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Rochester Indymedia has a new half-hour public access tv program beginning Wednesday, May 5th, at 7:30 p.m. on Rochester Community Television (RCTV) cable channel 15.
This week's show is a compilation of local and national media activists producing video that promotes social change. For this new show we are planning on doing a variety of REAL reality tv shows around social issues in our community. If you want to pitch ideas for our show, you are invited to call them in. And we are always looking for more people to help produce our shows, so get in touch with us if you're interested.
A reminder: we air TV Dinner every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. This week's TV Dinner show looks at work co-ops in Argentina.
Our new show is currently availale only to Rochester city residents.
If you want to have your public access station carry our programs please contact us.
Dawn 415-7808