Debunking Confusion: A Message To Lloyd & Namiko Hart
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Debunking Confusion: A Message To Lloyd & Namiko Hart
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value (String, 9322 characters ) Any attempt to equate voter fraud and recent di...
Any attempt to equate voter fraud and recent disenfranchisement relative to the U.S. electoral process with centuries of pain, suffering, ongoing discrimination, exploitation, and general mistreatment of the black, U.S. population --- must be dismissed as literally equal to comparing an ant to an elephant. There really is no comparison at all! <!--break--> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>From the outset, I want to state that the purpose of this article is not to scold or chastise. Instead, it is to help provide context and clarity regarding a critical, historic, condition, which we must never allow to be distorted, down played, glossed over, or otherwise misrepresented. Namely the historic issue and condition is the Black Diaspora.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>'We're All Black Now' (IndyMedia Commentary, 08 Jan. 2005, see below) is most disturbing. The authors apparently believe that any anti-Bush voter, that is, any person who voted against George W. Bush in the latest Presidential Election --- can be or has somehow been automatically or magically transformed into a state of being, in which they are now part of the historic, collective, Black Experience. This cannot possibly be true, particularly where white "Americans" are concerned. It is not my intent to insult the authors, but I must say that their ideas (as expressed in the above referenced article) are predicated on very distorted "logic" and "reasoning," and reflect potential, chronic confusion.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>The overwhelming majority of white persons in particular, born and raised in the U.S. of A., can barely imagine (much less relate to)Â the daily realities and experiences of the black masses. With regard to the collective Black Experience, in order to have any type of genuine understanding, and certainly in order to be a part of it --- it is necessary to have felt the "lash" of racism, which has existed in every major institution and aspect of life since the origins of U.S. society. Nearly 400 years of chattel slavery, and all of its incidental residue has been so damaging that the entire black U.S. populace continues to suffer (in varying degrees) from post traumatic slavery disorder (psychological damage and dysfunction that has been, and still is being passed down through generations). </strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Thus, (as bad and as undemocratic as it is) --- any attempt to equate disenfranchisement "from the electoral process in [the un-United States of] America" to being black --- can be likened to comparing a person who is suffering from illness caused by a common cold --- to one who is suffering due to having had nine or ten heart transplants. The difference is so great that legitimate comparison is thoroughly impossible. If the title and conclusion of the article were intended as being metaphoric, then, to say that this is in poor taste, would be the understatement of the Century.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Imagine what the reaction would be if someone attempted to compare the impact and effects of voter fraud to the impact and effects of the Jewish Holocaust. All of America and the world needs to recognize and/or admit (once and for all) that African peoples also survived a Holocaust, which was and is in some respects worst than the Jewish Experience. Like the Jewish Holocaust, the Black Experience/Diaspora is one of the most outstanding and horrific historical events of the so-called modern, "civilized" world. Also like Jews, Africans (Blacks) must never allow anyone or anything (unintentional or not) to cheapen the impact and ongoing effects of our historic, collective Experience. No, Lloyd and Namiko ---Â "we're [not] all black now" --- nor will we "all" ever be black.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>If so desired, please feel free to contact me (at the e-mail address above)Â for further discussion.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Sincerely,</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Howard J. Eagle</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong></strong></font></p><font size="1"><font size="2"></font></font><font size="1"></font><p align="justify"><strong><font size="1"></font></strong></p><blockquote dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><div align="left"><font face="Arial" size="1"><strong></strong></font></div></blockquote><div align="left"><font face="Arial" color="#0066ff" size="1"><strong>We're All Black Now! <br /><br />By Lloyd & Namiko Hart <br /><br />Now that Electronic Jim-Crow has officially stolen the 2004 presidential and congressional elections it can be officially declared that the South has finally won the civil war. It took a 150 years for the proslavery, segregationist, white supremacist movement in America to accomplish the task but they finally did it. <br /><br />With the entrenchment of the Right wing sponsored unverifiable touchscreen electronic voting system as well as with the Trident, Diebold and E&SS controlled optical scanner and punch card electronic counting systems primarily in the southern states, but not exluding Ohio, the Dixiecrats' that split from the Democratic Party when the Democratic Party went pro civil rights and that took over the Republican Party can finally claim victory in the civil war that really began in the American Revolution when rich propertied slave owning white men chose not to include the freeing of the black slave and not granting the vote to women in that so-called revolution. <br /><br />Yes, we're all black now. Disenfranchised from the electoral process in America and soon to be purged from public life altogether. The great irony is that rich propertied white men in the U.S. Senate got to vote on January 6, 2005 to not only hand the South and it's white supremacist leadership the victory in the civil war but also provide them with a well organized fascist dictatorship as the crowning achievement of the complete and total subversion of American democracy. <br /><br />America has come full circle from resisting to finally accepting the madness of King George. When the war criminal George Walker Bush is sworn in on January 20th. 2005 American democracy will be replaced by lineage despotism. <br /><br />In the coming years we will see the slow but sure process, a kind of final solution purge of our entire society of any enlightened thinking whatsoever. And of course the first target the right wing has chosen is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her fund-raising apparatus. Not that I'm a great Senator Clinton fan but it is an important object lesson that the right wing view centrists like Clinton as a threat to preventing them from for instance, raiding the Social Security Trust Fund to bailout the drunken cocaine snorting capitalists on Wall Street and in conglomerate banking that have squandered away a perfectly healthy technological revolution in the stock market in exchange for total petroleum supremacy worldwide. In other words Congress by indictment. <br /><br />I do have hand it to those Democrats (Even though it was Democrats lack of resistance to the right wing that put us where we are today) who did stand up and object to the electoral votes from Ohio in the congress for the simple fact that they provided very useful videotape to uncensored media outlets outside the United States that now get to back up all of their U.S. election theft investigative reporting with actual elected leaders in the Senate and House documenting how the election was stolen by George W. Bush and the criminal regime of which he is the titular though lead poisoned head. The international community are important to our struggle here in the U.S. for they provide important needed resistance to the "Crazy Nuclear Armed American" image the right wing love to put out there. <br /><br />"How can America promote democracy abroad when it has none on it's own shores!" <br /><br />The way forward. <br /><br />When you have no electoral option left to you the only way forward for enlightened thinking Americans is massive non-violent civil disobedience in absolute noncooperation with the destruction of the social and environmental contract that was under construction by the American public however meager it was. <br /><br />The American public must go out into the public streets, sit down, block traffic and chant "No elections? No Peace!" <br /><br />The American public must also join the Peace Movement in America and around the world in non-violent civil disobedience demanding an end to the very reason the elections were stolen in the first place, WAR. <br /><br />In doing so the American public can repair the damage that 200 years of Yankee imperialism has caused to the world and begin the process of bringing the social and environmental ideals of the American middle-class to the rest of the world through negotiation, discussion, compassion and the universal love that binds all of humanity to all life on this planet. <br /><br />Yes we're all black now!</strong></font></div>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 9189 characters ) <p>Any attempt to equate voter fraud and recent...
<p>Any attempt to equate voter fraud and recent disenfranchisement relative to the U.S. electoral process with centuries of pain, suffering, ongoing discrimination, exploitation, and general mistreatment of the black, U.S. population --- must be dismissed as literally equal to comparing an ant to an elephant. There really is no comparison at all!</p> <!--break--><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>From the outset, I want to state that the purpose of this article is not to scold or chastise. Instead, it is to help provide context and clarity regarding a critical, historic, condition, which we must never allow to be distorted, down played, glossed over, or otherwise misrepresented. Namely the historic issue and condition is the Black Diaspora.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>'We're All Black Now' (IndyMedia Commentary, 08 Jan. 2005, see below) is most disturbing. The authors apparently believe that any anti-Bush voter, that is, any person who voted against George W. Bush in the latest Presidential Election --- can be or has somehow been automatically or magically transformed into a state of being, in which they are now part of the historic, collective, Black Experience. This cannot possibly be true, particularly where white "Americans" are concerned. It is not my intent to insult the authors, but I must say that their ideas (as expressed in the above referenced article) are predicated on very distorted "logic" and "reasoning," and reflect potential, chronic confusion.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>The overwhelming majority of white persons in particular, born and raised in the U.S. of A., can barely imagine (much less relate to)Â the daily realities and experiences of the black masses. With regard to the collective Black Experience, in order to have any type of genuine understanding, and certainly in order to be a part of it --- it is necessary to have felt the "lash" of racism, which has existed in every major institution and aspect of life since the origins of U.S. society. Nearly 400 years of chattel slavery, and all of its incidental residue has been so damaging that the entire black U.S. populace continues to suffer (in varying degrees) from post traumatic slavery disorder (psychological damage and dysfunction that has been, and still is being passed down through generations). </strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Thus, (as bad and as undemocratic as it is) --- any attempt to equate disenfranchisement "from the electoral process in [the un-United States of] America" to being black --- can be likened to comparing a person who is suffering from illness caused by a common cold --- to one who is suffering due to having had nine or ten heart transplants. The difference is so great that legitimate comparison is thoroughly impossible. If the title and conclusion of the article were intended as being metaphoric, then, to say that this is in poor taste, would be the understatement of the Century.