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value (String, 6736 characters ) LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL...
LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE.... Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776.... <!--break--> <p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p><p>Â Â Â Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....<br />Â Â Â Â Â Â Though the International Criminal-Interests still-within our Government <br />were Forced to Split, in the c.1820s into the "Democrat and Republican <br />Parties" from the Democratic-Republicans (the Anti-Federalists who opposed the very formation of the country, they're still doing).....the "promise <br />them everything and give them nothing" Party (Democrats) and the "Promise them <br />nothing, and Actually-Give it to them" Party (Republicans)......<br />Â Â Â Â As the country, itself, is only the Mandatory Jury Trials, if sought (of <br />the various Districts), the peoples' representative-body, only by retaining <br />the full-usage of that/those juries could we ever hope to reduce or eliminate <br />crime or the debt-thereof.....<br />Â Â Â Â Instead, we hear further justifications and rationales to further-limit <br />our juries jurisdiction and authority to prevent these International Criminals <br />from stealing everything we've-got and worse......<br />Â Â Â Â Instead of jury trials to prosecute assaultive legislations, and/or <br />interpretations thereof, we hear justifications to prevent the prosecution (civil <br />or criminal) of another particular kind of act, agreement, or <br />policy.....further International Prohibition of our Rights...the ever-advancing attack of Communism (International Crime)...smiling faces and all...BANKRUPTING OUR PEOPLES AND MASS MURDERING THEM WITH JURY-DENIED BENEFIT THEFTS...<br />Â Â Â We've already had the Legally-undeniable-authority and jurisdiction of our <br />District Courts' Juries Denied rearding Health and Acident Insurance, to the <br />point of our not even-being able to get reprovably-due insurance benefits, in many cases.....and our peoples limping-around permanently-maimed and worse, from such atrocities, here at home (complete with narcoticly-manic Undercover Operatives in the White House, determined that they're going to fool everyone into believing it wasn't their mercenaries at 9/11; their handy-work in Oklahoma City, and <br />more)....and the Clintons, who gave-away Earth-Destroying Top Secret, <br />Radar-invisible bomber and missile technologies in the effort to "save the Kosovars from genocide by bombing them to death with them"...and the apparent-New Clintons, the Kerrys and Edwards (from North Carolina; the Wachovia Bank origin of the problem, since 1989, proven in Federal Court)....<br />Â Â Â Â They're purposefully-preventing The Economic Expansion Programs developed <br />under Reagan and prosecuted in Federal Court, since 1989, from being <br />implemented (the only ones that'll withstand our District Juries' scrutiny as to fact and law)...while harassing the DEA-registered Researcher and Christian <br />University that discovered (and copyrighted) such materials...while causing a stall in the economy (complete with pretended-growth in the Military-Industrial <br />Complex's Electronis Market)..while they buy-up, through Wachovia Bank (the VA <br />Bank) and other-such Commi-Economics/International-Crime organizations, homes by <br />the thousands...while also-preventing the access to our District Juries that <br />peaceful/trial resolution (Constitutional Support and Defense) requires....<br />Â Â Â Â As the only forms of resolution are Dual(forceful/violent) and <br />Trial(peaceful)...they're lucky that the first homeowner to illegally-lose their home from this purposeful-economic degredation (via illegal-uasge of Office of Economic Warfare Tactics stallings of lawsuits or otherwise) didn't forcefully/dually resolve the matter themselves....(Killing an American Citizen, needlessly, or a Law Enforcement Officer; or completely-uninvolved bystander)... since it's their job to ensure that peaceful/trial avenues of just-resoltion (jury trials) were available, everytime-sought.....