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value (String, 21744 characters ) Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied t...
Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? It will if Gerald A. Gerash of the L.A. Green Party has anything to do with it -- complete with Zionist mudslinging and character assassination against anyone who ever dares to criticize Israel or its ethnochauvinistic state ideology -- and, of course, complete with the usual promiscuous charges of "anti-Semitism". <!--break--> A RESPONSE TO GERALD A. GERASH, LA GREEN PARTY, RE OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE by Joseph Anderson, Berkeley, CA Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? Gerald A. Gerash - LA Green Party, Gay Activist, Slimey Attorney, Michael Lerner shill, Zionist Propagandist; Santa Monica, CA, resident. post from: "Zionist Menu: Red Herring of 'Left Anti-Semitism' - Only $125!" by Aaron S. Friday, Aug. 20, 2004 http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493_comment.php#1693096 See: "Gerald Gerash: SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ARCH-ZIONIST!" (a response to Gerald A. Gerash re the Oakland anti-Semitism Conference) - by Joseph Anderson (For Gerald's originating post, go here: "Joseph Andersn", by Gerald A. Gerash, Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 9:41 PM.) (also see: "A PERSONAL REPORT-BACK FROM THE OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE" - by Joseph Anderson Monday, Aug. 23, 2004 http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692778_comment.php#1693106) "Gerald Gerash: SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ARCH-ZIONIST!" by Joseph Anderson, Berkeley, CA Thursday, Aug. 26, 2004 at 7:24 AM: Once again, we have the sheer irony -- the chutzpah -- of a *ZIONIST* Jew -- here Gerald A. Gerash -- complaining about anti-Jewish racism, as well as trying to claim that *Jews* are being *oppressed* in the *UNITED STATES*!! Let's review again what Jeffrey Blanfort (Jewish) said above: * JEWS NOT HISTORY'S ONLY -- OR ALWAYS WORST -- VICTIMS by Jeffrey Blankfort (posted by JA) Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 8:49 AM. * an excuse to dispossess the Palestinians of their native land by Jeffrey Blankfort (posted by JA) Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 8:49 AM. "The fact that some people are anti-Jewish for one reason ot another [ANTI-SEMITISM] DOES NOT [AUTOMATICALLY] TRANSLATE INTO *OPPRESSION* OF JEWS unless those people are in a position to act on it and desire to do so. THERE IS NOT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE OF THIS [OPPRESSION OF JEWS TODAY] IN US SOCIETY. ...The notion that Jews are the most oppressed people in the world is ludicrous. Obsessed with their own "victimization", maybe, which is used as an excuse to dispossess the Palestinians..." [(caps, by JA.)] GG: "I also had a conversation with him [JA]." If you can call it that. GG: "His statements were sloganeering of rigid politcal postions with no room for any kind of rational dialogue." Translation: 'I couldn't get JA to budge on accepting on the European-initiated, settler-colonialist, racist ideology of political/nationalist Zionism.' -- JUST LIKE THE ANTI-ZIONIST *JEWISH* AUTHOR (AARON S.) OF THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE ABOVE WOULDN'T BUDGE. (GEE, EVEN ANTI-ZIONIST *JEWS* ARE AFRAID TO USE THEIR FULL NAME!) GG: "He made it be known in every workshop I was in that there is no anti-Semitism on the Left." OPEN EMAIL TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Joseph Anderson by JA Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004 at 1:22 PM: < As an African American I can say this as a matter of fact, while still opposing incidents of real anti-Semitism, which do exists, and exposing real anti-Semites, which I have done. > http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692588.php GG: "As such it was an unashamed attack against the conference itself." Jeffrey Blankfort -- *Jewish* -- said that if he had attended the conference, he probably would have disrupted it. OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jeffrey Blankfort: "But rest assured, I will not be attending such a conference." http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589 GG: "HIs [JA's] presence was essentially obstructionist, although people were polite and let him speak and, viewing him like a fitful, buzing fly..." Whereas I can assure everyone that Gerald A. Gerash is an absolute paragon of equanimity and diplomacy -- a true British Oxfordian gentleman. GG: "to find ways to struggle against anti-Semitism and its various manifestations on the Left." Note: OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jim Harris: "...the way anti-Semitism is used to fight any questioning of U.S.Israeli policy. It does not address, for example, the fact that large, established organizations such as the ADL are quite openly advocating policies that are viciously anti-Arab, and yet calls itself a fighter against anti-Semitism. It is in this context that you say that there is “a prevalence of unchallenged anti-Semitism on the Left"? I just confess to being mystified by your apparent position. Despite claims that this conference is opposed to all forms of racism, there is a workshop that says that all must embrace Zionism, a political movement that has dispossessed millions of their land, homes, and their dignity." http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589 And, NOTE the very title of the original article above -- written by a Jew: "ZIONIST MENU: RED HERRING OF "LEFT ANTI-SEMITISM" -- ONLY $125!" - by Aaron S. http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493.php