Let’s Continue and Expand the Million Worker March Movement!
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The Million Worker March is a historic mobilization for the U.S. working class. Never before has the labor movement stood independent of the Democrats and Republicans to clearly state the class needs of those who do all the work in this country. This is what one socialist group, Workers Action, suggests to strengthen and expand this groundbreaking movement.
Let’s Continue and Expand the Million Worker March Movement!
This great March today represents the best of the labor movement. It shows we can mobilize by the thousands in our own name to raise our issues that the bosses and the bosses' government seeks to ignore. The Call for the Million Worker March states in part:
As working class people, we know more than any others the difficulties and limitations we face both in our communities and workplaces. We shall therefore be representing ourselves during this march, independent from all politicians, while putting forward to the entire country our program for the betterment of
For us, this is the political heart of the Million Worker March and something we wholeheartedly support…and it is only by following through with this sentiment that our other demands around universal health care; for workers' right to organize and for a repeal of Taft-Hartley and all anti-labor legislation; to extend democracy to our economic structure so that all decisions affecting the lives of our citizens are made by working people who produce all wealth through their labor; and an end to the war in
We need to start thinking about breaking from the Democrats, especially, as they've proven over generations not to be our voice in government, but the voice of the bosses. There is no way the Democrats can represent both us and the bosses at the same time because our interests are diametrically opposed. They want to maximize their profits. But we want higher wages, more vacation, health benefits, etc. And to the degree that we win, their profits are reduced. The belief that we can operate as "partners" with the bosses, not only at work but in supporting the Democrats, has only led to a relentless decline in our standard of living and left us politically powerless. We need to start thinking about building a political voice of our own, a workers party or a labor party that would represent our class, and our class alone. After all, we working people, along with all of those who are subjected to constant injustice in this society, constitute the vast majority. Our party's motto should be: Working people make the country run. Working people should run the country.
To move forward we believe that the Million Worker March needs to continue organizing on a permanent basis around its demands. We need a national conference (or perhaps a series of regional conferences culminating in a national conference) that will both discuss the lessons and opportunities of this march, and mobilize this important new movement toward independent working class political action. First and foremost, this conference should set a date and make a plan for building an even more massive workers’ march within the next year. That would require more union support, getting the word out to the rank and file, and more organizing efforts among nonunion workers and community organizations. We should discuss how to strengthen our movements’ independence with such possible steps as, for example, the running of independent MWM candidates. The MWM needs a democratic on-going steering committee that is representative of the regional steering committees, as well. Workers’ Action is committed to supporting every step forward for our class that this steering committee makes and building the MWM as a voice of the voiceless.
            Workers Action
Workers Action is a group of working class socialists. We are active in building the Million Worker March. and in support of all independent working class actions. Labor donated.