<br />Â Â Â Â Â They also-prevented the Scientific Government Training Programs that <br />prove these things (and others) and would have 10,000 new multi-millionaires <br />in every state (and a thriving economy), Right Now (and requiring that EVERY HOME LOST AS A RESULT OF OUR HAVING A STAGNANT-ECONOMY, INSTEAD....HAVE HAD THEIR HOMES STOLEN)....THESE SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND THE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION THAT RESULTS, BEING THE ONLY PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM....<br />Â Â Â Â The realization that any American in the country who loses their home due <br />to these illegal efforts could merely use the case in U.S. District Court, EDL, New Orleans, La. #90-2482 and the matters evolving therefrom to justifiably-kill them for such Racketeering (theft through Fraud) of the paychecks they receive to <br />"support and defend" the U.S. Constitution (the right to use those juries <br />anytime, everytime, all-the-time; the Constitution only-detailing the 4 basic forms of such juries; 12 Man; Supreme Court; Grand Juries and Legislatures/Congress, formerly called General Courts) would be enough to "sober up" any reasonably-unrabid individual, communists-included (as Mr. Gorbachov and the USSR exemplifies)....I GUESS OUR COMMIES ARE JUST-MORE-STUPID THAN THEIRS.....<br />Â Â Â Â Whoever illegally-claims to win (neither of which could pass the <br />newly-discovered Scientific High School Diploma Courses, required to legally-hold <br />office), as they illegally-harass and economicly-disempower valid <br />applicants/candidates.....sooner or later, they'll learn, that they'll either do the job and ensue our peoples can fully-use their courts....or forceful-resolution is all they've left for them....(DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN AN ILLEGAL-HOME-LOSER GIVES IT TO YOU, GENTS).....THIS IS STILL AMERICA, COMMI BOYS....You've outsmarted-us again, huh?<br />Â <br />Â <br />Â Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself; Always;<br />Â <br />Â Dr. Dan Manna, NDP<br />Â <a href=""></a><br /></p>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 6674 characters ) <p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMI...
<p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p> Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....</p> <!--break--><p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p>Â Â Â Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....<br />Â Â Â Â Â Â Though the International Criminal-Interests still-within our Government <br />were Forced to Split, in the c.1820s into the "Democrat and Republican <br />Parties" from the Democratic-Republicans (the Anti-Federalists who opposed the very formation of the country, they're still doing).....the "promise <br />them everything and give them nothing" Party (Democrats) and the "Promise them <br />nothing, and Actually-Give it to them" Party (Republicans)......<br />Â Â Â Â As the country, itself, is only the Mandatory Jury Trials, if sought (of <br />the various Districts), the peoples' representative-body, only by retaining <br />the full-usage of that/those juries could we ever hope to reduce or eliminate <br />crime or the debt-thereof.....<br />Â Â Â Â Instead, we hear further justifications and rationales to further-limit <br />our juries jurisdiction and authority to prevent these International Criminals <br />from stealing everything we've-got and worse......<br />Â Â Â Â Instead of jury trials to prosecute assaultive legislations, and/or <br />interpretations thereof, we hear justifications to prevent the prosecution (civil <br />or criminal) of another particular kind of act, agreement, or <br />policy.....further International Prohibition of our Rights...the ever-advancing attack of Communism (International Crime)...smiling faces and all...BANKRUPTING OUR PEOPLES AND MASS MURDERING THEM WITH JURY-DENIED BENEFIT THEFTS...