GG: "his comments revealed an anitpathy to the Jewish people such as denying our right to self-determination..." At the conference I said that this PR euphemistically-defined ideology of Zionism as merely "Jewish self-determination" would be like Aryan Supremacy being euphemistically defined as merely "Loving your brothers": there's a lot more in the small print. You mean, Gerald, the belief that Jews -- *whenever* they were born and *wherever* they live -- have a natural, superior, automatic, unequivocal, divine, "God-given" right to most or all the land in Palestine? The Palestinian are an indigenous people engaged in an anti-settler-colonial struggle against largely European Jewish oppression. Zionist Jews call resistance to that oppression "anti-Semitism". Zionist Jews don't get -- no one gets -- their so-called "self-determination" at the expense, dispossession, subjugation and brutal oppression of another people. Let's examine this, euphemistically put, "self-determination" more closely: ZIONISM IGNORES PLIGHT OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE - by Joseph Anderson: "...to Zionists, this "self-determination" means pursuing an exclusively (or exclusionary) Jewish state. This is a state where the non-Jewish indigenous people (Muslims, Christians and others) are reduced to worse than second-class citizens, forced into apartheid-style lands or expelled. Also, [the] once "ancient" Jewish presence justification is an argument that is literally worse than medieval! To suggest that protesters who oppose that semi-racial ideology are anti-Semitic is an old, standard smear tactic. This falsely equates Judaism with Zionism—an ideology rejected by many Jews." http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=10435 Now let's see what some *Jews* (including a former Israeli -- besides the Israeli who spoke of blatant Israeli racism at the conference) have to say: OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jim Harris: "...Zionism, a political movement that has dispossessed *MILLIONS* of their land, homes, and their dignity." As well as has brutally killed many many thousands of indigenous Palestinians. http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589 HOLY SHIT! - by Rebecca Kahlenberg: "Jews have endured a lot of suffering and it is lamentable that they should endure more. But how can I side with my people when they bomb entire villages of Palestinian civilians in retaliation for the murder of two Israeli soldiers? Is this righteous? Furthermore, how can I feel comfortable taking sides at all when I know that the American media suppress information about the racism of Israelis against Arabs? [NPR] refused to air a story about Israeli settlements in the West Bank because the Jewish settlers interviewed for the story expressed the opinion that the Arabs were "less than human." ...The wrongs of the Holocaust were hardly righted by stealing land from Arabs and giving it to Jews. This fighting is supposed to have something to do with God, but I see no God here. This is about land.... Jewish people are quick to point out global anti-Semitism, but the behavior of the Israelis merely makes it easier to hate Jews." -- Oct 19, 2000 http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3589 COUNTER-OPINION IS RIDDEN WITH FALSEHOODS - by Jeff Strahl: "I grew up in Tel Aviv, near the old Arab city of Yaffo, which in the late 50s was still looking like a battlefield. During the conflict, Arab dwellings were blown up with the goal of driving them out, and flee in panic they did. Moshe Dayan , at one time the head of Israel's armed forces, admitted in an April 1969 speech that every Jewish settlement in Israel had been built on top of a former Arab village or town. In 1967, land confiscations, water diversions, and armed repression, either by the army, police or para-militaries, were extended to the West Bank and Gaza District, which have been occupied illegaly to this day. The only other society which resembles current Israel is indeed apartheid in South Africa." http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3603 REFLECTIONS ON ZIONISM FROM A DISSIDENT JEW - by Tim Wise: " Although one can argue with the claim made by some that Zionism and racism are synonymous -- especially given the amorphous definition of "race" which makes such a position forever and always a matter of semantics -- it is difficult to deny that Zionism, in practice if not theory, amounts to ethnic chauvinism, colonial ethnocentrism, and national oppression. ..."Anti-Semite" will be the other label offered me, despite the fact that Zionism has led to the oppression of Semitic peoples -- namely the mostly Semitic Palestinians... The only logic to Zionism then, seemed to be the "logic" of raw power: that of the settler, or colonizer. ...Nearly 800,000 Palestinians would be displaced so as to allow for the creation of Israel: around 600,000 of whom, according to internal documents of the Israeli Defense Force, were expelled forcibly from their homes. ...The head of the Jewish Agency's colonization department stated: "there is no room for both peoples together in this country. There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to neighboring countries, to transfer all of them: not one village, not one tribe, should be left." " ...That most Jews have never examined the founding principles of this ideology to which they cleave is unfortunate. For if they were to do so, they might be shocked at how anti-Jewish Zionism really is. Time and again, Zionists have even collaborated with open Jew-haters for the sake of political power. ...Far from resisting Nazi genocide, some Zionists collaborated with it. ...Later, Israeli