Voice Your Choice - The Green Perpective
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The Green Party's Monthly meeting will feature a Green analysis of RG&E's Voice Your Choice program - for residents to choose their electricity supplier.
Voice Your Choice? The deadline to choose your electricity provider is December 30th. Don't choose until you have all the facts (that they'll provide, anyway) Monday, December 13th, 7pm at 179 Atlantic Avenue
Also on tap:
- 2005 Elections…what offices are open? Who’s running? How can you get Greens Elected?
- Nominations for Green Party of Monroe County Officers for 2005. (Haven’t you always wanted to be Secretary?)
- The start of the Green Party Progressive Book Exchange. Bring a book you think other progressives should read. Let someone borrow it for a month. Borrow one for yourself.
- An update of all the Green Party happenings here and across the country – including the recounts in Ohio and New Mexico!