<br />Â Â Â We've already had the Legally-undeniable-authority and jurisdiction of our <br />District Courts' Juries Denied rearding Health and Acident Insurance, to the <br />point of our not even-being able to get reprovably-due insurance benefits, in many cases.....and our peoples limping-around permanently-maimed and worse, from such atrocities, here at home (complete with narcoticly-manic Undercover Operatives in the White House, determined that they're going to fool everyone into believing it wasn't their mercenaries at 9/11; their handy-work in Oklahoma City, and <br />more)....and the Clintons, who gave-away Earth-Destroying Top Secret, <br />Radar-invisible bomber and missile technologies in the effort to "save the Kosovars from genocide by bombing them to death with them"...and the apparent-New Clintons, the Kerrys and Edwards (from North Carolina; the Wachovia Bank origin of the problem, since 1989, proven in Federal Court)....<br />Â Â Â Â They're purposefully-preventing The Economic Expansion Programs developed <br />under Reagan and prosecuted in Federal Court, since 1989, from being <br />implemented (the only ones that'll withstand our District Juries' scrutiny as to fact and law)...while harassing the DEA-registered Researcher and Christian <br />University that discovered (and copyrighted) such materials...while causing a stall in the economy (complete with pretended-growth in the Military-Industrial <br />Complex's Electronis Market)..while they buy-up, through Wachovia Bank (the VA <br />Bank) and other-such Commi-Economics/International-Crime organizations, homes by <br />the thousands...while also-preventing the access to our District Juries that <br />peaceful/trial resolution (Constitutional Support and Defense) requires....<br />Â Â Â Â As the only forms of resolution are Dual(forceful/violent) and <br />Trial(peaceful)...they're lucky that the first homeowner to illegally-lose their home from this purposeful-economic degredation (via illegal-uasge of Office of Economic Warfare Tactics stallings of lawsuits or otherwise) didn't forcefully/dually resolve the matter themselves....(Killing an American Citizen, needlessly, or a Law Enforcement Officer; or completely-uninvolved bystander)... since it's their job to ensure that peaceful/trial avenues of just-resoltion (jury trials) were available, everytime-sought.....<br />Â Â Â Â Â They also-prevented the Scientific Government Training Programs that <br />prove these things (and others) and would have 10,000 new multi-millionaires <br />in every state (and a thriving economy), Right Now (and requiring that EVERY HOME LOST AS A RESULT OF OUR HAVING A STAGNANT-ECONOMY, INSTEAD....HAVE HAD THEIR HOMES STOLEN)....THESE SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND THE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION THAT RESULTS, BEING THE ONLY PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM....<br />Â Â Â Â The realization that any American in the country who loses their home due <br />to these illegal efforts could merely use the case in U.S. District Court, EDL, New Orleans, La. #90-2482 and the matters evolving therefrom to justifiably-kill them for such Racketeering (theft through Fraud) of the paychecks they receive to <br />"support and defend" the U.S. Constitution (the right to use those juries <br />anytime, everytime, all-the-time; the Constitution only-detailing the 4 basic forms of such juries; 12 Man; Supreme Court; Grand Juries and Legislatures/Congress, formerly called General Courts) would be enough to "sober up" any reasonably-unrabid individual, communists-included (as Mr. Gorbachov and the USSR exemplifies)....I GUESS OUR COMMIES ARE JUST-MORE-STUPID THAN THEIRS.....<br />Â Â Â Â Whoever illegally-claims to win (neither of which could pass the <br />newly-discovered Scientific High School Diploma Courses, required to legally-hold <br />office), as they illegally-harass and economicly-disempower valid <br />applicants/candidates.....sooner or later, they'll learn, that they'll either do the job and ensue our peoples can fully-use their courts....or forceful-resolution is all they've left for them....(DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN AN ILLEGAL-HOME-LOSER GIVES IT TO YOU, GENTS).....THIS IS STILL AMERICA, COMMI BOYS....You've outsmarted-us again, huh?<br />Â <br />Â <br />Â Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself; Always;<br />Â <br />Â Dr. Dan Manna, NDP<br />Â <a href=""></a></p>
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value (String, 6736 characters ) LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL...
LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE.... Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776.... <!--break--> <p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p><p>Â Â Â Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....<br />Â Â Â Â Â Â Though the International Criminal-Interests still-within our Government <br />were Forced to Split, in the c.1820s into the "Democrat and Republican <br />Parties" from the Democratic-Republicans (the Anti-Federalists who opposed the very formation of the country, they're still doing).....the "promise <br />them everything and give them nothing" Party (Democrats) and the "Promise them <br />nothing, and Actually-Give it to them" Party (Republicans)......<br />Â Â Â Â As the country, itself, is only the Mandatory Jury Trials, if sought (of <br />the various Districts), the peoples' representative-body, only by retaining <br />the full-usage of that/those juries could we ever hope to reduce or eliminate <br />crime or the debt-thereof.....<br />Â Â Â Â Instead, we hear further justifications and rationales to further-limit <br />our juries jurisdiction and authority to prevent these International Criminals <br />from stealing everything we've-got and worse......<br />Â Â Â Â Instead of jury trials to prosecute assaultive legislations, and/or <br />interpretations thereof, we hear justifications to prevent the prosecution (civil <br />or criminal) of another particular kind of act, agreement, or <br />policy.....further International Prohibition of our Rights...the ever-advancing attack of Communism (International Crime)...smiling faces and all...BANKRUPTING OUR PEOPLES AND MASS MURDERING THEM WITH JURY-DENIED BENEFIT THEFTS...<br />Â Â Â We've already had the Legally-undeniable-authority and jurisdiction of our <br />District Courts' Juries Denied rearding Health and Acident Insurance, to the <br />point of our not even-being able to get reprovably-due insurance benefits, in many cases.....and our peoples limping-around permanently-maimed and worse, from such atrocities, here at home (complete with narcoticly-manic Undercover Operatives in the White House, determined that they're going to fool everyone into believing it wasn't their mercenaries at 9/11; their handy-work in Oklahoma City, and <br />more)....and the Clintons, who gave-away Earth-Destroying Top Secret, <br />Radar-invisible bomber and missile technologies in the effort to "save the Kosovars from genocide by bombing them to death with them"...and the apparent-New Clintons, the Kerrys and Edwards (from North Carolina; the Wachovia Bank origin of the problem, since 1989, proven in Federal Court)....<br />Â Â Â Â They're purposefully-preventing The Economic Expansion Programs developed <br />under Reagan and prosecuted in Federal Court, since 1989, from being <br />implemented (the only ones that'll withstand our District Juries' scrutiny as to fact and law)...while harassing the DEA-registered Researcher and Christian <br />University that discovered (and copyrighted) such materials...while causing a stall in the economy (complete with pretended-growth in the Military-Industrial <br />Complex's Electronis Market)..while they buy-up, through Wachovia Bank (the VA <br />Bank) and other-such Commi-Economics/International-Crime organizations, homes by <br />the thousands...while also-preventing the access to our District Juries that <br />peaceful/trial resolution (Constitutional Support and Defense) requires....<br />Â Â Â Â As the only forms of resolution are Dual(forceful/violent) and <br />Trial(peaceful)...they're lucky that the first homeowner to illegally-lose their home from this purposeful-economic degredation (via illegal-uasge of Office of Economic Warfare Tactics stallings of lawsuits or otherwise) didn't forcefully/dually resolve the matter themselves....(Killing an American Citizen, needlessly, or a Law Enforcement Officer; or completely-uninvolved bystander)... since it's their job to ensure that peaceful/trial avenues of just-resoltion (jury trials) were available, everytime-sought.....<br />Â Â Â Â Â They also-prevented the Scientific Government Training Programs that <br />prove these things (and others) and would have 10,000 new multi-millionaires <br />in every state (and a thriving economy), Right Now (and requiring that EVERY HOME LOST AS A RESULT OF OUR HAVING A STAGNANT-ECONOMY, INSTEAD....HAVE HAD THEIR HOMES STOLEN)....THESE SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND THE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION THAT RESULTS, BEING THE ONLY PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM....<br />Â Â Â Â The realization that any American in the country who loses their home due <br />to these illegal efforts could merely use the case in U.S. District Court, EDL, New Orleans, La. #90-2482 and the matters evolving therefrom to justifiably-kill them for such Racketeering (theft through Fraud) of the paychecks they receive to <br />"support and defend" the U.S. Constitution (the right to use those juries <br />anytime, everytime, all-the-time; the Constitution only-detailing the 4 basic forms of such juries; 12 Man; Supreme Court; Grand Juries and Legislatures/Congress, formerly called General Courts) would be enough to "sober up" any reasonably-unrabid individual, communists-included (as Mr. Gorbachov and the USSR exemplifies)....I GUESS OUR COMMIES ARE JUST-MORE-STUPID THAN THEIRS.....<br />Â Â Â Â Whoever illegally-claims to win (neither of which could pass the <br />newly-discovered Scientific High School Diploma Courses, required to legally-hold <br />office), as they illegally-harass and economicly-disempower valid <br />applicants/candidates.....sooner or later, they'll learn, that they'll either do the job and ensue our peoples can fully-use their courts....or forceful-resolution is all they've left for them....(DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN AN ILLEGAL-HOME-LOSER GIVES IT TO YOU, GENTS).....THIS IS STILL AMERICA, COMMI BOYS....You've outsmarted-us again, huh?<br />Â <br />Â <br />Â Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself; Always;<br />Â <br />Â Dr. Dan Manna, NDP<br />Â <a href=""></a><br /></p>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 6674 characters ) <p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMI...
<p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p> Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....</p> <!--break--><p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p>Â Â Â Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....<br />Â Â Â Â Â Â Though the International Criminal-Interests still-within our Government <br />were Forced to Split, in the c.1820s into the "Democrat and Republican <br />Parties" from the Democratic-Republicans (the Anti-Federalists who opposed the very formation of the country, they're still doing).....the "promise <br />them everything and give them nothing" Party (Democrats) and the "Promise them <br />nothing, and Actually-Give it to them" Party (Republicans)......<br />Â Â Â Â As the country, itself, is only the Mandatory Jury Trials, if sought (of <br />the various Districts), the peoples' representative-body, only by retaining <br />the full-usage of that/those juries could we ever hope to reduce or eliminate <br />crime or the debt-thereof.....<br />Â Â Â Â Instead, we hear further justifications and rationales to further-limit <br />our juries jurisdiction and authority to prevent these International Criminals <br />from stealing everything we've-got and worse......<br />Â Â Â Â Instead of jury trials to prosecute assaultive legislations, and/or <br />interpretations thereof, we hear justifications to prevent the prosecution (civil <br />or criminal) of another particular kind of act, agreement, or <br />policy.....further International Prohibition of our Rights...the ever-advancing attack of Communism (International Crime)...smiling faces and all...BANKRUPTING OUR PEOPLES AND MASS MURDERING THEM WITH JURY-DENIED BENEFIT THEFTS...<br />Â Â Â We've already had the Legally-undeniable-authority and jurisdiction of our <br />District Courts' Juries Denied rearding Health and Acident Insurance, to the <br />point of our not even-being able to get reprovably-due insurance benefits, in many cases.....and our peoples limping-around permanently-maimed and worse, from such atrocities, here at home (complete with narcoticly-manic Undercover Operatives in the White House, determined that they're going to fool everyone into believing it wasn't their mercenaries at 9/11; their handy-work in Oklahoma City, and <br />more)....and the Clintons, who gave-away Earth-Destroying Top Secret, <br />Radar-invisible bomber and missile technologies in the effort to "save the Kosovars from genocide by bombing them to death with them"...and the apparent-New Clintons, the Kerrys and Edwards (from North Carolina; the Wachovia Bank origin of the problem, since 1989, proven in Federal Court)....<br />Â Â Â Â They're purposefully-preventing The Economic Expansion Programs developed <br />under Reagan and prosecuted in Federal Court, since 1989, from being <br />implemented (the only ones that'll withstand our District Juries' scrutiny as to fact and law)...while harassing the DEA-registered Researcher and Christian <br />University that discovered (and copyrighted) such materials...while causing a stall in the economy (complete with pretended-growth in the Military-Industrial <br />Complex's Electronis Market)..while they buy-up, through Wachovia Bank (the VA <br />Bank) and other-such Commi-Economics/International-Crime organizations, homes by <br />the thousands...while also-preventing the access to our District Juries that <br />peaceful/trial resolution (Constitutional Support and Defense) requires....<br />Â Â Â Â As the only forms of resolution are Dual(forceful/violent) and <br />Trial(peaceful)...they're lucky that the first homeowner to illegally-lose their home from this purposeful-economic degredation (via illegal-uasge of Office of Economic Warfare Tactics stallings of lawsuits or otherwise) didn't forcefully/dually resolve the matter themselves....(Killing an American Citizen, needlessly, or a Law Enforcement Officer; or completely-uninvolved bystander)... since it's their job to ensure that peaceful/trial avenues of just-resoltion (jury trials) were available, everytime-sought.....<br />Â Â Â Â Â They also-prevented the Scientific Government Training Programs that <br />prove these things (and others) and would have 10,000 new multi-millionaires <br />in every state (and a thriving economy), Right Now (and requiring that EVERY HOME LOST AS A RESULT OF OUR HAVING A STAGNANT-ECONOMY, INSTEAD....HAVE HAD THEIR HOMES STOLEN)....THESE SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND THE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION THAT RESULTS, BEING THE ONLY PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM....<br />Â Â Â Â The realization that any American in the country who loses their home due <br />to these illegal efforts could merely use the case in U.S. District Court, EDL, New Orleans, La. #90-2482 and the matters evolving therefrom to justifiably-kill them for such Racketeering (theft through Fraud) of the paychecks they receive to <br />"support and defend" the U.S. Constitution (the right to use those juries <br />anytime, everytime, all-the-time; the Constitution only-detailing the 4 basic forms of such juries; 12 Man; Supreme Court; Grand Juries and Legislatures/Congress, formerly called General Courts) would be enough to "sober up" any reasonably-unrabid individual, communists-included (as Mr. Gorbachov and the USSR exemplifies)....I GUESS OUR COMMIES ARE JUST-MORE-STUPID THAN THEIRS.....<br />Â Â Â Â Whoever illegally-claims to win (neither of which could pass the <br />newly-discovered Scientific High School Diploma Courses, required to legally-hold <br />office), as they illegally-harass and economicly-disempower valid <br />applicants/candidates.....sooner or later, they'll learn, that they'll either do the job and ensue our peoples can fully-use their courts....or forceful-resolution is all they've left for them....(DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN AN ILLEGAL-HOME-LOSER GIVES IT TO YOU, GENTS).....THIS IS STILL AMERICA, COMMI BOYS....You've outsmarted-us again, huh?<br />Â <br />Â <br />Â Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself; Always;<br />Â <br />Â Dr. Dan Manna, NDP<br />Â <a href=""></a></p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 3 elements)
#type (String, 9 characters ) container
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
class (String, 8 characters ) clearfix
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 6674 characters ) <p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMI...
<p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p> Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....</p> <!--break--><p>LIKE ANTS IN SUGAR: WHAT INTERNATIONAL-CRIMINAL/COMMI OCCUPATION LOOKS LIKE....</p> <p>Â Â Â Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....<br />Â Â Â Â Â Â Though the International Criminal-Interests still-within our Government <br />were Forced to Split, in the c.1820s into the "Democrat and Republican <br />Parties" from the Democratic-Republicans (the Anti-Federalists who opposed the very formation of the country, they're still doing).....the "promise <br />them everything and give them nothing" Party (Democrats) and the "Promise them <br />nothing, and Actually-Give it to them" Party (Republicans)......<br />Â Â Â Â As the country, itself, is only the Mandatory Jury Trials, if sought (of <br />the various Districts), the peoples' representative-body, only by retaining <br />the full-usage of that/those juries could we ever hope to reduce or eliminate <br />crime or the debt-thereof.....<br />Â Â Â Â Instead, we hear further justifications and rationales to further-limit <br />our juries jurisdiction and authority to prevent these International Criminals <br />from stealing everything we've-got and worse......<br />Â Â Â Â Instead of jury trials to prosecute assaultive legislations, and/or <br />interpretations thereof, we hear justifications to prevent the prosecution (civil <br />or criminal) of another particular kind of act, agreement, or <br />policy.....further International Prohibition of our Rights...the ever-advancing attack of Communism (International Crime)...smiling faces and all...BANKRUPTING OUR PEOPLES AND MASS MURDERING THEM WITH JURY-DENIED BENEFIT THEFTS...<br />Â Â Â We've already had the Legally-undeniable-authority and jurisdiction of our <br />District Courts' Juries Denied rearding Health and Acident Insurance, to the <br />point of our not even-being able to get reprovably-due insurance benefits, in many cases.....and our peoples limping-around permanently-maimed and worse, from such atrocities, here at home (complete with narcoticly-manic Undercover Operatives in the White House, determined that they're going to fool everyone into believing it wasn't their mercenaries at 9/11; their handy-work in Oklahoma City, and <br />more)....and the Clintons, who gave-away Earth-Destroying Top Secret, <br />Radar-invisible bomber and missile technologies in the effort to "save the Kosovars from genocide by bombing them to death with them"...and the apparent-New Clintons, the Kerrys and Edwards (from North Carolina; the Wachovia Bank origin of the problem, since 1989, proven in Federal Court)....