Zionists would again make alliances with anti-Jewish extremists. ...Indeed, the argument that Zionism is racism finds some support in statements of Zionists themselves... Years later, David Ben-Gurion acknowledged that Israeli leader Menachem Begin could be branded racist, but that doing so would require one to "put on trial the entire Zionist movement, which is founded on the principle of a purely Jewish entity in Palestine." ...Surely it is not for this ignoble end, that six million died. " http://www.mediamonitors.net/timwise1.html THE JEWS OF PALESTINE, 1938 - by M.K. Gandhi: "What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. ...Surely it [ZIONISM] would be A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY." http://www.moqawama.org/v_zionis/v_doc/jews.htm -- Had enough Gerald? I guess not. Here's where Zionists do their usual thing of resorting to patent lying. But, first let's see what Tim Wise (anti-racist, anti-Zionist Jewish activist, essayist, and public lecturer) has to say about this in general: FRAUD FIT FOR A KING: ISRAEL, ZIONISM, AND THE MISUSE OF MLK - by Tim Wise: "But of course, the kinds of folks who push an ideology that required the expulsion of three-quarters-of-a-million Palestinians from their lands, and then lied about it, claiming there had been no such persons to begin with (as with Golda Meir’s infamous quip), can’t be expected to place a very high premium on truth." http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2003-01/20wise.cfm This is what Zionists have to do when they are put into a moral, analytical, intellectual, and historical corner: they have to resort to **LYING**! GG: "maintaining the position that the Jewish people do not constitute a nation and therefore Israel lacks any basis for nationhood." I said that there was a difference between constituting a nation -- a concept that means different things to different people (like "the African American Nation", "the Nation of Islam", or even "the Hip-Hop Nation" or "the Grunge Nation" or even Janet Jackson's anti-racist multicultural "Rhythm Nation") -- and a having nation-state. But the political analysis of nation vs. nation-state was *way* over the head of Gerald. Israel is the last Euro-settler-colonialist apartheid state of its kind in the entire world (apartheid South Africa was the second to last) -- where hundreds of thousands or eventually millions of Europeans came from a far away continent or thousands of miles to set up an apartheid state in a non-European land. Moreso, Israel defines itself as "the nation of all Jews in the world", rather than the nation of all its citizens. I mean, Italy doesn't define itself as "the nation of all ethnic Italians in the world"; Sweden doesn't define itself as "the nation of all ethnic Swedes in the world": they define themselves as the nation of all their citizens. Moreover one is "Italian" or "Swede", whether one is ethnic Italian, ethnic Swedish, Black, Asian, Arab, Latino, whatever! Whereas in Israel, one's citizenship status is defined by ethnicity or religion. GG: "Unabashedly, he quoted admiringly, the rabid anti-Jewish racist, Louis Farrakan to the mainly Jewish attendees." 'Surrre'. Actually, I noted the sad irony that Zionist Jews and Louis Farrakhan use the very same parallel arguments: (1) Zionism is premised on the Jewish Zionist assertion that non-Jewish whites will forever be inveterate, inalterable, 'genetic' anti-Jewish racists. And, therefore, Jews will need a separatist, politically and ethnically self-defined, "Jewish state" within Palestine. As one Zionist Jew put it at the conference: "Anti-Semitism is the *air* that everybody (non-Jews) breathe!" This idea is justified by Zionist interpretation of Jewish religious cosmology, on "ancient Jewish scripture", and ordained "by God". (2) Nation of Islam doctrine was (at least once) premised on the so-called American "Black Muslim" assertion that whites (non-Jewish and Jewish) will forever be inveterate, inalterable, 'genetic' anti-Black racists. And, therefore, Black-Americans will need a separatist, politically and ethnically self-defined, "Black-American state" within the U.S.. (Black-Americans can't form one in Africa because we don't know where exactly in Africa we're from -- though that was once done with equally disasterous results to this day, in Liberia, as has occurred in Israel, to this day.) This idea is justified by Nation of Islam cosmology, on "ancient Black scripture", and ordained "by God". But, of course, Zionist Jews don't like people making uncomfortable (im)moral, analytical, and CLEAR historical parallels to doctrines of belief and systems of practice that have already been absolutely morally rejected by the socially evolved world. Now, since I don't accept NOI cosmology, the patriarchal NOI social beliefs, or the conservative capitalist NOI political agenda as an answer for Black America, then how could I speak "admiringly" of Louis Farrakhan? But, I do recognize that he was created by white -- including Jewish -- anti-black racism. And so once did Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine, in a commentary in Time Magazine. THE REAL CRISIS IS SELFISHNESS - by Michael Lerner: "I can't stand the hypocrisy coming from some in the Jewish world who for decades have used the Holocaust and the history of our very real oppression as an excuse to deny our own racism." Time Magazine, February 28, 1994 (Sorry, no URL's existed back then for Time Magazine. Maybe there's an online archive going back that far now.) Lerner pointed out that the same Jews in politics that advocate or perpetrate cutting funding for things like educational programs for Black kids, then hypocritically complain that, due to such hopelessness in American society, those very same Black kids might turn to the Nation of Islam for help. Lerner also talked about Jewish hypocrisy in greatly magnifying the membership population in the NOI, which he pointed out might constitute some 20,000 Blacks, at best, out of a nation of some 30 *MILLION* Blacks! I pointed out that while Zionist Jews justify their own claims by *EXACTLY* the same parallel assertions, they believe that Louis Farrakhan's claim is proof *positive* of his pathological, absolutely insane racism! But then, Zionist narcissism is such that they believe that the universal rules of socially evolved, bi-/multicultural societies don't apply to them/Israel. I.e., they believe in the usual white 'racial'/ethnic double standards. GG: Gerald's ' Tearful Teacher Story' ...