Presient Chavez thanks In Defence of Marxism for HANDS OFF VENEZUELA CAMPAIGN
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President Chavez thanks In Defence of Marxism
for our Hands Off Venezuela! solidarity campaign
Brothers, fraternal greetings,
The President of the Republic has asked me to pass on his gratitude to you for your solidarity actions in favour of the Bolivarian Revolution.
Luis Bonilla-Molina,
Caracas, March 5, 2004
Spanish original:
Hermanos un fraterno saludo,
El Señor Presidente de la Republica agradece por mi intermedio, las iniciativas de solidaridad desarrolladas por ustedes en favor de la Revoluciòn Bolivariana
Luis Bonilla-Molina,
Caracas, 5 de marzo del 2004
See also:
Hands Off Venezuela! in French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch.
See the statement of the editorial board of In Defence of Marxism: Faced with reactionary danger the Venezuelan Revolution must advance towards socialism, and in Spanish, Danish, Italian, and German.
See also the website of the Revolutionary Marxist Current (El Topo Obrero - El Militante) in Venezuela-
Other articles:
Venezuelan opposition steps up campaign against Chavez government By Jorge Martín and Camilo López (February 19, 2004).
Venezuela - Unification of the revolutionary currents El Topo Obrero and El Militante (January 6, 2004)
Mass mobilisation - the only way to defeat the counterrevolution: Counterrevolutionary offensive in Venezuela By Miguel Campos (November 15, 2003)
Faced with the threat of a coup: mobilisation of the people to defend and deepen the revolution! (November 18, 2003)
"Workers' control is the only way forward" Interview with Hermann Albrecht of the Bolivarian University Front in Caracas (August 2003)
The Venezuelan people responds - Here is your referendum! By Hermann Albrecht (August 2003)
Venezuela: the revolution faced with economic sabotage By Miguel Campos (June 28, 2003).
A year after the coup - The red tide floods Bolivar Avenue once again By Jorge Martín. (April 21, 2003).
The defeat of the bosses lock out and the sabotage of the oil industry deepens the revolutionary process.
By Jorge Martín. (February 26, 2003)
Opposition "strike" or bosses lock out?- An eyewitness account by Jorge Martín (January, 2003)
Venezuela between revolution and counterrevolution By Alan Woods (December 10, 2002)