Monroe County will be getting together to continue our discussion from the last monthly
meeting; mainly, what should the future focus of the local Greens be?
A Seat At The Table For EVERYBODY
Poverty is the leading cause of violence. Participate with members of your community for a march to join the ongoing discussion on poverty and violence in our society.
Wednesday, November 27th at 10:30am
Start at the Monroe County Building, 39 W. Main St.
Finish at Rochester City Hall, 30 Church St.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets will be given to those in need at City Hall after the march.
For information on receiving a food basket, participating or donating food, supermarket gift cards or money call 719-8842 or 802-8941.
Or e-mail
Sponsored by: Plowing the Way To God Ministry, Green Party of Monroe County, Metro Justice and more groups TBA.
More information will be forthcoming.
Dave Atias
Green Party of Monroe County
Action Alert - Kodak Call-In Week
This week, students at schools all across New York State are organizing call-in events on their campuses, calling on Kodak to be a world-class leader in clean production. Spearheaded by Grassroots, an environmental organization at the University of Rochester, students are organizing call-in events at the University of Rochester, Skidmore College, Ithaca College,
SUNY New Paltz, Buffalo State College, SUNY Binghamton, and SUNY Brockport.
Kodak has a long history of environmental violations, contamination of the Rochester community, dumping of hazardous wastes in Kodak Park, and advocacy for the weakening of environmental regulations. Kodak is New York's #1 manufacturing polluter and one of the nation's largest emitters of carcinogens.
Please take a minute and work for a clean environment by calling Kodak today.
You can call 1-800-242-2424, dial 0 for the operator, and ask to be transferred to Barb Lighthouse, assistant to CEO Daniel Carp. Or you can call her directly at 585-588-9050. If that number is not working you can talk to someone at Kodak's environmental concerns line at 585-477-4500.
Here is what you can say.
"Hi my name is _______, and I am calling to express my deep concern about Kodak's poor environmental record at Kodak Park. Kodak's decades of pollution has earned Kodak the notorious distinction as being New York's #1 manufacturing polluter and emitter of recognized carcinogens to air and
water. For these reasons I am joining thousands of others in asking Kodak to reduce your emissions for a clean and safe Rochester community. This begins with phasing out your dioxin spewing incinerators and the development of clean alternative technologies.
Thank-you for your time and please consider how Kodak can be a responsible and accountable member of the Rochester community."
For more information check out the Kodak campaign website at or write to
The Rochester Alliance for Christian Alternatives (RACA)
invites all people of conscience to gather for a public, prayerful
Thanksgiving vigil at:
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 24
in front of the Federal Building
100 State Street, Rochester, NY
- To give thanks for our many blessings
- To reflect, in a spirit of penitence, on the ways our country has
contributed to the lack of peace in our world
- To ask for healing
- To pray for peace
For further information, please contact:
Peter Carman, Pastor of Lake Ave. Baptist Church (458-5765)
Ruth Putnam, Works of Love Program Coordinator, Roman Catholic Diocese of
Rochester (328-3228 x366)
Jim Blake (742-1292)
Sponsored by RACA - the Rochester Alliance for Christian Alternatives
*We need help making phone calls to people about this event:
These two nights, Thursday, Nov. 21st & Friday, Nov 22nd
and all day Saturday, Nov. 23rd.
If you can help, please give me a call sometime before then. 414-4274
Please, spread the word. Flyer everywhere and anywhere.
Rochester Food Not Bombs & Awaken Now! present: HOPE & HOT CHOCOLATE
Contacts: Awaken Now // Clyde LeFevre // 888-4-Awaken // //
Rochester Food Not Bombs // Andrew Stankevich // (585) 342.6851 // //
Awaken Now and Rochester Food Not Bombs will be giving out free cups of hot cocoa to harried downtown people on 11/20 & 11/27 from noon to 1pm. On 11/20, Hope and Hot Cocoa will happen at the corner of Chestnut & Court St; on 11/27, Hope and Hot Cocoa will happen at Main and S. Clinton.