[not quite as good as 'the land without a people' story] Again, *NO SPECIFICS* -- no specific arguments, quotes, of mine to which Gerald wants to construct a counter-argument -- just broad, vague accusations. Why isn't she writing here for herself. She's supposed to be a teacher. Can't *SHE* construct a counter-argument and write her *own* post? (Assuming your 'tearful teacher story' is even true at all.) You know this recourse to *attempted* character assassination is Standard Operating Procedure for Zionist Jews. This is the recourse Zionists use when they actually have no valid intellectual arguments that they can actually use to defend their position -- which, as Malcolm X said, "has no intellectual or moral basis in history". In fact, Malcolm X said that, "European colonialism is the perpetration that tries to make the wolf (the Europeans) look like the lamb, and the lamb (the non-European indigenous people) look like the wolf!" (Even this week on PBS-TV, a Zionist Jew -- of course they are never identified as Zionist -- *pathetically* tried to accuse another guest of being "anti-Semitic" when the other guest mentioned interest ties between U.S. the war on Iraq and Israel. But, fortunately the other guest had the backbone to challenge the Zionist and asked, "Are you seriously trying to call me anti-Semitic?", to which the Zionist then backed off. You see, even on mainstream TV, people are finally getting mighty tired of the ole "anti-Semite" slur being promiscuously slung around by Zionist Jews. It's slung around so much that it's starting to lose its sting. Now people practically laugh! You Zionists have cried "Wolf!" too many times.) Instead of Zionists saying, this is exactly what Mr. Anderson said in his argument -- quote -- and this is my rebuttal to that argument, Zionists *HAVE NO* intellectual or moral arguments that will stand the test of logical or moral consistency, especially with what Jews rightfully demand anywhere else in the world: absolutely equal national, civil, and legal rights for ALL people, regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion -- *EXCEPT* in Israel-Palestine. Gerald even resorted to LYING (as one anti-Zionist Jew at the conference noted) ABOUT MARTIN LUTHER KING (supposedly supporting or opposing -- whichever position was favorable to Israel -- some UN resolution about Zionism, a resolution that didn't even exist during the time of King's life, but came about 7 years after he died!), so why would Gerald not lie about me! These Zionists are morally *pathetic* in more ways than one. Gerald has, *NO SPECIFICS* -- no specific arguments, quotes, of mine to which he wants to *try* to construct a counter-argument -- just broad, vague accusations and ad hominem name-calling. Well, AN AD HOMINEM ATTACK IS NOT A LOGICAL COUNTER-ARGUMENT. BUT, IT'S A HELLUVA LOT EASIER WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, ISN'T IT!? But, since you want to take that route, I've got a *bulletin* for *YOU*!: you were one of the two Jews that another Jew, a woman, called "AN *ASSHOLE*"! -- for your hyper-aggressive, don't-let-anyone-finish-a-single-sentence-that-you-disagree-with style! -- even from another Jew who just doesn't happen to share your rabid Zionist opinion, and even after someone has let you speak. GG: "Anderson is a racist anti-Semite, as I saw and heard him that weekend and now read more of what he says. ...Anderson, I will not respond to anything you might write. ...It will go unanswered by me." *** BIG SURPRISE !!! *** NOW, WHY DON'T YOU GO TAKE ON SOME OF THE ANTI-ZINOIST *JEWS* HERE, LIKE JEFFREY BLANKFORT, JIM HARRIS, OR AARON S.? OR IS IT HARDER TO *CALL* **THEM** "ANTI-SEMITIC"? HIS INITIALS SAY IT ALL!!: GAG! You can stick a fork in him - Gerald A Gerash: he's *done* now! ________________________________________________________________ (Also see: "Response to Russell Simmons Op-Ed re Blacks & anti-Semitism: An Educational Commentary" http://pub12.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm21.showMessage?topicID=198.topic)
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format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 23225 characters ) <p>Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied...
