Pataki Supporter Punches Activist Outside Debate
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Pataki Supporter Punches Activist Outside Debate
Hawkins: Pension Fund should Divest from Isreali Bonds
Aronowitz criticizes tax cut proposals
Sept 25 meeting minutes
Pesticide Notification succeeds in Suffolk County
People give Mayors a Lesson
Demonstrators expose Hillary's Hypocrisy
No Further Reason to Vote for Democrats and Republicans
Afghanistan One Year Later
Read our lips: No war on Iraq
Skepticism over Bush's war finds voice in streets
Pataki Supporter Punches Activist Outside Debate
Last Sunday, outside the offices of Syracuse's Channel 5, a man wearing
an Orangemen jacket punched a member of the Marijuana Reform party in
the process of throwing him out of a tent packed with Pataki supporters.
Victoria Jordan, me, my wife and my 3-month-old were invited to an event
at the debate site. We arrived late and were confused about where to go.
As we walked towards the television studio, a police officer politely
asked us what our credentials were. I didn't think we'd get in, but I
decided to play all of the cards we had. I told him that Victoria was a
campaign coordinator for Aronowitz and that my wife and I were members
of the state committee.
Hawkins: Pension Fund should Divest from Isreali Bonds
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for State Comptroller,
announced that he would use social criteria as well financial concerns
in determining how to invest the state $100 billion plus pension fund.
Hawkins said he would start by divesting from government bonds in Israel
until it complies with United Nations resolutions. Hawkins also said
that environmental concerns should be made part of the state's audits
and tax systems.
Jennifer Daniels, the Green nominee for Lt. Governor, joined Hawkins in
calling for an overhaul of the state's economic development program.
Daniels also harshly criticized Pataki and the State Legislature for
their efforts to curtail civil liberties following September 11th, and
called upon Congress to stand up to Bush and put a halt to his plans to
launch a ground war against Iraq.
"A government that failed to protect us from the worst act of terrorism
in US history is now seeking to muzzle the voice of citizens that might
criticize it under the guise of anti-terrorist legislation. We must
repeal the New York State Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, oppose the USA
Patriot Act, and oppose the drive toward war in Iraq. War abroad and
repression at home must be opposed. They mean federal cuts to New York
for social and environmental programs and loss of our freedom to
influence policy," stated Daniels.
Aronowitz criticizes tax cut proposals
Stanley Aronowitz, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today he
found it incredible that both Carl McCall and George Pataki would
propose increasing corporate tax giveaways while the state was facing a
multi-billion state budget deficit. McCall recently announced that he
wants increased tax credits for companies that create jobs slightly
above the local average wage. Governor Pataki also recently told that
Business Council that he plans to propose more tax cuts for them.
"McCall and Pataki are competing to see who can give away more of our
tax dollars to their campaign contributors. The only surprise is that
these proposals are not greeted with howls of laughter by the media or
cries of outrage by working taxpayers. New York already gives away
billions of dollars annually in tax breaks, subsidies and other
corporate welfare giveaways and yet both major parties have refused to
hold corporations accountable for actually creating jobs. The Democrats
and Republicans make poor people sweep the streets for thirty hours a
week in exchange for putting a leaky roof over the heads of their
children, but even after corporate executives have plundered our pension
plans and stolen our children's future, they wouldn't dream of holding
corporate officials for the millions they receive in welfare. It is time
to end corporate dependence on tax giveaways,†Aronowitz stated.
Sept 25 meeting minutes
Thanks to Kathy Halton for writing these up.
1. Mark Dunau's report on his campaign. He has begun his walk of his
district. Will start Friday from Geneva and walk to Auburn. He showed us
an article in the Oneonta Daily Star, which portrays him as the anti-war
candidate. A contact number if you want to walk with him is:
607-467-4034. Website is
2. Pete Meyers report on his campaign for Sheriff of Tompkins County.
His campaign is going well. The Ithaca Times on page 3 this last week,
had a good article on Pete, by Tye Wolf. Pete now has the support of the
Ithaca Paraprofessionals, and would like to get the support of the UAW.
The voter registration drive has now registered 285 voters in Tompkins
County. The Cornell student groups want to do a drive, and people are
going up Friday. Pete's main issues are: he is against jail expansion
because it is too costly and law enforcement people will be pressured to
fill it; he believes in alternatives to incarceration and restorative
justice. He feels there are class issues re the Rockefeller drug laws'
enforcement, and he also thinks that the local law enforcement people
will have to stand up to pressure to attack civil liberties because of
the anti-terrorist stuff.
Pesticide Notification succeeds in Suffolk County
Below is an interview that I had with Al Lane on Dec. 7, 2001. Lane owns
Professional Tree Supply,Inc., for 43 years in the wholesale
lawn/nursery supply business
Unfortunately, in Syracuse/Onondaga in Dec. 2001, no enviro groups
(neither NYPIRG, the lead group, nor Sierra Club, Am. Lung Assn. et al.)
ever brought up info at any public hearing about the overwhelming
success of the implementation of Pesticide Neighbor Notification in
Suffolk County in the summer of 2001.
