[tcgreens] Pete Meyers sets record in Sheriff Race
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Pete Meyers sets record in Sheriff Race
Mid-term Elections: Free Ride for Bush Ruined Democrats
Atrazine more toxic than previously thought
NY Greens Automatic Ballot Line Hanging by a Thread; Conservatives
Dominate Nationwide
Radical Democracy and Sexual Politics
Early Results Show Growth for Green Party
Preventing Cancer
Quito: People confront the FTAA
The crisis in housing
Congressional Candidates Establish Greens As America's Opposition Party
2,000 gather in Kingston, NY to oppose war
Open Letter to the Democratic Party
Pete Meyers sets record in Sheriff Race
Pete Meyers, the Green Candidate for Sheriff in Tompkins County, got 26%
of the vote county-wide. In Ithaca, Pete got 38% of the vote. Pete, a
social worker whose campaign focused on restorative justice and stopping
a proposed $20 million jail expansion set a new record for a Green
Sheriff candidate -- the previous record was 20%, set by Geralid J. M.
Amato in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Last year, James Caldwell of
Monroe County ran for sheriff and got 11% of the vote. Pete's
performance was almost equalled this year by Adam Benedetto, who got 23%
of the vote in Dane County, Wisconsin.
Mid-term Elections: Free Ride for Bush Ruined Democrats
The mid-term elections are over. After spending hundreds of millions of
business dollars, the Republicans now control the Senate and hold on to
the House of Representatives. It is amazing that the Democrats did not
do worse. They had decided months ago on a strange strategy --that they
were going to defeat the Republicans by not criticizing their
belligerent leader, George W. Bush.
In their ads, literature and debates between Senatorial and
Representative candidates, mention of Mr. Bush by them was to praise not
to challenge, or to expose the hypocrisy, and the damage to American
workers and consumers by this corporation President.
Listening to the debate from around the country on C-Span radio, I was
astonished to see Democratic candidates in tight races eager to show
their support for Bush's 2001 tax cut for the wealthy, for the
give-a-way war resolution authority on Iraq, and for Bush's federal
drive to take over the historical role of the states in personal injury
law by restricting Americans' right to their full day in court.
Atrazine more toxic than previously thought
Controversy erupted over new findings that atrazine may be linked to
global demise of frogs. Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho review the
evidence on the endocrine-disrupting and carcinogenic effects of
atrazine, especially in the light of the non-linearity of biological
activities, and call for a global ban of the herbicide.
Atrazine is an herbicide registered in the United States for the control
of broadleaf weeds and some grassy weeds. It is currently used on corn,
sorghum, sugarcane, wheat (to get rid of wheat stubble on fallow land
following wheat harvests; wheat is not the target crop), guava,
macadamia nuts, orchard grass and hay, range grasses, and southern turf
grasses. Atrazine is most widely used on corn followed by sorghum and
sugarcane. Atrazine is registered for use on range grasses for
establishing permanent grass cover on rangelands and pastures under the
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in four states: Oklahoma, Nebraska,
Texas, and Oregon. The CRP is administered by the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA).
There are prohibitions against grazing on these CRP lands, and cutting
the grasses for hay, except in national emergencies, such as severe
drought, and there are "right-of-way" uses with grazing restrictions.
Atrazine is also registered for use on the following non-agricultural
sites: lawns, golf courses, and sod farms. Worlwide, atrazine is a
leading agricultural chemical, and so extensively used that it has been
identified as a significant pollutant in surface water, groundwater, in
offshore areas and in the atmosphere.
NY Greens Automatic Ballot Line Hanging by a Thread; Conservatives
Dominate Nationwide
With 99% of the New York precincts reporting, Republican George Pataki
has cruised to a third term as New York Governor. Even more
heart-wrenching to many progressives, the NY Greens may have fallen
short of the 50,00 votes needed to receive an automatic line on the
ballot for the next four years. Lack of mainstream media coverage,
competition from the center-left Working Families Party, and poor voter
turnout may have been contributing factors.