<p>Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? It will if Gerald A. Gerash of the L.A. Green Party has anything to do with it -- complete with Zionist mudslinging and character assassination against anyone who ever dares to criticize Israel or its ethnochauvinistic state ideology -- and, of course, complete with the usual promiscuous charges of "anti-Semitism".</p> <!--break--><p> A RESPONSE TO GERALD A. GERASH, LA GREEN PARTY, RE OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE<br /> by Joseph Anderson,<br /> Berkeley, CA </p> <p>Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? </p> <p>Gerald A. Gerash - LA Green Party, Gay Activist, Slimey Attorney, Michael Lerner shill, Zionist Propagandist; Santa Monica, CA, resident. </p> <p>post from: </p> <p>"Zionist Menu: Red Herring of 'Left Anti-Semitism' - Only $125!"<br /> by Aaron S. Friday, Aug. 20, 2004 </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493_comment.php#1693096">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493_comment.php#1693096</a> </p> <p>See: </p> <p>"Gerald Gerash: SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ARCH-ZIONIST!" </p> <p>(a response to Gerald A. Gerash re the Oakland anti-Semitism Conference) </p> <p>- by Joseph Anderson </p> <p>(For Gerald's originating post, go here: "Joseph Andersn",<br /> by Gerald A. Gerash, Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 9:41 PM.) </p> <p>(also see: "A PERSONAL REPORT-BACK FROM THE OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE"<br /> - by Joseph Anderson Monday, Aug. 23, 2004<br /> <a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692778_comment.php#1693106">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692778_comment.php#1693106</a>) </p> <p>"Gerald Gerash: SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE ARCH-ZIONIST!"<br /> by Joseph Anderson, Berkeley, CA Thursday, Aug. 26, 2004 at 7:24 AM: </p> <p>Once again, we have the sheer irony -- the chutzpah -- of a *ZIONIST* Jew -- here Gerald A. Gerash -- complaining about anti-Jewish racism, as well as trying to claim that *Jews* are being *oppressed* in the *UNITED STATES*!! </p> <p>Let's review again what Jeffrey Blanfort (Jewish) said above: </p> <p>* JEWS NOT HISTORY'S ONLY -- OR ALWAYS WORST -- VICTIMS<br /> by Jeffrey Blankfort (posted by JA) Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 8:49 AM. </p> <p>* an excuse to dispossess the Palestinians of their native land<br /> by Jeffrey Blankfort (posted by JA) Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 at 8:49 AM. </p> <p>"The fact that some people are anti-Jewish for one reason ot another [ANTI-SEMITISM] DOES NOT [AUTOMATICALLY] TRANSLATE INTO *OPPRESSION* OF JEWS unless those people are in a position to act on it and desire to do so. THERE IS NOT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE OF THIS [OPPRESSION OF JEWS TODAY] IN US SOCIETY. ...The notion that Jews are the most oppressed people in the world is ludicrous. Obsessed with their own "victimization", maybe, which is used as an excuse to dispossess the Palestinians..." [(caps, by JA.)] </p> <p>GG: "I also had a conversation with him [JA]." </p> <p>If you can call it that. </p> <p>GG: "His statements were sloganeering of rigid politcal postions with no room for any kind of rational dialogue." </p> <p>Translation: 'I couldn't get JA to budge on accepting on the European-initiated, settler-colonialist, racist ideology of political/nationalist Zionism.' -- JUST LIKE THE ANTI-ZIONIST *JEWISH* AUTHOR (AARON S.) OF THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE ABOVE WOULDN'T BUDGE. </p> <p>(GEE, EVEN ANTI-ZIONIST *JEWS* ARE AFRAID TO USE THEIR FULL NAME!) </p> <p>GG: "He made it be known in every workshop I was in that there is no anti-Semitism on the Left." </p> <p>OPEN EMAIL TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Joseph Anderson<br /> by JA Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004 at 1:22 PM: </p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692588.php">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692588.php</a> </p> <p>GG: "As such it was an unashamed attack against the conference itself." </p> <p>Jeffrey Blankfort -- *Jewish* -- said that if he had attended the conference, he probably would have disrupted it. </p> <p>OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jeffrey Blankfort: </p> <p>"But rest assured, I will not be attending such a conference." </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589</a> </p> <p>GG: "HIs [JA's] presence was essentially obstructionist, although people were polite and let him speak and, viewing him like a fitful, buzing fly..." </p> <p>Whereas I can assure everyone that Gerald A. Gerash is an absolute paragon of equanimity and diplomacy -- a true British Oxfordian gentleman. </p> <p>GG: "to find ways to struggle against anti-Semitism and its various manifestations on the Left." </p> <p>Note: </p> <p>OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jim Harris: </p> <p>"...the way anti-Semitism is used to fight any questioning of U.S.Israeli policy. It does not address, for example, the fact that large, established organizations such as the ADL are quite openly advocating policies that are viciously anti-Arab, and yet calls itself a fighter against anti-Semitism. It is in this context that you say that there is “a prevalence of unchallenged anti-Semitism on the Left"? I just confess to being mystified by your apparent position. Despite claims that this conference is opposed to all forms of racism, there is a workshop that says that all must embrace Zionism, a political movement that has dispossessed millions of their land, homes, and their dignity." </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589</a> </p> <p>And, NOTE the very title of the original article above -- written by a Jew: </p> <p>"ZIONIST MENU: RED HERRING OF "LEFT ANTI-SEMITISM" -- ONLY $125!"