For All Republicans
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Are you "really" a republican?
1) Do you have more than 5 million dollars in savings?
2) Are you an executive of a corporation that is polluting the air,
or a river, or the earth?
3) Do you own a company that is being unpatriotic in any way .....
moving your production off-shore, or moving your headquarters
to an off-shore post office box, or outsourcing your work to
third world countries?
4) Do you own a company that does business with corporations such
as just mentioned.....say a law firm, or newspaper or TV station that
sells ads for them?
5) Are you going to be able to pull strings in the State Government to
keep your sons and daughters and grandchildren from fighting in
Iraq, or possibly other such "democracy giving" wars?
Then, the chances are large that you are not a Republican and may
someday regret voting as one. I would guess that not more than 10%
of people are in any of the catagories mentioned above, but yet the
polls show an even match in this election
One of our most popular Presidents - Eisenhower - warned
us - "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex". Well,
according to The Center for Public Integrity
( ) nine members of the Bush
Administration are making millions of dollars from the
invasion of Iraq. I will not mention their names here, I
only wish to remind you that the Military Industrial Complex
now occupies the White House.
Please, ask yourself if you are "really" a Republican!