Website Updates
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New website improvements
Hi all... Last night Rochester indymedia upgraded our code base from an ancient version of sf-active to the current one. This gives us lots of improvesments for the site, such as:
1) Preview Button... You can now see how your post to the newswire is going to look before you submit it. Much nicer than the old system of hit publish and cross your fingers the formatting is right.
2) Better Admin functions... This one is mostly for the site admins, but it means now that if we hide a post, the reason for hiding it will be visible.
3) Categories... Feature articles and newswire pieces can now be put into categories. This is a really cool idea and can allow us to do nice things like allow other groups (RCAN, PPU, etc..) in the area to have their own newswire and features page.
Of course, there are probably still some bugs left around. I've fixed a lot of the problems today, but if you see any please post them to this thread.
I guess this is a good time to ask you folks what kinds of changes you would like to see in the website. We've been sort of holding back on making changes because we didn't want to do too much and then have to re-implement it when we upgraded the code. What kinds of website features would help you?