<br /> - by Aaron S. </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493.php">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692493.php</a> </p> <p>GG: "his comments revealed an anitpathy to the Jewish people such as denying our right to self-determination..." </p> <p>At the conference I said that this PR euphemistically-defined ideology of Zionism as merely "Jewish self-determination" would be like Aryan Supremacy being euphemistically defined as merely "Loving your brothers": there's a lot more in the small print. </p> <p>You mean, Gerald, the belief that Jews -- *whenever* they were born and *wherever* they live -- have a natural, superior, automatic, unequivocal, divine, "God-given" right to most or all the land in Palestine? </p> <p>The Palestinian are an indigenous people engaged in an anti-settler-colonial struggle against largely European Jewish oppression. Zionist Jews call resistance to that oppression "anti-Semitism". Zionist Jews don't get -- no one gets -- their so-called "self-determination" at the expense, dispossession, subjugation and brutal oppression of another people. </p> <p>Let's examine this, euphemistically put, "self-determination" more closely: </p> <p>ZIONISM IGNORES PLIGHT OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE - by Joseph Anderson: </p> <p>"...to Zionists, this "self-determination" means pursuing an exclusively (or exclusionary) Jewish state. This is a state where the non-Jewish indigenous people (Muslims, Christians and others) are reduced to worse than second-class citizens, forced into apartheid-style lands or expelled. Also, [the] once "ancient" Jewish presence justification is an argument that is literally worse than medieval! To suggest that protesters who oppose that semi-racial ideology are anti-Semitic is an old, standard smear tactic. This falsely equates Judaism with Zionism—an ideology rejected by many Jews." </p> <p><a href="http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=10435">http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=10435</a> </p> <p>Now let's see what some *Jews* (including a former Israeli -- besides the Israeli who spoke of blatant Israeli racism at the conference) have to say: </p> <p>OPEN LETTERS TO OAKLAND "ANTI-SEMITISM" CONFERENCE! - by Jim Harris: </p> <p>"...Zionism, a political movement that has dispossessed *MILLIONS* of their land, homes, and their dignity." As well as has brutally killed many many thousands of indigenous Palestinians. </p> <p><a href="http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589">http://www.indybay.org/news/2004/08/1692542_comment.php#1692589</a> </p> <p>HOLY SHIT! - by Rebecca Kahlenberg: </p> <p>"Jews have endured a lot of suffering and it is lamentable that they should endure more. But how can I side with my people when they bomb entire villages of Palestinian civilians in retaliation for the murder of two Israeli soldiers? Is this righteous? Furthermore, how can I feel comfortable taking sides at all when I know that the American media suppress information about the racism of Israelis against Arabs? [NPR] refused to air a story about Israeli settlements in the West Bank because the Jewish settlers interviewed for the story expressed the opinion that the Arabs were "less than human." ...The wrongs of the Holocaust were hardly righted by stealing land from Arabs and giving it to Jews. This fighting is supposed to have something to do with God, but I see no God here. This is about land.... Jewish people are quick to point out global anti-Semitism, but the behavior of the Israelis merely makes it easier to hate Jews." -- Oct 19, 2000 </p> <p><a href="http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3589">http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3589</a> </p> <p>COUNTER-OPINION IS RIDDEN WITH FALSEHOODS - by Jeff Strahl: </p> <p>"I grew up in Tel Aviv, near the old Arab city of Yaffo, which in the late 50s was still looking like a battlefield. During the conflict, Arab dwellings were blown up with the goal of driving them out, and flee in panic they did. Moshe Dayan , at one time the head of Israel's armed forces, admitted in an April 1969 speech that every Jewish settlement in Israel had been built on top of a former Arab village or town. In 1967, land confiscations, water diversions, and armed repression, either by the army, police or para-militaries, were extended to the West Bank and Gaza District, which have been occupied illegaly to this day. The only other society which resembles current Israel is indeed apartheid in South Africa." </p> <p><a href="http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3603">http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=3603</a> </p> <p>REFLECTIONS ON ZIONISM FROM A DISSIDENT JEW - by Tim Wise: </p> <p>" Although one can argue with the claim made by some that Zionism and racism are synonymous -- especially given the amorphous definition of "race" which makes such a position forever and always a matter of semantics -- it is difficult to deny that Zionism, in practice if not theory, amounts to ethnic chauvinism, colonial ethnocentrism, and national oppression. ..."Anti-Semite" will be the other label offered me, despite the fact that Zionism has led to the oppression of Semitic peoples -- namely the mostly Semitic Palestinians... The only logic to Zionism then, seemed to be the "logic" of raw power: that of the settler, or colonizer. ...Nearly 800,000 Palestinians would be displaced so as to allow for the creation of Israel: around 600,000 of whom, according to internal documents of the Israeli Defense Force, were expelled forcibly from their homes. ...The head of the Jewish Agency's colonization department stated: "there is no room for both peoples together in this country. There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to neighboring countries, to transfer all of them: not one village, not one tribe, should be left." </p> <p>" ...That most Jews have never examined the founding principles of this ideology to which they cleave is unfortunate. For if they were to do so, they might be shocked at how anti-Jewish Zionism really is. Time and again, Zionists have even collaborated with