Green Party Encourages Voters to Write-In Cobb
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The Green Party of Monroe County is encouraging voters in New York State to participate in a write-in campaign for its Presidential candidate David Cobb. Directions on how to cast a write-in vote have been posted at our website,
Green Party Encourages Voters to Write-In Cobb (Rochester) – The Green Party of Monroe County is encouraging voters in New York State to participate in a write-in campaign for its Presidential candidate David Cobb. Directions on how to cast a write-in vote have been posted at our website, Cobb, who will appear on the ballot in 28 other states, but not in New York, has visited Rochester twice this year. He came to promote the Green Party by bringing attention to the party's platform and local candidate for Rochester City School Board, David Atias. "The Cobb-LaMarche campaign is bringing real discussions and real solutions to many of the issues in this year's presidential race, and we're just not hearing that from either the Bush or Kerry campaigns," says Jason Nabewaniec, Chair of the Green Party of Monroe County. Atias agreed that "David Cobb is bringing attention to the real problems with the No Child Left Behind Act, and is calling for the law to be repealed." Atias added, "Cobb addressed many of the reforms needed to allow all children equal access to a quality education while speaking in Rochester this summer." Cobb has been traveling the country explaining his plan to get American troops out of Iraq while maintaining security through peace and justice. He is proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution to give same-sex couples the right to marriage in all fifty states. Vice Presidential Candidate, Patricia LaMarche, spent 14 nights in homeless shelters bring attention to the millions of homeless people in this country that are being ignored by her millionaire counterparts Cheney and Edwards. The Cobb-LaMarche campaign supports the abolishment of the outdated electoral collage. The campaign has also been raising awareness of Instant Run-Off Voting with their support for the more democratic way of voting. Currently Jesse Jackson Jr. has a bill before congress also calling for the implementation of IRV. If elected, David Cobb has said he will repeal the PATRIOT Act, end our dependency of foreign oil, strengthen our union workforces, help small businesses and work towards a cleaner environment. Nabewaniec concluded, "these are just a small fraction of the solutions David Cobb is bringing to the American people, and that is why the Green Party of Monroe County is supporting a write-in campaign here in New York State." The complete Cobb-LaMarche platform can be viewed at