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...Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris <!--break--> Kerry Campaign's Lack of Focus and Swing to the Right Raises Concern of Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Scott Harris As Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry tours the nation and raises funds in his race for the White House, there are growing doubts about the direction of his campaign. Many Democratic Party activists and political observers note that the presumed Democratic Party nominee has yet to find a clear or compelling message for his campaign. There is also concern in recent weeks that the Bush administration has succeeded in putting Kerry on the defensive about his tax policies, his support for the military and his war record. Despite deepening violence and instability in Iraq, harsh questions what about the White House knew about possible attacks before Sept. 11, and a succession of scandals, Bush is holding his own or gaining ground in recent public opinion polls. Some critics of the Kerry campaign say his early support for the Iraq war, and later contradictory positions, make it difficult for the candidate to differentiate himself from the president. Others point out that Kerry's pro-corporate economic platform, designed to appeal to moderate voters, will fail to motivate the party faithful in numbers large enough to win in November. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with New York-based commentator Doug Ireland, who takes a critical look at the direction and strategy of John Kerry's campaign for president. Doug Ireland's work regularly appears in the Nation magazine and the L.A. Weekly. Read Ireland's recent piece on John Kerry titled, "All Profile, No Courage" online at LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below: * "Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit: httC:// * "Between the Lines," WPKN 89.5 FM's weekly radio news magazine can be heard Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. ET; Wednesdays at 8 a.m. ET and Saturdays at 2 p.m. ET (Wednesday's show airs at 7:30 a.m. ET during fundraising months of April and October). * For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Weekly Summary" which features a RealAudio link to the week's program for Between The Lines, send an email to * For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Q&A" which features a RealAudio link and weekly transcript to one of the interviews featured on Between The Lines, send an email to * * * Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. (c)2004 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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<p>...Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris</p> <!--break--><p>Kerry Campaign's Lack of Focus and Swing to the Right Raises Concern of Party Faithful</p> <p>Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Scott Harris</p> <p>As Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry tours the nation and raises funds in his race for the White House, there are growing doubts about the direction of his campaign. Many Democratic Party activists and political observers note that the presumed Democratic Party nominee has yet to find a clear or compelling message for his campaign. There is also concern in recent weeks that the Bush administration has succeeded in putting Kerry on the defensive about his tax policies, his support for the military and his war record.</p> <p>Despite deepening violence and instability in Iraq, harsh questions what about the White House knew about possible attacks before Sept. 11, and a succession of scandals, Bush is holding his own or gaining ground in recent public opinion polls. Some critics of the Kerry campaign say his early support for the Iraq war, and later contradictory positions, make it difficult for the candidate to differentiate himself from the president. Others point out that Kerry's pro-corporate economic platform, designed to appeal to moderate voters, will fail to motivate the party faithful in numbers large enough to win in November.</p> <p>Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with New York-based commentator Doug Ireland, who takes a critical look at the direction and strategy of John Kerry's campaign for president.</p> <p>Doug Ireland's work regularly appears in the Nation magazine and the L.A. Weekly. Read Ireland's recent piece on John Kerry titled, "All Profile, No Courage" online at <a href=""></a></p> <p>LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below:</p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit: httC://<a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between the Lines," WPKN 89.5 FM's weekly radio news magazine can be heard Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. ET; Wednesdays at 8 a.m. ET and Saturdays at 2 p.m. ET (Wednesday's show airs at 7:30 a.m. ET during fundraising months of April and October).<br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Weekly Summary" which features a RealAudio link to the week's program for Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Q&A" which features a RealAudio link and weekly transcript to one of the interviews featured on Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc.<br /> (c)2004 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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...Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris <!--break--> Kerry Campaign's Lack of Focus and Swing to the Right Raises Concern of Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Scott Harris As Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry tours the nation and raises funds in his race for the White House, there are growing doubts about the direction of his campaign. Many Democratic Party activists and political observers note that the presumed Democratic Party nominee has yet to find a clear or compelling message for his campaign. There is also concern in recent weeks that the Bush administration has succeeded in putting Kerry on the defensive about his tax policies, his support for the military and his war record. Despite deepening violence and instability in Iraq, harsh questions what about the White House knew about possible attacks before Sept. 11, and a succession of scandals, Bush is holding his own or gaining ground in recent public opinion polls. Some critics of the Kerry campaign say his early support for the Iraq war, and later contradictory positions, make it difficult for the candidate to differentiate himself from the president. Others point out that Kerry's pro-corporate economic platform, designed to appeal to moderate voters, will fail to motivate the party faithful in numbers large enough to win in November. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with New York-based commentator Doug Ireland, who takes a critical look at the direction and strategy of John Kerry's campaign for president. Doug Ireland's work regularly appears in the Nation magazine and the L.A. Weekly. Read Ireland's recent piece on John Kerry titled, "All Profile, No Courage" online at LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below: * "Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit: httC:// * "Between the Lines," WPKN 89.5 FM's weekly radio news magazine can be heard Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. ET; Wednesdays at 8 a.m. ET and Saturdays at 2 p.m. ET (Wednesday's show airs at 7:30 a.m. ET during fundraising months of April and October). * For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Weekly Summary" which features a RealAudio link to the week's program for Between The Lines, send an email to * For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Q&A" which features a RealAudio link and weekly transcript to one of the interviews featured on Between The Lines, send an email to * * * Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. (c)2004 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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<p>...Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris</p> <!--break--><p>Kerry Campaign's Lack of Focus and Swing to the Right Raises Concern of Party Faithful</p> <p>Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Scott Harris</p> <p>As Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry tours the nation and raises funds in his race for the White House, there are growing doubts about the direction of his campaign. Many Democratic Party activists and political observers note that the presumed Democratic Party nominee has yet to find a clear or compelling message for his campaign. There is also concern in recent weeks that the Bush administration has succeeded in putting Kerry on the defensive about his tax policies, his support for the military and his war record.</p> <p>Despite deepening violence and instability in Iraq, harsh questions what about the White House knew about possible attacks before Sept. 11, and a succession of scandals, Bush is holding his own or gaining ground in recent public opinion polls. Some critics of the Kerry campaign say his early support for the Iraq war, and later contradictory positions, make it difficult for the candidate to differentiate himself from the president. Others point out that Kerry's pro-corporate economic platform, designed to appeal to moderate voters, will fail to motivate the party faithful in numbers large enough to win in November.</p> <p>Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with New York-based commentator Doug Ireland, who takes a critical look at the direction and strategy of John Kerry's campaign for president.</p> <p>Doug Ireland's work regularly appears in the Nation magazine and the L.A. Weekly. Read Ireland's recent piece on John Kerry titled, "All Profile, No Courage" online at <a href=""></a></p> <p>LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below:</p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit: httC://<a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between the Lines," WPKN 89.5 FM's weekly radio news magazine can be heard Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. ET; Wednesdays at 8 a.m. ET and Saturdays at 2 p.m. ET (Wednesday's show airs at 7:30 a.m. ET during fundraising months of April and October).<br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Weekly Summary" which features a RealAudio link to the week's program for Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Q&A" which features a RealAudio link and weekly transcript to one of the interviews featured on Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc.<br /> (c)2004 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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<p>...Party Faithful Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris</p> <!--break--><p>Kerry Campaign's Lack of Focus and Swing to the Right Raises Concern of Party Faithful</p> <p>Interview with Doug Ireland, The Nation commentator, conducted by Scott Harris</p> <p>As Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry tours the nation and raises funds in his race for the White House, there are growing doubts about the direction of his campaign. Many Democratic Party activists and political observers note that the presumed Democratic Party nominee has yet to find a clear or compelling message for his campaign. There is also concern in recent weeks that the Bush administration has succeeded in putting Kerry on the defensive about his tax policies, his support for the military and his war record.</p> <p>Despite deepening violence and instability in Iraq, harsh questions what about the White House knew about possible attacks before Sept. 11, and a succession of scandals, Bush is holding his own or gaining ground in recent public opinion polls. Some critics of the Kerry campaign say his early support for the Iraq war, and later contradictory positions, make it difficult for the candidate to differentiate himself from the president. Others point out that Kerry's pro-corporate economic platform, designed to appeal to moderate voters, will fail to motivate the party faithful in numbers large enough to win in November.</p> <p>Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with New York-based commentator Doug Ireland, who takes a critical look at the direction and strategy of John Kerry's campaign for president.</p> <p>Doug Ireland's work regularly appears in the Nation magazine and the L.A. Weekly. Read Ireland's recent piece on John Kerry titled, "All Profile, No Courage" online at <a href=""></a></p> <p>LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below:</p> <p><a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit: httC://<a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> "Between the Lines," WPKN 89.5 FM's weekly radio news magazine can be heard Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. ET; Wednesdays at 8 a.m. ET and Saturdays at 2 p.m. ET (Wednesday's show airs at 7:30 a.m. ET during fundraising months of April and October).<br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Weekly Summary" which features a RealAudio link to the week's program for Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> For an email subscription of "Between The Lines Q&A" which features a RealAudio link and weekly transcript to one of the interviews featured on Between The Lines, send an email to <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> *<br /> Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc.<br /> (c)2004 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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