open Jew-haters for the sake of political power. ...Far from resisting Nazi genocide, some Zionists collaborated with it. ...Later, Israeli Zionists would again make alliances with anti-Jewish extremists. ...Indeed, the argument that Zionism is racism finds some support in statements of Zionists themselves... Years later, David Ben-Gurion acknowledged that Israeli leader Menachem Begin could be branded racist, but that doing so would require one to "put on trial the entire Zionist movement, which is founded on the principle of a purely Jewish entity in Palestine." ...Surely it is not for this ignoble end, that six million died. " </p> <p><a href="http://www.mediamonitors.net/timwise1.html">http://www.mediamonitors.net/timwise1.html</a> </p> <p>THE JEWS OF PALESTINE, 1938 - by M.K. Gandhi: </p> <p>"What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. ...Surely it [ZIONISM] would be A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY." </p> <p><a href="http://www.moqawama.org/v_zionis/v_doc/jews.htm">http://www.moqawama.org/v_zionis/v_doc/jews.htm</a> </p> <p>-- Had enough Gerald? </p> <p>I guess not. Here's where Zionists do their usual thing of resorting to patent lying. But, first let's see what Tim Wise (anti-racist, anti-Zionist Jewish activist, essayist, and public lecturer) has to say about this in general: </p> <p>FRAUD FIT FOR A KING: ISRAEL, ZIONISM, AND THE MISUSE OF MLK - by Tim Wise: </p> <p>"But of course, the kinds of folks who push an ideology that required the expulsion of three-quarters-of-a-million Palestinians from their lands, and then lied about it, claiming there had been no such persons to begin with (as with Golda Meir’s infamous quip), can’t be expected to place a very high premium on truth." </p> <p><a href="http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2003-01/20wise.cfm">http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2003-01/20wise.cfm</a> </p> <p>This is what Zionists have to do when they are put into a moral, analytical, intellectual, and historical corner: they have to resort to **LYING**! </p> <p>GG: "maintaining the position that the Jewish people do not constitute a nation and therefore Israel lacks any basis for nationhood." </p> <p>I said that there was a difference between constituting a nation -- a concept that means different things to different people (like "the African American Nation", "the Nation of Islam", or even "the Hip-Hop Nation" or "the Grunge Nation" or even Janet Jackson's anti-racist multicultural "Rhythm Nation") -- and a having nation-state. But the political analysis of nation vs. nation-state was *way* over the head of Gerald. </p> <p>Israel is the last Euro-settler-colonialist apartheid state of its kind in the entire world (apartheid South Africa was the second to last) -- where hundreds of thousands or eventually millions of Europeans came from a far away continent or thousands of miles to set up an apartheid state in a non-European land. </p> <p>Moreso, Israel defines itself as "the nation of all Jews in the world", rather than the nation of all its citizens. I mean, Italy doesn't define itself as "the nation of all ethnic Italians in the world"; Sweden doesn't define itself as "the nation of all ethnic Swedes in the world": they define themselves as the nation of all their citizens. Moreover one is "Italian" or "Swede", whether one is ethnic Italian, ethnic Swedish, Black, Asian, Arab, Latino, whatever! Whereas in Israel, one's citizenship status is defined by ethnicity or religion. </p> <p>GG: "Unabashedly, he quoted admiringly, the rabid anti-Jewish racist, Louis Farrakan to the mainly Jewish attendees." </p> <p>'Surrre'. Actually, I noted the sad irony that Zionist Jews and Louis Farrakhan use the very same parallel arguments: </p> <p>(1) Zionism is premised on the Jewish Zionist assertion that non-Jewish whites will forever be inveterate, inalterable, 'genetic' anti-Jewish racists. And, therefore, Jews will need a separatist, politically and ethnically self-defined, "Jewish state" within Palestine. As one Zionist Jew put it at the conference: "Anti-Semitism is the *air* that everybody (non-Jews) breathe!" This idea is justified by Zionist interpretation of Jewish religious cosmology, on "ancient Jewish scripture", and ordained "by God". </p> <p>(2) Nation of Islam doctrine was (at least once) premised on the so-called American "Black Muslim" assertion that whites (non-Jewish and Jewish) will forever be inveterate, inalterable, 'genetic' anti-Black racists. And, therefore, Black-Americans will need a separatist, politically and ethnically self-defined, "Black-American state" within the U.S.. (Black-Americans can't form one in Africa because we don't know where exactly in Africa we're from -- though that was once done with equally disasterous results to this day, in Liberia, as has occurred in Israel, to this day.) This idea is justified by Nation of Islam cosmology, on "ancient Black scripture", and ordained "by God". </p> <p>But, of course, Zionist Jews don't like people making uncomfortable (im)moral, analytical, and CLEAR historical parallels to doctrines of belief and systems of practice that have already been absolutely morally rejected by the socially evolved world. </p> <p>Now, since I don't accept NOI cosmology, the patriarchal NOI social beliefs, or the conservative capitalist NOI political agenda as an answer for Black America, then how could I speak "admiringly" of Louis Farrakhan? But, I do recognize that he was created by white -- including Jewish -- anti-black racism. And so once did Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine, in a commentary in Time Magazine. </p> <p>THE REAL CRISIS IS SELFISHNESS - by Michael Lerner: </p> <p>"I