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Imagine what the reaction would be if someone attempted to compare the impact and effects of voter fraud to the impact and effects of the Jewish Holocaust. All of America and the world needs to recognize and/or admit (once and for all) that African peoples also survived a Holocaust, which was and is in some respects worst than the Jewish Experience. Like the Jewish Holocaust, the Black Experience/Diaspora is one of the most outstanding and horrific historical events of the so-called modern, "civilized" world. Also like Jews, Africans (Blacks) must never allow anyone or anything (unintentional or not) to cheapen the impact and ongoing effects of our historic, collective Experience. No, Lloyd and Namiko ---Â "we're [not] all black now" --- nor will we "all" ever be black.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>If so desired, please feel free to contact me (at the e-mail address above)Â for further discussion.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Sincerely,</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Howard J. Eagle</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong></strong></font></p> <p><font size="1"><font size="2"></font></font><font size="1"></font><br /> </p><p align="justify"><strong><font size="1"></font></strong></p> <blockquote dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><div align="left"><font face="Arial" size="1"><strong></strong></font></div> </blockquote> <div align="left"><font face="Arial" color="#0066ff" size="1"><strong>We're All Black Now! <p>By Lloyd & Namiko Hart </p> <p>Now that Electronic Jim-Crow has officially stolen the 2004 presidential and congressional elections it can be officially declared that the South has finally won the civil war. It took a 150 years for the proslavery, segregationist, white supremacist movement in America to accomplish the task but they finally did it. </p> <p>With the entrenchment of the Right wing sponsored unverifiable touchscreen electronic voting system as well as with the Trident, Diebold and E&SS controlled optical scanner and punch card electronic counting systems primarily in the southern states, but not exluding Ohio, the Dixiecrats' that split from the Democratic Party when the Democratic Party went pro civil rights and that took over the Republican Party can finally claim victory in the civil war that really began in the American Revolution when rich propertied slave owning white men chose not to include the freeing of the black slave and not granting the vote to women in that so-called revolution. </p> <p>Yes, we're all black now. Disenfranchised from the electoral process in America and soon to be purged from public life altogether. The great irony is that rich propertied white men in the U.S. Senate got to vote on January 6, 2005 to not only hand the South and it's white supremacist leadership the victory in the civil war but also provide them with a well organized fascist dictatorship as the crowning achievement of the complete and total subversion of American democracy. </p> <p>America has come full circle from resisting to finally accepting the madness of King George. When the war criminal George Walker Bush is sworn in on January 20th. 2005 American democracy will be replaced by lineage despotism. </p> <p>In the coming years we will see the slow but sure process, a kind of final solution purge of our entire society of any enlightened thinking whatsoever. And of course the first target the right wing has chosen is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her fund-raising apparatus. Not that I'm a great Senator Clinton fan but it is an important object lesson that the right wing view centrists like Clinton as a threat to preventing them from for instance, raiding the Social Security Trust Fund to bailout the drunken cocaine snorting capitalists on Wall Street and in conglomerate banking that have squandered away a perfectly healthy technological revolution in the stock market in exchange for total petroleum supremacy worldwide. In other words Congress by indictment. </p> <p>I do have hand it to those Democrats (Even though it was Democrats lack of resistance to the right wing that put us where we are today) who did stand up and object to the electoral votes from Ohio in the congress for the simple fact that they provided very useful videotape to uncensored media outlets outside the United States that now get to back up all of their U.S. election theft investigative reporting with actual elected leaders in the Senate and House documenting how the election was stolen by George W. Bush and the criminal regime of which he is the titular though lead poisoned head. The international community are important to our struggle here in the U.S. for they provide important needed resistance to the "Crazy Nuclear Armed American" image the right wing love to put out there. </p> <p>"How can America promote democracy abroad when it has none on it's own shores!" </p> <p>The way forward. </p> <p>When you have no electoral option left to you the only way forward for enlightened thinking Americans is massive non-violent civil disobedience in absolute noncooperation with the destruction of the social and environmental contract that was under construction by the American public however meager it was. </p> <p>The American public must go out into the public streets, sit down, block traffic and chant "No elections? No Peace!" </p> <p>The American public must also join the Peace Movement in America and around the world in non-violent civil disobedience demanding an end to the very reason the elections were stolen in the first place, WAR. </p> <p>In doing so the American public can repair the damage that 200 years of Yankee imperialism has caused to the world and begin the process of bringing the social and environmental ideals of the American middle-class to the rest of the world through negotiation, discussion, compassion and the universal love that binds all of humanity to all life on this planet. </p> <p>Yes we're all black now!</p></strong></font></div>
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