Bush Daddy Ramifications
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Never-ending criminal stupidity!
My Daddy said that the powers-that-be have deciphered the "n" and the "a" words used to describe the depraved Bush Daddy at the end of "Bush Daddy Pardons" (212672); thus I have been given the hint to "wash my mouth out". Have they considered what it means to walk in continual darkness (Is. 50:10; 42982 & 43171)? Have they considered how they would talk about the dummkopf Nazi poophead Bush Daddy if they had to listen to his moronic gibberish all the time? Who has ever talked to Bush Daddy for any significant period of time without getting fed-up with his Humphrey Bogart impersonations? Who has ever listened to Bush Daddy's female impersonating talk, reminiscent of Capt. Calvin Bush posing as Mrs. Alletta George (200807), without wanting to silence him immediately? All of my writings have been geared towards gathering together all of the lawless followers of the renegade "Jacob", Bush Daddy (Mic. 2:12), so let my critics go peruse what I have written so far:
"Silent Murder Epidemic" Buffalo Version - 24603
"Buffalo Got the "Dummy Line"" =24806
"Modus Operandi of Lawlessness = 24988
"Justice New York Style" = 25099
"Kuwait Wreath-laying for Whom?" = 25809
"Coprophagia Rules!?" = 26993 & 70672
"Foolproof Plans of the "Storm Troopers of America" and Their "Supreme Narky"" = 26851
"Copycat Killings: Creative NonViolence of the "Storm Troopers of America"!?" = 27166
""Storm Troopers of America" and Their New World Order" = 27490
"Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains" Melbourne IMC = 7305 & 7378
"Hola Canada!" Ontario IMC = 348
"PGW was the Fulfillment of Prophecy" Comment = 27595
"Comedy Capers" Comment = 27291 (missing article - "Bush Says Russia Not the Enemy")
"Are You Ready to Die for Old Glory?" Comment =28522
"Hoof and Mouth Born of the West Nile Virus?" comment = 28788
"Social Security, in League with Lawlessness?" = 28830
"Love Festivals of Hooterville" = 29190
"Indy Media vs. Anarchy" = 28398 (missing?)
"Hoof and Mouth Born of the West Nile Virus" = 30273
"Is the Postmaster into Censorship?" = 30294
"Wipe that #$%& Look Off Your Face" = 30108
"1965! Solid Gold! History of the Hit that Wasn't" = 29650
"Deceit, Delusions, and Depraved Dementia" = 31133
"Supreme "Narky" of the United States" = 31749
"Children Will Rule Over Them" = 32454
"Good is Bad & Bad is Good: Creative NonViolence" = 33468
"Closet" Poem as Comment twice = 33483
"FTAA: Fighting the Truth Against Anal Academics" = 34289 (missing?)
"Bible-Rubbers Beware!" = 34722
"Arsenic and Anal Academics" = 34929
"The Concealed Holocaust" = 35206
"Stop Playing with the Messenger's Postings" = 35217
"Persian Gulf War Delusions: "One for Bush"" = 36001
"Sound the Horn! Stop the Key Block! What Not?" 36182
"Their Own Tongues Against Them" = 36936
"Justice Albany Style" = 37604
"Peace When There is No Peace" = 39028
"They Will All Turn Back" = 39471
"Justice America Style" = 40212
""Israel"; Does He Oppose the Beast?" = 40893
"Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken!" = 41296
No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It = 41739
Corporal Theodore Wolf: RIP = 42636
Rigging the Messenger = 42982 & 43171
Messiahs in the Making = 43985
Dwelling of Violence = 44378
AntiSemite? Tell Me if You Know = 44851
Prelude to Littleton = 45625
How Many Messiahs You Got? = 46236
Morons America Style = 46750
Chemical Modus Operandi = 47525
Their Folly Plain to Everyone = 48513
Coal-Gas Let Them Drink Blood = 48856
Heed Not the Foolproof Folly = 49490
DAKA; We Hardly Know You = 50914
Granada Corp., Benign Monster = 51259
Granada Group's Foolproof Plans? = 51602
Liars, Thieves, Murderers, and More by IMC = 52651
Updates = 52825, 54586, 55083, 56221, 57517
Immigrants, Mad Dogs, and Englishmen = 53200
How Foolish Are You? = 53907
Report on Lawlessness = 55844 & 85389
Chemical Modus II = 58159
Songs for Mental Health = 58354
Moronic Asbestoes Modus = 59038
Asbestoes, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths = 60292
Messiah Tootsie? Messiah Exarchou? There Ain't No Difference Between the Two! = 62371
Do Something! Quick! (9/11/01) = 62855
Delusions of War = 64528
Head of a Terrorist = 66464
Letter From Heaven = 68789
Coprophagia Update = 70672
The Destiny of IMCs "Closeted" Collectives = 71046 & 71866
Ithaca Coal-Gas Fiasco = 73601
America Plays War = 74087
Why They Love Bob Meade So Much = 76394
Education of Fools = 79546
Wisconsin Death Trip = 80050
Letter That Shook the World = 82678
Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge = 82672 & 156007
Can Chicago Be Saved? = 90816
Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken = 93509
America's Dummy Line = 91358
Ithaca's Coal-Gas Fiasco Continues = 93606
Suicide America Style = 98219
Warm Gun Fun = 101974
"Revolt of Jacob" Goes to Hooterville = 102423
Fools World Order = 104469
The Beast Raises Its Head Again = 108404
Freeing the Innocent = 109956
The Curse of Bush Daddy = 111857
Bush Daddy Tribe Defined = 115043
Bush Daddy (BD) Champions = 118297
BD Calf = 120932
BD Manifestations = 124412
BD Stupidity = 128276
BD Serpent = 132033
BD Repercussions = 138628
Bush Daddy's Glory = 143109
BD Justice = 147306
Report on Bush Daddy Tribe = 151866
Bush Daddy's Anthrax Flu = 153901
BD Poopheads = 166317
BD Closet = 171123 & 171618
BD Third Reich = 174299
BD Buffoonery = 176670
BD; The Bane of Houston? = 177981
BD Gathering = 179472
Abduction at Cornell = 180797
BD vs. BD = 181226
BD Suicide = 182222
BD Walk = 183807
BD Power Play = 185011
BD Dunces = 186353
BD Productions = 187927
BD Snare = 189161
BD Communications = 190292
BD Backfirings = 192800
BD Alert = 194653
BD Realizations = 195909
BD Militants = 197071
BD Finale = 198448
BD Pits & Snares = 199656
BD Country = 200807
BD Honestly = 201796
BD Branch = 203337
BD Religion = 204463
BD Detachment = 205811
BD Worm = 206845
BD Dummkopfs = 208762
BD Death Trip = 211500
BD Pardons = 212672
And that's how I won the war. However you still have to go thru a poophead gauntlet, a punk rogue cop gauntlet, and a dummkopf Nazi gauntlet in order to graduate from the school on the hill. This ramification of the Bush Daddy Tribe has been brought to you by the criminal stupidity of Bush Daddy and all of his followers. Furthermore this ramification is backed up by the Word of God, which will not return to Him empty (Is. 55:11). Until the criminally stupid are no more, I am His witness, I am His messenger (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19).
Unless otherwise noted, referenced (numbers) are for articles on www.indymedia.org.; i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id #, access any article, change the ID=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger