Kerry Supports Ohio Vote Investigation, Jackson says & Fair Tally Rally in Columbus
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The Smilin' Ohioan reports a Democratic candidate "farther down on the ticket" is found to have 257,000 more votes than Sen. Kerry. A developement that dwarves the preliminary gap of 136,000, which should come down when the vote is certified on monday, because the provisionals have been, either tabled or tabulated- as reported by channel 3 news in cleveland.It is not clear what is to be done with all the various precints reporting 100%+ turnouts, ie.-more votes recorded than registered voters. Steven Rosenfield reports Jackson has a sunday rally in Columbus and he is quoted here-“We want to look at the exit polls,†Jackson said, referring to at least two non-partisan Election Day polls, by Zogby and CNN, which gave Kerry 53 percent and 51 percent of the vote, respectively. “We don’t want to be presumptuous, but these numbers in the Butler, Clarmont, Warren and Hamilton counties are suspicious.†& “We need to investigate, coordinate, litigate, recount and recuse," he said, referring to the legitimacy of the Ohio vote. “Mr. Blackwell cannot be both the owner of the team and the umpire.â€
By suspicious, Jackson is referring to the latest analysis of the Nov. 2 vote by a coalition of Ohio voting rights activists. In analyzing the still-unofficial results, the totals reveal that C. Ellen Connally, an African-American Democratic candidate from Cleveland for Ohio Chief Justice, received more than 257,000 votes than Kerry. “This looks like a computer glitch or a computer fix,†said Bob Fitrakis, a lawyer, political scientist and Editor of the Columbus Free Press ( who has written about election irregularities since Bush was declared the winner. Fitrakis is among the team of lawyers who announced they would soon file an election challenge in the state’s Supreme Court. “Statistically, Kerry, as the Democratic presidential candidate, should have more votes than Connally. In a presidential election, most voters have the priority of casting a vote for president and the votes for president are almost always much higher than those of candidates farther down the ticket. When voters vote for Democratic candidates farther down the ticket, it is usually being driven by a sample ballot from the Party, starting at the top with president. Many voters simply don’t vote for Supreme Court justices. It is highly improbable that Connally’s vote totals would be so much higher than Kerry’s,†Fitrakis said. The fact that Warren County has such odd vote counts is no surprise to Fitrakis. “The Republican-dominated county threw out all the media and independent vote watchers when votes were being counted at the end of Election Day, claiming ‘homeland security’ issues. This would have easily allowed for the wholesale shifting of a large amount of votes from Kerry to Bush. If you’re behind closed doors, it is easy enough to do. The November issues of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines show how easy it is to hack the vote and steal an election. The articles are called ‘E-vote emergency: And you thought dimpled chads were bad’ and ‘Could hackers tilt the election?’ I think they did,†explained Fitrakis. FULL REPORT= 888884 15 counties 5,000 or more, 5 counties 10,000 or more 4 Counties in southern Ohio had big discrepancies between votes cast for Dem Prez (Kerry) and Dem Supreme Court (Connally) Butler County: Connally got 45,457 more votes than Kerry Clermont County: Connolly got 22,998 more votes than Kerry Warren County: Connally got 24,785 more votes for Kerry Hamilton County: Connally got 16,289 more votes for Kerry WHY??? THESE VOTES ARE IN A REPUB STRONGHOLD AND WARREN COUNTY HAD THAT MYSTERIOUS LOCKDOWN. Pls distribute this info!!! More to come.... see- 888884 Jackson questions Ohio election tally And he responds to reporter about JK Edited on Sun Nov-28-04 12:40 PM by mdb When asked why it was him, not the Democratic presidential candidate, who is demanding an investigation and recount, Jackson implied that Sen. John Kerry could become more vocal soon about an investigation on the Ohio vote or a statewide recount. "Kerry was inclined to believe what he was told, and he was told the election was over," Jackson told a group of reporters in a conference call Saturday afternoon. "But now we're unearthing information that did not surface at first. I suppose the more information Kerry gets, the more you will hear from him." see- 888884 Cincinnati Enquirer - "Jackson questions Ohio election tally" The Enquirer ( Sunday, November 28, 2004 Jackson questions Ohio election tally By Reid Forgrave Enquirer staff writer "The Rev. Jesse Jackson is to lead rallies in Columbus