Clyde LeFevre, regionally recognized inspirational author and speaker, will have printed cocoa cups with original inspirational messages. Rochester Food Not Bombs is a local food cupboard and free meal program that specializes in distributing groceries and free meals in public settings. Come join us in bringing holiday inspiration, support, HOPE AND HOT CHOCOLATE!
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Why not give a friends or a loved one the gift of the Global Network's new CD called "No Space Wars: Songs for Peace in Space" for the holidays?
This new 13-song CD features the following artists: Holly Gwinn Graham (Olympia, WA), Tom Cobb (Bedford, MA), Joel Landy (New York City), Lynda Williams (Sebastopol, CA), Waterbound (Kodiak, Alaska), Tom Neilson (Leverett, MA), and Hugh Blumenfeld (Coventry, CT).
The CD sells for $12 (includes S/H) and promises to deliver a powerful message with great music and great lyrics. Send your order to the address below or pay on-line via the DONATE NOW! button on the Global Network's web site.
You will love the music and help the Global Network take on the corporate aerospace industry at the same time. Now that's a good deal!
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL 32607
(352) 337-9274
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1. Stop the Pentagon plan to invade our privacy!
In the past few days, press reports have revealed that a little-known Defense
Department office has begun developing a computer system that would provide
officials with the ability to snoop into all aspects of our private lives
without a search warrant or proof of criminal wrongdoing.
The Pentagon's new Office of Information Awareness is building a system called
“Total Information Awareness” that would effectively provide government
officials with immediate access to our personal information: all of our
communications (phone calls, emails and web searches), financial records,
purchases, prescriptions, school records, medical records and travel history.
Under this program, our entire lives would be catalogued and available to
government officials.
We have a real opportunity to stop this plan’s overwhelming invasion of privacy
before it is goes any further. To learn more about this initiative and what you
can do to defend your right to privacy, please click here:
Help Strengthen the ACLU's Voice in Congress...
Click Below to Become a Card-Carrying Member today!
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Action Updates, click
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Tens of thousands will converge in Washington DC
January 18-19, 2003
and the Convening of the GRASSROOTS PEACE CONGRESS
For the initial list of endorsers and initiators, go
When Congress rejects the will of the people, the
people must act themselves. Congress has
rubber-stamped Bush's criminal war that seeks to
conquer the oil, land and resources of the Middle
East. Bush and Congress have shown that they represent
the interests of Corporate America rather than the
people of the United States.
A people's movement is growing to stop them. On
January 18 and 19 tens of thousands of people will
participate in mass protest activities on the Martin
Luther King Jr. anniversary weekend.
Dr. King publicly condemned the U.S. war in Vietnam,
providing a powerful connection between the civil
rights movement and the anti-war movement. In his
"Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in 1967,
he stated, "The greatest purveyor of violence in the
world today [is] my own government. . . [F]or the sake
of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our
violence, I cannot be silent."
Dr. King believed that it was impossible to
successfully wage a war on poverty at home while
waging a war of aggression in Vietnam. The same can be
said today about George W. Bush's global war drive.
Social programs and services are being looted as Bush
and Congress provide record-breaking sums for weapons
of mass destruction and war. Bush has signed into law
Congress's new defense budget that transfers a billion
dollars a day from the people into the hands of the
military-industrial complex.
The thousands who are coming to Washington, D.C.,
honor Dr. King and his legacy by opposing a criminal
war in Iraq -- this time not in Vietnam, but in the
Middle East -- and by demanding instead that these
hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for war
instead be spent on jobs, education, housing, health
care and to meet human needs.
The grassroots Peace Congress will be comprised of
delegations from all communities who are coming
together in the streets and in a People's Congress to
forge the opposition necessary to stop the Bush
Administration's war drive: labor, students and youth,
fighters for civil rights and women's rights, the LGBT
community and people of faith.
Join with others around the country by bringing a
diverse delegation from your community to participate
in the January 18 mass march and the January 19th
People's Congress.
To ENDORSE the January 18-19 Mass Actions in DC, fill
out the easy-to-use form at:
(if this link does not take you directly to the form,
please scroll down)
If you plan to ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION from your area
to be in DC January 18-19, fill out the form at:
(if this link does not take you directly to the form,
please scroll down)
*** Register your opposition to the war at ***