The Libertarian Party reported about nine cases of missing or broken
levers for Libertarian and Green Party candidates and some upstate
ballot errors which omitted candidates from these parties.
Nationwide, the Democrats were largely routed, and the election
post-mortem has begun. "It is time for the Democrats to wake up to the
reality that they do not win elections by pretending to be Republicans
and 'centrists.' The Republicans will beat them at this game every
time," writes one IMC commentator. "It is time to look upon the
Democrats as a failed party that has allowed itself to be squeezed into
the center by the debate-narrowing media."
Meanwhile, debates about the point of voting continue on IMC-Global and
on this website.
[ St. Louis IMC Election Coverage | Minnesota IMC Election Coverage |
Houston IMC Election Coverage ]
Radical Democracy and Sexual Politics
I am campaigning for governor at a time when the limitations of liberal
democracy have never been more apparent. The boundaries of public debate
grow ever narrower. Corporate money rules the electoral process. The
Republican and Democratic parties quarrel over details but are
essentially united in support of fiscal conservatism, austerity,
protecting the wealth of corporations and rich people, privileging the
private market over public goods and economic growth over ecological
sanity, �welfare reform,� the defunding of cities and urban
education systems, punitive drug laws, and a post-9/11 program of
permanent war. Liberal Democrats often have �good positions� on
questions of civil liberties, feminism, gay rights, and the environment,
but faced with an intransigent right their impulse is always to give
ground rather than fight. Anyone who seriously challenges this state of
affairs is derided as a utopian crank. The left, meanwhile, has been
paralyzed, bogged down in a wrongheaded dispute about what is more
important, economics or culture.
Early Results Show Growth for Green Party
With most results still pending in western states, Greens took a strong
step to higher level office with John Eder's two-to-one landslide
victory in the Maine state house, district 31. Eder's Democratic Party
opponent conceded earlier in the evening.
In Providence, Rhode Island, where Greg Gerritt ran a strong grassroots
campaign for Mayor, David Segal has taken a seat on the City Council
with 38%.
In northwest Pennsylvania, District 3, Congressional candidate AnnDrea
Benson set a new record for a Green Congressional campaign with 22% of
the vote total. Benson had been endorsed by the Rev. Jesse Jackson last
For statewide races, Green candidates for Governor in Maine, Jonathan
Carter, and Jim Sykes for Senate in Alaska both earned about 9%.
Greens also elected their first local officeholder in Texas, George
Rice, to the San Antonio Water Board. And in Madison, Wisconsin, Green
candidate for Sheriff Adam Benedetto received over 32,000 votes.
Preventing Cancer
Breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancers, bladder cancer,
Hodgkin's Disease and all cancers combined mortality rates for the adult
population of New York State far exceed the United States average (from,
"Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States" 1950-94, National
Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute).
New York State has large numbers of in-state major source smoke stacks,
emitting human carcinogens, including: benzene, formaldehyde,
benzo(a)pyrene, dioxins, furans, PCBs and hexachlorobenzene. Added to
these cancer causing emissions are releases from smoke stacks to the
North in Ontario (second worst source of air pollution in North America)
and to the West, in the Great Lakes Basin and the Ohio River Valley.
Quito: People confront the FTAA
by Justin Rubin
Please accept this [unedited] bulletin from the edge of consciousness. I
don't know whether I feel like crying because I am so moved by what I
saw today, because my mucous membranes are all shot to hell from too
much tear gas, or out of sheer exhaustion. But I want to get this out
while it is still fresh in my mind, and tomorrow will be another insane
day. Tonight I watched some of the most oppressed people in this world
confront some of the most influential. Tonight I watched a group of poor
farmers, indigenous people, and workers speak, shout, sing truth to
power. Tonight, I think, I think, although we will not know for a few
days, I watched the terrain of hemispheric politics shift before my
eyes. I feel so inspired, and so humbled.