can't stand the hypocrisy coming from some in the Jewish world who for decades have used the Holocaust and the history of our very real oppression as an excuse to deny our own racism." </p> <p>Time Magazine, February 28, 1994<br /> (Sorry, no URL's existed back then for Time Magazine. Maybe there's an online archive going back that far now.) </p> <p>Lerner pointed out that the same Jews in politics that advocate or perpetrate cutting funding for things like educational programs for Black kids, then hypocritically complain that, due to such hopelessness in American society, those very same Black kids might turn to the Nation of Islam for help. Lerner also talked about Jewish hypocrisy in greatly magnifying the membership population in the NOI, which he pointed out might constitute some 20,000 Blacks, at best, out of a nation of some 30 *MILLION* Blacks! </p> <p>I pointed out that while Zionist Jews justify their own claims by *EXACTLY* the same parallel assertions, they believe that Louis Farrakhan's claim is proof *positive* of his pathological, absolutely insane racism! But then, Zionist narcissism is such that they believe that the universal rules of socially evolved, bi-/multicultural societies don't apply to them/Israel. I.e., they believe in the usual white 'racial'/ethnic double standards. </p> <p>GG: Gerald's ' Tearful Teacher Story' ...[not quite as good as 'the land without a people' story] </p> <p>Again, *NO SPECIFICS* -- no specific arguments, quotes, of mine to which Gerald wants to construct a counter-argument -- just broad, vague accusations. </p> <p>Why isn't she writing here for herself. She's supposed to be a teacher. Can't *SHE* construct a counter-argument and write her *own* post? (Assuming your 'tearful teacher story' is even true at all.) </p> <p>You know this recourse to *attempted* character assassination is Standard Operating Procedure for Zionist Jews. This is the recourse Zionists use when they actually have no valid intellectual arguments that they can actually use to defend their position -- which, as Malcolm X said, "has no intellectual or moral basis in history". </p> <p>In fact, Malcolm X said that, "European colonialism is the perpetration that tries to make the wolf (the Europeans) look like the lamb, and the lamb (the non-European indigenous people) look like the wolf!" </p> <p>(Even this week on PBS-TV, a Zionist Jew -- of course they are never identified as Zionist -- *pathetically* tried to accuse another guest of being "anti-Semitic" when the other guest mentioned interest ties between U.S. the war on Iraq and Israel. But, fortunately the other guest had the backbone to challenge the Zionist and asked, "Are you seriously trying to call me anti-Semitic?", to which the Zionist then backed off. You see, even on mainstream TV, people are finally getting mighty tired of the ole "anti-Semite" slur being promiscuously slung around by Zionist Jews. It's slung around so much that it's starting to lose its sting. Now people practically laugh! You Zionists have cried "Wolf!" too many times.) </p> <p>Instead of Zionists saying, this is exactly what Mr. Anderson said in his argument -- quote -- and this is my rebuttal to that argument, Zionists *HAVE NO* intellectual or moral arguments that will stand the test of logical or moral consistency, especially with what Jews rightfully demand anywhere else in the world: absolutely equal national, civil, and legal rights for ALL people, regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion -- *EXCEPT* in Israel-Palestine. </p> <p>Gerald even resorted to LYING (as one anti-Zionist Jew at the conference noted) ABOUT MARTIN LUTHER KING (supposedly supporting or opposing -- whichever position was favorable to Israel -- some UN resolution about Zionism, a resolution that didn't even exist during the time of King's life, but came about 7 years after he died!), so why would Gerald not lie about me! These Zionists are morally *pathetic* in more ways than one. </p> <p>Gerald has, *NO SPECIFICS* -- no specific arguments, quotes, of mine to which he wants to *try* to construct a counter-argument -- just broad, vague accusations and ad hominem name-calling. </p> <p>Well, AN AD HOMINEM ATTACK IS NOT A LOGICAL COUNTER-ARGUMENT. BUT, IT'S A HELLUVA LOT EASIER WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, ISN'T IT!? </p> <p>But, since you want to take that route, I've got a *bulletin* for *YOU*!: you were one of the two Jews that another Jew, a woman, called "AN *ASSHOLE*"! -- for your hyper-aggressive, don't-let-anyone-finish-a-single-sentence-that-you-disagree-with style! -- even from another Jew who just doesn't happen to share your rabid Zionist opinion, and even after someone has let you speak. </p> <p>GG: "Anderson is a racist anti-Semite, as I saw and heard him that weekend and now read more of what he says. ...Anderson, I will not respond to anything you might write. ...It will go unanswered by me." </p> <p>*** BIG SURPRISE !!! *** </p> <p>NOW, WHY DON'T YOU GO TAKE ON SOME OF THE ANTI-ZINOIST *JEWS* HERE, LIKE JEFFREY BLANKFORT, JIM HARRIS, OR AARON S.? </p> <p>OR IS IT HARDER TO *CALL* **THEM** "ANTI-SEMITIC"? </p> <p>HIS INITIALS SAY IT ALL!!: GAG! </p> <p>You can stick a fork in him - Gerald A Gerash: he's *done* now!<br /> ________________________________________________________________ </p> <p>(Also see: "Response to Russell Simmons Op-Ed re Blacks & anti-Semitism: An Educational Commentary"<br /> <a href="http://pub12.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm21.showMessage?topicID=198.topic">http://pub12.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm21.showMessage?topicID=198.t...</a>)</p>
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