today and in Cincinnati on Monday to encourage Ohio to seek an investigation of the presidential vote. Jackson is to speak at Integrity Hall, 2081 Seymour Ave., Bond Hill, at 8:30 a.m. Monday." see- 888884 March Now on Ohio In order to protect the freedoms which are promised to all Americans under the Constitution and Bill of Rights it is vital that the people of this country act now to demand a thorough airing of what may be the most serious violation to our democratic process in our nation’s history. It is only the people that can achieve this, only the people that can demand a recount, only the people that can force the media to bring to light a story which we ignore at our peril. March and Rally in Columbus, Ohio SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2004 Ohio Statehouse Broad and High Streets 1:00 to 4:00 PM Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections Why is EXposure, Investigation CRITICAL? Prosecute Electoral Fraud = Quell Fascism Link for more info and contacts about this Historic Rally, speaking at: AmeriCON? or AmeriCARE? money to help the kids? or money for contracts with no bids? money for death and destuction? or money for health and construction? money OR Moxie cash OR Creativity hubris OR Heart brawn OR Brains moolah OR Manna shimmer OR SHINE! spacebuddy008 at YR service resisting the privatizing of Truth 888884 ONE OF THE BEST MOST RECENT- GREAT READS' **** WHY WE MUST NOT “GET OVER IT†by Earnest Partridge “THEY WOULDN’T DARE!†The crime of stealing a presidential election is so portentous – in effect, it is nothing less than treason – that the public appears unable to seriously consider the thought that Bush and his associates could contemplate, much less accomplish, such an offense against the body politic. “They wouldn’t dare!†we are told. Oh, wouldn’t they? Reflect for a moment: who would have imagined, four years ago, that the Bush administration would dare to implement the following: For the first time in our history, an American president launched an aggressive war against a sovereign nation that posed no threat to the United States. Moreover, the justifications for this war have all proven to be without foundation. The war is illegal according to international law. In retaliation for the Joseph Wilson's offense of truth-telling, Wilson’s wife, CIA operative Valerie Plame, was “outed†by a still-unidentified and unindicted official in Bush Administration. Plame was coordinating counter-terrorist activities. American citizens Yassir Hamdi and Jose Padilla were incarcerated indefinitely, without charge, without access to legal counsel, without trial, all this in violation of four articles of the Bill of Rights. Torture of prisoners took place at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo in violation of the Geneva Conventions, which have the force of United States law. Attorney-General designate Alberto Gonzales drew up a memo sanctioning torture, and describing the Geneva Conventions against torture as “quaint.†"Tax reforms†benefited the wealthiest two percent of the population at the expense of the middle class and the poor, while support of public institutions such as research, education, infrastructure and health care was severely curtailed. The federal deficit has put severe financial burdens upon future generations. There is much more, of course, but this much makes the point: George Bush and his associates have perpetrated offenses against the American people, the Constitution, and the world community that were scarcely imaginable when they took office four years ago. ....This essay is in the public domain: The Author encourages unrestricted copying and distribution. Please include the author's name, the title, the source (The Crisis Papers) and the URL ( MORAL FORTITUDE and GRATITUDE NOT victimized attitudes, hollow platitudes and latitude for Wanton Destruction MORAL FORTITUDE AND GRATITUDE. ***** My slam poem to help the Next President and Vice President of the United States John Kerry And John Edwards- good luck! Leap forward inTO Historic WaterShed MoMent,.. STYLE WE Decide and WE DID! SEE the exit polls said GET RID! So, of course, THEY HAD to be Manipulatid VOTE ? TAKE it BACK ? NO CHANCE and NO! CHANGE Shame, The Vote was HACKED Hamper, Tamper With O-HiJack the Vote, Like Iraq now WE.. are... Jacked! the Deck was Stacked, thats a FACT- KERRY DEMOCRACY AMERICA ***WE GOT YOUR BACK can't let this Fraudian Slip through the Crack and Give IN to this HomeLand attack TO VOTE FOR our REPRESENTATION IS the Basis of this NATION without this SLACK a FUTURE and FREEDOM.... We Will LACK ENOUGH OF THIS QUAKETY-QUACK ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ...Time FOR ..cuffs. *spacebuddy008 AT yr. service