<br />Â Â Â Â They're purposefully-preventing The Economic Expansion Programs developed <br />under Reagan and prosecuted in Federal Court, since 1989, from being <br />implemented (the only ones that'll withstand our District Juries' scrutiny as to fact and law)...while harassing the DEA-registered Researcher and Christian <br />University that discovered (and copyrighted) such materials...while causing a stall in the economy (complete with pretended-growth in the Military-Industrial <br />Complex's Electronis Market)..while they buy-up, through Wachovia Bank (the VA <br />Bank) and other-such Commi-Economics/International-Crime organizations, homes by <br />the thousands...while also-preventing the access to our District Juries that <br />peaceful/trial resolution (Constitutional Support and Defense) requires....<br />Â Â Â Â As the only forms of resolution are Dual(forceful/violent) and <br />Trial(peaceful)...they're lucky that the first homeowner to illegally-lose their home from this purposeful-economic degredation (via illegal-uasge of Office of Economic Warfare Tactics stallings of lawsuits or otherwise) didn't forcefully/dually resolve the matter themselves....(Killing an American Citizen, needlessly, or a Law Enforcement Officer; or completely-uninvolved bystander)... since it's their job to ensure that peaceful/trial avenues of just-resoltion (jury trials) were available, everytime-sought.....<br />Â Â Â Â Â They also-prevented the Scientific Government Training Programs that <br />prove these things (and others) and would have 10,000 new multi-millionaires <br />in every state (and a thriving economy), Right Now (and requiring that EVERY HOME LOST AS A RESULT OF OUR HAVING A STAGNANT-ECONOMY, INSTEAD....HAVE HAD THEIR HOMES STOLEN)....THESE SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND THE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION THAT RESULTS, BEING THE ONLY PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM....<br />Â Â Â Â The realization that any American in the country who loses their home due <br />to these illegal efforts could merely use the case in U.S. District Court, EDL, New Orleans, La. #90-2482 and the matters evolving therefrom to justifiably-kill them for such Racketeering (theft through Fraud) of the paychecks they receive to <br />"support and defend" the U.S. Constitution (the right to use those juries <br />anytime, everytime, all-the-time; the Constitution only-detailing the 4 basic forms of such juries; 12 Man; Supreme Court; Grand Juries and Legislatures/Congress, formerly called General Courts) would be enough to "sober up" any reasonably-unrabid individual, communists-included (as Mr. Gorbachov and the USSR exemplifies)....I GUESS OUR COMMIES ARE JUST-MORE-STUPID THAN THEIRS.....<br />Â Â Â Â Whoever illegally-claims to win (neither of which could pass the <br />newly-discovered Scientific High School Diploma Courses, required to legally-hold <br />office), as they illegally-harass and economicly-disempower valid <br />applicants/candidates.....sooner or later, they'll learn, that they'll either do the job and ensue our peoples can fully-use their courts....or forceful-resolution is all they've left for them....(DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN AN ILLEGAL-HOME-LOSER GIVES IT TO YOU, GENTS).....THIS IS STILL AMERICA, COMMI BOYS....You've outsmarted-us again, huh?<br />Â <br />Â <br />Â Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself; Always;<br />Â <br />Â Dr. Dan Manna, NDP<br />Â <a href=""></a></p>
field_drupalimc_categories (Array, 16 elements)
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#title (String, 23 characters ) Elections / Legislation
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entity (Object) stdClass
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href (String, 18 characters )
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action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 89 characters ) COMMI #1 OR COMMI #2:WHICH DO YOU WANT FOR PREZ...
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title (String, 134 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
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service-links-stumbleupon (Array, 5 elements)
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