FOIA Docs: Red-light Camera Contract between City of Rochester and Redflex
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FOIA Docs: Red-light Camera Contract between City of Rochester and Redflex
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<p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p><p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"13258","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"270","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"270"}}]]</p><p>This contract was obtained through Rochester, NY's freedom of information act; it is the contract between the city and Redflex--the company that the city contracted with to install and monitor red-light cameras. In the U.S., Redflex is based out of Phoenix, AZ.</p><p>The agreement was entered into on December 23, 2009.</p><p><a href="">From Wikipedia</a>: "Redflex Holdings (ASX: RDF), provides vehicle monitoring and enforcement services for government, police, and traffic departments globally.<br><br>"Redflex operates primarily in Australia and the United States of America, and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 1997[1]. Redflex Holdings consists of two distinct companies; Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd. covering Australia and global operations and Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. covering the US market. The company works with partners in other countries, such as ChinaTel Group in the Peoples Republic of China.[2]<br><br>"Redflex is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where it runs its systems engineering operation as well as its system integration and research and development programs. As at December 2008, Redflex Holdings employed more than 480 people in Australia and the USA.[3]<br><br>"Redflex operates fixed and mobile camera units.[4] Twelve California cities have dropped contracts with Redflex, citing ineffectiveness in reducing crashes as well as in revenue generation.[5] Despite lobbying residents,[6] Redflex has lost in every ballot against photo enforcement of traffic laws where the referendums allowing voting on the matter were not legally challenged.[7]"</p>
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safe_value (String, 2519 characters ) <p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p> <p><d...
<p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-13258" class="file file-default file-application-pdf"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/13258">RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a></h2> <div class="content"> <a href="" alt="" class="media-image" height="270" width="270"><img width="270" height="270" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="" /><br>RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>This contract was obtained through Rochester, NY's freedom of information act; it is the contract between the city and Redflex--the company that the city contracted with to install and monitor red-light cameras. In the U.S., Redflex is based out of Phoenix, AZ.</p> <p>The agreement was entered into on December 23, 2009.</p> <p><a href="">From Wikipedia</a>: "Redflex Holdings (ASX: RDF), provides vehicle monitoring and enforcement services for government, police, and traffic departments globally.<br /><br />"Redflex operates primarily in Australia and the United States of America, and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 1997[1]. Redflex Holdings consists of two distinct companies; Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd. covering Australia and global operations and Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. covering the US market. The company works with partners in other countries, such as ChinaTel Group in the Peoples Republic of China.[2]<br /><br />"Redflex is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where it runs its systems engineering operation as well as its system integration and research and development programs. As at December 2008, Redflex Holdings employed more than 480 people in Australia and the USA.[3]<br /><br />"Redflex operates fixed and mobile camera units.[4] Twelve California cities have dropped contracts with Redflex, citing ineffectiveness in reducing crashes as well as in revenue generation.[5] Despite lobbying residents,[6] Redflex has lost in every ballot against photo enforcement of traffic laws where the referendums allowing voting on the matter were not legally challenged.[7]"</p>
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FOIA Docs: Red-light Camera Contract between City of Rochester and Redflex
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<p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p><p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"13258","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"270","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"270"}}]]</p><p>This contract was obtained through Rochester, NY's freedom of information act; it is the contract between the city and Redflex--the company that the city contracted with to install and monitor red-light cameras. In the U.S., Redflex is based out of Phoenix, AZ.</p><p>The agreement was entered into on December 23, 2009.</p><p><a href="">From Wikipedia</a>: "Redflex Holdings (ASX: RDF), provides vehicle monitoring and enforcement services for government, police, and traffic departments globally.<br><br>"Redflex operates primarily in Australia and the United States of America, and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 1997[1]. Redflex Holdings consists of two distinct companies; Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd. covering Australia and global operations and Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. covering the US market. The company works with partners in other countries, such as ChinaTel Group in the Peoples Republic of China.[2]<br><br>"Redflex is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where it runs its systems engineering operation as well as its system integration and research and development programs. As at December 2008, Redflex Holdings employed more than 480 people in Australia and the USA.[3]<br><br>"Redflex operates fixed and mobile camera units.[4] Twelve California cities have dropped contracts with Redflex, citing ineffectiveness in reducing crashes as well as in revenue generation.[5] Despite lobbying residents,[6] Redflex has lost in every ballot against photo enforcement of traffic laws where the referendums allowing voting on the matter were not legally challenged.[7]"</p>
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<p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-13258" class="file file-default file-application-pdf"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/13258">RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a></h2> <div class="content"> <a href="" alt="" class="media-image" height="270" width="270"><img width="270" height="270" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="" /><br>RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>This contract was obtained through Rochester, NY's freedom of information act; it is the contract between the city and Redflex--the company that the city contracted with to install and monitor red-light cameras. In the U.S., Redflex is based out of Phoenix, AZ.</p> <p>The agreement was entered into on December 23, 2009.</p> <p><a href="">From Wikipedia</a>: "Redflex Holdings (ASX: RDF), provides vehicle monitoring and enforcement services for government, police, and traffic departments globally.<br /><br />"Redflex operates primarily in Australia and the United States of America, and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 1997[1]. Redflex Holdings consists of two distinct companies; Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd. covering Australia and global operations and Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. covering the US market. The company works with partners in other countries, such as ChinaTel Group in the Peoples Republic of China.[2]<br /><br />"Redflex is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where it runs its systems engineering operation as well as its system integration and research and development programs. As at December 2008, Redflex Holdings employed more than 480 people in Australia and the USA.[3]<br /><br />"Redflex operates fixed and mobile camera units.[4] Twelve California cities have dropped contracts with Redflex, citing ineffectiveness in reducing crashes as well as in revenue generation.[5] Despite lobbying residents,[6] Redflex has lost in every ballot against photo enforcement of traffic laws where the referendums allowing voting on the matter were not legally challenged.[7]"</p>
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<p>View the contract as a .pdf below:</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-13258" class="file file-default file-application-pdf"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/13258">RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a></h2> <div class="content"> <a href="" alt="" class="media-image" height="270" width="270"><img width="270" height="270" typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="" /><br>RedFlex City of Rochester Red Light Camera Contract.pdf</a> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>This contract was obtained through Rochester, NY's freedom of information act; it is the contract between the city and Redflex--the company that the city contracted with to install and monitor red-light cameras. In the U.S., Redflex is based out of Phoenix, AZ.</p> <p>The agreement was entered into on December 23, 2009.</p> <p><a href="">From Wikipedia</a>: "Redflex Holdings (ASX: RDF), provides vehicle monitoring and enforcement services for government, police, and traffic departments globally.<br /><br />"Redflex operates primarily in Australia and the United States of America, and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 1997[1]. Redflex Holdings consists of two distinct companies; Redflex Traffic Systems Pty. Ltd. covering Australia and global operations and Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. covering the US market. The company works with partners in other countries, such as ChinaTel Group in the Peoples Republic of China.[2]<br /><br />"Redflex is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where it runs its systems engineering operation as well as its system integration and research and development programs. As at December 2008, Redflex Holdings employed more than 480 people in Australia and the USA.[3]<br /><br />"Redflex operates fixed and mobile camera units.[4] Twelve California cities have dropped contracts with Redflex, citing ineffectiveness in reducing crashes as well as in revenue generation.[5] Despite lobbying residents,[6] Redflex has lost in every ballot against photo enforcement of traffic laws where the referendums allowing voting on the matter were not legally challenged.[7]"</p>
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FOIA Docs: Red-light Camera Contract between City of Rochester and Redflex
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
, line527