Disclosure testimony: John Maynard, DIA
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Testimony of John Maynard, (ret.) Defense Intelligence Agency
JM: My name’s John Maynard. I’m a retired military intelligence analyst and retired in 1980. I was in the military for 21 years and started off with the Army Intelligence Security Agency as an analyst. I went on from there to work with several different organizations with the military, and ended up with the DIA at the end of my career, as an administrator in charge of most of the documents for the Requirements and Evalutations division.
As far as being aware of what was in the intelligence world regarding UFOs and Extraterrestrials, this came early on in my career in the 1960s. Some of the radio communications that I was analyzing for the Army Security Agency were a little bit more than just the normal type of traffic. I think at that point when I became too curious is when they decided to let me go from that position.
I went on from there to investigate what was going on with UFOs. When I got to Europe I was approached by a few of the counterintelligence people there who had information on my background as far as analysis goes. I became involved in looking at where people were moving drugs back and forth, as far as the military was concerned, and at the same time, I ran across the UFO problems that people were having- particularly sightings in Europe. I did preliminary investigations for these people and turned reports in on what people were saying; what was going on.
But getting back to my initial exposure to UFOs- that was connected to work at Okinawa, where we were analyzing traffic patterns [electronic communications] of the Chinese at that particular time. Every once in a while, I would run across an anomaly that wasn’t really within the pattern of this type of traffic that would be known within our military network.
When I questioned this, I would always be pushed off to the side, and they would say, “Well, you don’t have to worry about things like that”. But I just couldn’t let go- I still don’t. I pursue it to the ninth degree, without getting myself in trouble. But I did get in trouble that time. I found out that there was more to these communications than was normal, and that they were not basically earthbound [were not coming from earth]…
I think that was really my downfall- I realized [the signal] had to be extraterrestrial- so they found a way to get rid of me and they did it very well.
So anyway, while in Europe I researched these UFO reports, and we got quite a bit of information about these sightings. We could get drawings of what the vehicles looked like, whether they landed or not, whether they saw any people with them- extraterrestrials, things like that. And, it just made an exciting career while I was over there….
That happens all the time at the Pentagon. Materials are kept very tightly by their owners. Years later, while at the DIA, I saw some documents that pertained to extraterrestrials. They were code-worded. A normal person reading it may not catch it- it would go right on beyond them. These were top secret documents. I imagine most of them were still classified. A lot of them pertained to Salt 1 and Salt 2- the strategic arms limitation treaties with Russia.
I also saw pictures of UFOs from- I believe it was called- the National Intelligence Photographic Center [NIPC]. Once in a while an anomaly would show up on these pictures that didn’t belong there- a round object, a triangular object. They were not markings put on the photograph that indicated some place or anything like that. These were above ground. These anomalies came up in certain photographs and things that we received at our office at DIA and, we always thought they were interesting. They came from the NIPC, which I believe was the National Intelligence Photographic Center over on Haynes Street right there in Arlington…
I had a rather interesting incident, not in an organization that I belong to as far as the DIA, but it was an office put within my area at the DIA. Since it was within my area of security, I received the code name to go in there and to look at the office. It was called Omni Project…It dealt with radar satellites. I was talking with one of the sergeants over there in a little room they had, and I noticed the satellite’s positioning. I said, “Now this is supposed to be a system that tracks radar anomalies on earth, right?” He says, “Yep, that’s what it does”. So I ask, “then why are half of them pointed towards outer space, towards the moon, towards areas that are just blank space?” I said, “At least half of those satellites that you got up there aren’t looking at Earth- well what are they looking for?” He says, “Well you got to have a need to know to know about that.” I said, “I see, in other words, who’s coming?” And he says, “We don’t know”. I just thought it rather odd that they were tracking stuff in outer space…
The NRO, National Reconnaissance Organization, is basically run by the Air Force. The Reconnaissance Office, from my understanding from people that I’ve had contacts with since I retired, has taken on a lot more responsibility- particularly towards the UFO and extraterrestrial activities…
A government is widespread, as everybody knows. It’s into everybody’s pockets and everybody’s life all over the place. The same things holds true for the UFOs/extraterrestrial subject, but very, very few people really [have] the full knowledge of what’s going on. It’s held very tightly within black covert operations. If you want to take a good close look at some of the background on it, you can go to civilian organizations outside of NSA, which are direct contractors for NSA- like Drydon Industries. Why are they flying the SR-71 on Reconnaissance using Navy pilots? What are they looking at? What is NSA looking at, when you think about that? Why are they doing all these particular things? They are not using it for training, that’s for one thing.
But not very much is known about the NRO- it’s one of those organizations that’s so low profile…Any time the question comes up, it’s strictly an entity that does reconnaissance in the Air Force, period. It leaves a lot of questions. But as far as UFO and intelligence and extraterrestrial matters go, it’s right at the top- and I would say that the President has limited knowledge of it. I know Carter did not have any knowledge of it whatsoever. And I worked right there with the organization. President Carter’s organization. They kept it pretty secret…
I think they made a mistake at Roswell. Rather than admitting it, they covered it, and they covered it because UFO and extraterrestrial activity has been going on a lot longer than the government will admit. I thought it was comical the way Bush- George W.- threw the ball into Cheney’s court saying that, of anybody who would probably know more about this than anybody else, it would be Cheney. He has some very interesting knowledge…