So, in Onondaga County, the regional CNY chapter of the powerful NY
Landscape Assn. was able to use the scare tactics of job loss and
bankruptcy (despite the success of PNN in Suffolk)among the local garden
and landscape/lawncare business to get all GOP legislators, including
three lameducks, to defeat PNN in Dec. 2001.
People give Mayors a Lesson
by Men Manski
Mayors from 200 of the nation's 300 largest cities came to Madison, Wis.
in June to be wined and dined. Instead, they found the people were upset
with their feeding on corporate cash.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors meetings were held in a cordoned-off
four-block area of the downtown, beyond concrete barricades, security
checkpoints, and the nervous eyes of hundreds of police officers. More
than 1,000 people demonstrated against the corporatization of American
cities. Before it was over the police had arrested seven people and
$750,000 was spent by Madison officials on event security. Also, Madison
Mayor Sue Bauman had significantly damaged her re-election prospects.
Where previous meetings of the U.S. Conference of Mayors had been marked
by protests, this meeting was the first in which the protests defined
the agenda.
Demonstrators expose Hillary's Hypocrisy
“Hillary Clinton’s supposed to be our representative, but who is she
representing?” asked Frank Reynoso. “The people, or big business?”
Reynoso was one of about sixty demonstrators this evening at the New
School’s 12th street auditorium, where Clinton was speaking to an
audience of about three hundred.
The protest, organized by the No Blood for Oil Coalition as well as a
coalition of NYU and New School students, was spirited, with the
penned-in demonstrators banging drums and wearing paper masks of
Clinton’s face proclaiming “SHAME” and “SPINELESS.” One woman wore an
elaborate plastic Clinton mask from a local Halloween shop.
No Further Reason to Vote for Democrats and Republicans
A dark day for democracy: Congress undermines its own constitutional
authority to declare war, drops plans for an independent investigation
of September 11
WASHINGTON, DC -- Candidates of the Green Party of the United States
reacted angrily to Congress's bipartisan approval yesterday of the
resolution to surrender its constitutionally mandated authority to
declare war to President Bush.
"Most leading Democrats, going against the majority of their own party,
joined Republicans in handing Bush his blank check for an invasion of
Iraq," said Rahul Mahajan, Green candidate for governor of Texas. "They
have acted together as faithful factions of a single War Party,
dedicated to the interests of the fossil fuel and arms contractor
lobbies and to the establishment of the United States as a global
empire. This decision may benefit elites, but it hurts ordinary working
people in the United States and Iraq. Those who voted against the
resolution should be applauded, but there can be no further reason for
anyone to vote for the Democrats who supported this resolution."
Afghanistan One Year Later
By Rahul Mahajan, Green Candidate for Texas Governor
As the full imperial dimensions of current administration policy become
clearer, helped along by the recent promulgation of a new “national
security” policy that calls explicitly for a new imperialism based on
military dominance, opposition to the planned war on Iraq is mounting
across the globe (except in Congress, where the Democratic leadership
has once again sold out, ignoring the overwhelming message sent by the
huge grassroots mobilization of recent weeks).
In the context of Iraq, it has become acceptable, even respectable, to
say that the emperor is aptly garbed for a naked power grab. To this
day, however, few are willing to criticize the war in Afghanistan. In
fact, some self-proclaimed spokespeople for the antiwar movement have
recently suggested that the “left,” which is to say the peace movement,
the global justice movement, and most of the progressive grassroots
activists in the country, still handicaps itself by its opposition to
that war. The official story remains that, whatever has come after, the
war on Afghanistan remains the one shining success in the “war on
One year later (the bombing started on October 7, 2001), many of the
results are in, and it’s about time for a critical look at some of those
Read our lips: No war on Iraq
By Deirdre Griswold
How relieved the war gang in Washington would be if ordinary people were
to go back to discussing nothing more dangerous than "Have a nice day"
and "Kind of warm, isn't it?" in their daily encounters.
Instead, a different kind of discussion, one long delayed but thus all
the more necessary, is bubbling to the surface. Tentatively at first,
people are asking each other, "What do you think of this war Bush is
talking about?" And, perhaps to their surprise, they are finding that
their friends, neighbors and co-workers harbor the same doubts they do.
They haven't heard this on television or read about it in the
newspapers. As far as the corporate media are concerned, there's only
one viewpoint out there among the people: unswerving loyalty to
President George W. Bush. But more and more there is concrete evidence
that people are thinking for themselves.
Skepticism over Bush's war finds voice in streets
During the last weekend of September, anti-war protests took to the
streets in cities across the United States and around the world, giving
voice to growing skepticism over the Bush administration's hell-bent
plan to invade Iraq.
Washington, San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix and Flagstaff,
Ariz., were among the cities that were host to important manifestations
against the war Sept. 27-29. Overseas, massive demonstrations were seen
in London, Rome and Madrid.
And on the heels of that weekend of protest, two anti-war coalitions
based in the U.S. made an important contribution to the unity of the
movement against war, racism and repression.
On Sept. 30 the International ANSWER coalition--Act Now to Stop War and
End Racism--and the Not In Our Name Project issued a joint statement.
They called on all opponents of Bush's war on Iraq to mobilize for both
Oct. 6 regional protests in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and
other cities, and for the Oct. 26 national march on Washington and the
West Coast march in San Francisco.