How the News Media Unquestioningly Disseminated WMD Disinformation
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A new study by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and the University of Maryland provides thorough documentation of how the news media participated in the dissemination of disinformation about Iraq's "Weapons of Mass Destruction."
In my blog entry dated 3/4/04 promoting attendance at the March 8 Media Ownership Forum at St. John Fisher College, I asserted that the "U.S. mass media ... virtually served as handmaiden to the Administration in the selling of the Iraq War." That statement was based on my impressions of what I had seen in the media. Today, an article in Editor & Publisher called my attention to a study by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and the University of Maryland that provides thorough documentation of my impressions.
Both a summary and a full version of the 101-page study are available at the CISSM website.
I encourage everyone to read the full study.