When the day started, I was 20km south of Quito with maybe 300
ind�genas, one of two protest caravans that had crossed the country
spreading the word about the protest against the Free Trade Area of the
Americas summit in Quito. As we crowded into buses to head north, I
called the other caravan, who reported that they had 80 people. " And
this is how it ends," I thought.
The crisis in housing
New York City is facing its greatest housing shortage since the Second
World War. There are more homeless families, more homeless children now,
than at any time since the Great Depression. Over 35,000 people live in
the streets or in homeless shelters, and the number continues to rise.
The latest Housing and Vacancy Survey (HVS) relying on 1999 data, shows
that the vacancy rate is the lowest it�s been for the 1990s -- at
3.19%. More ominous is the fact that 825,000 households pay over 30% of
their incomes for rent, with almost 450,000 of that total paying more
than 50%. Before the Reagan/Cuomo/Koch years, it was a rule-of-thumb
that you never paid more than one week�s salary for a month�s rent.
For many years now, neither major party has demonstrated any capacity
for providing affordable housing.
215,000 renter households are overcrowded, at more than one person per
room. It it the highest number of overcrowded households since 1970.
More than 75,000 are severely overcrowded (more than 1.5 person per
room). That is the highest number since the HVS began the count in 1960.
Almost 170,000 households are living doubled-up with a non-relative.
Congressional Candidates Establish Greens As America's Opposition Party
WASHINGTON, DC -- "There's so much bipartisan agreement and overlap on
many major issues of the day, that voters across the U.S. have begun to
recognize Greens as a viable alternative -- often, the only viable
alternative," said Rachel Treichler, Green Party candidate for the House
of Representatives in New York's 29th Congressional District. "Our
candidates for the U.S. House and Senate have established the Greens in
2002 as America's party of choice, of re-enfranchisement and giving
people a reason to come out and vote. We're the alternative to the two
major parties, which represent the interests of those funding their
campaigns -- the large corporations, PACS, and wealthy donors."
Over 60 Greens are competing in congressional races, out of more than
530 Green campaigns across the U.S.
2,000 gather in Kingston, NY to oppose war
by Jack A. Smith, Mid-Hudson National People's Campaign
The new Bush-era antiwar movement took a giant step forward Saturday,
Oct. 26 with massive peace demonstrations in New York and San Francisco
-- and a huge protest, relatively speaking, in Kingston, N.Y.
Demonstrations were held in scores of cities and towns in the U.S. and a
number of foreign countries.
A total of 2,000 took part in Kingston's rally and march despite cold
rains much of the day. The event was organized by the Mid-Hudson
National People's Campaign and was backed by some 30 local groups.
Observers said the spirited and militant demonstration was the largest
peace protest in Kingston in anyone's memory. The 2,000 figure was based
on final headcounts as the rally ended plus a fairly scientific analysis
by two people trained in crowd estimates. In addition, five buses filled
with activists from the Capital District and Mid-Hudson region left in
the very early morning hours to attend the Washington protest.
15 photos from the demonstration, taken by Fred Nagel, appear on the
website of the Dutchess Greens, http://www.dutchessgreens.org (click on
Stop the War).
Open Letter to the Democratic Party
The Democrats should have an easy time winning control of the House of
Representatives and the Senate in next week's election. Recession is
deepening, unemployment is rising, and corporate corruption headlines
are proliferating. Health care costs, drug prices and the number of
Americans without health care coverage are all increasing. Median
household incomes are falling. Corporate crime has heavily depleted
401Ks and other pension losses.
These should all help the Democrats win against the corporate-indentured
Republicans marinated in corporate cash, soft on corporate and
environmental crimes and demonstrably anti-labor.
Why then is the overall contest for Party control of Congress too close
to call? Because Democrats are not clearly, relentlessly and
aggressively emphasizing these fundamental issues to distinguish
themselves from the Republicans. Why? Are they unaware, neglectful or
torpid? No, their chronic ambiguity flows from being largely indentured
to the same monied commercial interests as the Republicans.