ACTION ALERT!! Cong. Resolution 473!!! Call NOW!!!
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> Call your Congressional Delegation and tell them to support NO Iraq Resolution OTHER THAN House Congressional Resolution 473, introduced by Representative Barbara Lee of California! <BR> <BR>Find your Congressional Delegation phone numbers here: <BR>"Contacting the Congress" <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR>Dan Brown <BR>Saint Paul, Minn. <BR>____________________________________ <BR>News from Congresswoman Barbara Lee <BR>Ninth Congressional District of California <BR>U.S. House of Representatives <BR> <BR>PRESS RELEASE <BR> <BR>For Immediate Release <BR> <BR>Contact: Lillian German <BR> <BR>September 19, 2002 <BR> <BR>(202) 225-2661 <BR> <BR>Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces H.Con.Res.473 <BR>Calling for U.S. to work with United Nations to Advance <BR>Peace and Security in Iraq <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR>Washington DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) <BR>introduced H.Con.Res.473 <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR>calling for the <BR>United States to work through the United Nations to <BR>renew arms inspections, assure Iraqi compliance with <BR>U.N. resolutions, and to oppose unilateral first strike <BR>military action. <BR> <BR>"President Bush has called on the United Nations to <BR>assume its responsibilities. I call on the United <BR>States to assume ours by working with the United <BR>Nations to ensure that Iraq is not developing weapons <BR>of mass destruction by utilizing mechanisms such as the <BR>resumption of arms inspections, negotiation, regional <BR>cooperation, and other diplomatic means," Congresswoman <BR>Lee stated. <BR> <BR>"We all agree that world would be better off without <BR>Saddam Hussein in power, but I believe that we are <BR>better off still if we live under the rule of law and <BR>eliminate weapons of mass destruction," said Lee. Lee <BR>also said that, "A preemptive, unilateral first strike <BR>would set a terrible international precedent. The <BR>question one must ask when confronting this doctrine of <BR>preemption is, where will it end? Which dictator will <BR>be next?" <BR> <BR>This resolution outlines the history of Iraq's non- <BR>compliance with U.N. Resolution 687 (1991) and other <BR>resolutions and cease-fire agreements and sets forth <BR>the need to renew weapons inspections and to seek out <BR>and destroy any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as <BR>well as pointing out the potential consequences for the <BR>United States of a first strike against Iraq. <BR> <BR>It reads in part, "Whereas the short-term and long-term <BR>costs of unilateral U.S. military action against Iraq <BR>and subsequent occupation may be significant in terms <BR>of United States casualties, the cost to the United <BR>States treasury, and harm to United States diplomatic <BR>relations with other countries: Now, therefore, be it <BR>Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate <BR>concurring), That the United States should work through <BR>the United Nations to seek to resolve the matter of <BR>ensuring that Iraq is not developing weapons of mass <BR>destruction, through mechanisms such as the resumption <BR>of weapons inspections, negotiation, enquiry, <BR>mediation, regional arrangements, and other peaceful <BR>means." <BR> <BR>=== <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR>Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the <BR>importance of the United States working through the <BR>United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United <BR>Nations Security Council... (Introduced in House) <BR> <BR>HCON 473 IH <BR> <BR>107th CONGRESS <BR> <BR>2d Session <BR> <BR>H. CON. RES. 473 <BR> <BR>Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the <BR>importance of the United States working through the <BR>United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United <BR>Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace <BR>and security in the Persian Gulf region. <BR> <BR>IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES <BR> <BR>SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 <BR> <BR>Ms. LEE (for herself, Mrs. CLAYTON, Ms. RIVERS, Mr. <BR>HINCHEY, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. <BR>KUCINICH, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. OWENS, Ms. KILPATRICK, Ms. <BR>WATSON of California, Mr. RUSH, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. <BR>HILLIARD, Mr. CLAY, Mr. STARK, Mr. FARR of California, <BR>Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. FILNER, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. <BR>CLYBURN, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. BROWN of Florida, <BR>Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SOLIS, and Mr. CONYERS) submitted the <BR>following concurrent resolution; which was referred to <BR>the Committee on International Relations <BR> <BR>----------------- <BR> <BR>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION <BR> <BR>Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the <BR>importance of the United States working through the <BR>United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United <BR>Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace <BR>and security in the Persian Gulf region. <BR> <BR>Whereas on April 6, 1991, during the Persian Gulf War, <BR>Iraq accepted the provisions of United Nations Security <BR>Council Resolution 687 (April 3, 1991) bringing a <BR>formal cease-fire into effect; <BR> <BR>Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution <BR>687, Iraq unconditionally accepted the destruction, <BR>removal, or rendering harmless of `all chemical and <BR>biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all <BR>related subsystems and components and all research, <BR>development, support and manufacturing facilities <BR>related thereto', and `all ballistic missiles with a <BR>range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometers, <BR>and related major parts and repair and production <BR>facilities'; <BR> <BR>Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution <BR>687, Iraq unconditionally agreed not to acquire or <BR>develop any nuclear weapons, nuclear-weapons-usable <BR>material, nuclear-related subsystems or components, or <BR>nuclear-related research, development, support, or <BR>manufacturing facilities; <BR> <BR>Whereas Security Council Resolution 687 calls for the <BR>creation of a United Nations special commission to <BR>`carry out immediate on-site inspection of Iraq's <BR>biological, chemical, and missile capabilities' and to <BR>assist and cooperate with the International Atomic <BR>Energy Agency in carrying out the `destruction, removal <BR>or rendering harmless' of all nuclear-related items and <BR>in developing a plan for the ongoing monitoring and <BR>verification of Iraq's compliance; <BR> <BR>Whereas United Nations weapons inspectors (UNSCOM) <BR>between 1991 and 1998 successfully uncovered and <BR>destroyed large stockpiles of chemical and biological <BR>weapons and production facilities, nuclear weapons <BR>research and development facilities, and Scud missiles, <BR>despite the fact that the Government of Iraq sought to <BR>obstruct their work in numerous ways; <BR> <BR>Whereas in 1998, UNSCOM weapons inspectors were <BR>withdrawn from Iraq and have not returned since; <BR> <BR>Whereas Iraq is not in compliance with United Nations <BR>Security Council Resolution 687, United Nations <BR>Security Council Resolution 1154, and additional United <BR>Nations resolutions on inspections, and this <BR>noncompliance violates international law and Iraq's <BR>ceasefire obligations and potentially endangers United <BR>States and regional security interests; <BR> <BR>Whereas the true extent of Iraq's continued development <BR>of weapons of mass destruction and the threat posed by <BR>such development to the United States and allies in the <BR>region are unknown and cannot be known without <BR>inspections; <BR> <BR>Whereas the United Nations was established for the <BR>purpose of preventing war and resolving disputes <BR>between nations through peaceful means, including `by <BR>negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, <BR>arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional <BR>arrangements, or other peaceful means'; <BR> <BR>Whereas the United Nations remains seized of this <BR>matter; <BR> <BR>Whereas the President has called upon the United <BR>Nations to take responsibility to assure that Iraq <BR>fulfills its obligations to the United Nations under <BR>existing United Nations Security Council resolutions; <BR> <BR>Whereas war with Iraq would place the lives of tens of <BR>thousands of people at risk, including members of the <BR>United States armed forces, Iraqi civilian non- <BR>combatants, and civilian populations in neighboring <BR>countries; <BR> <BR>Whereas unilateral United States military action <BR>against Iraq may undermine cooperative international <BR>efforts to reduce international terrorism and to bring <BR>to justice those responsible for the attacks of <BR>September 11, 2001; <BR> <BR>Whereas unilateral United States military action <BR>against Iraq may also undermine United States <BR>diplomatic relations with countries throughout the Arab <BR>and Muslim world and with many other allies; <BR> <BR>Whereas a preemptive unilateral United States first <BR>strike could both set a dangerous international <BR>precedent and significantly weaken the United Nations <BR>as an institution; and <BR> <BR>Whereas the short-term and long-term costs of <BR>unilateral United States military action against Iraq <BR>and subsequent occupation may be significant in terms <BR>of United States casualties, the cost to the United <BR>States treasury, and harm to United States diplomatic <BR>relations with other countries: Now, therefore, be it <BR> <BR>Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate <BR>concurring), that the United States should work through <BR>the United Nations to seek to resolve the matter of <BR>ensuring that Iraq is not developing weapons of mass <BR>destruction, through mechanisms such as the resumption <BR>of weapons inspections, negotiation, enquiry, <BR>mediation, regional arrangements, and other peaceful <BR>means. <BR> <BR> <BR>
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format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 12898 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>Call your Congressional Delegation and tell them to support NO Iraq Resolution OTHER THAN House Congressional Resolution 473, introduced by Representative Barbara Lee of California!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Find your Congressional Delegation phone numbers here:<br /> <br />"Contacting the Congress"<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Dan Brown<br /> <br />Saint Paul, Minn.<br /> <br />____________________________________<br /> <br />News from Congresswoman Barbara Lee<br /> <br />Ninth Congressional District of California<br /> <br />U.S. House of Representatives<br /> <br /><br /> <br />PRESS RELEASE<br /> <br /><br /> <br />For Immediate Release<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Contact: Lillian German<br /> <br /><br /> <br />September 19, 2002<br /> <br /><br /> <br />(202) 225-2661<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces H.Con.Res.473<br /> <br />Calling for U.S. to work with United Nations to Advance<br /> <br />Peace and Security in Iraq<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Washington DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA)<br /> <br />introduced H.Con.Res.473<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br />calling for the<br /> <br />United States to work through the United Nations to<br /> <br />renew arms inspections, assure Iraqi compliance with<br /> <br />U.N. resolutions, and to oppose unilateral first strike<br /> <br />military action.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"President Bush has called on the United Nations to<br /> <br />assume its responsibilities. I call on the United<br /> <br />States to assume ours by working with the United<br /> <br />Nations to ensure that Iraq is not developing weapons<br /> <br />of mass destruction by utilizing mechanisms such as the<br /> <br />resumption of arms inspections, negotiation, regional<br /> <br />cooperation, and other diplomatic means," Congresswoman<br /> <br />Lee stated.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />"We all agree that world would be better off without<br /> <br />Saddam Hussein in power, but I believe that we are<br /> <br />better off still if we live under the rule of law and<br /> <br />eliminate weapons of mass destruction," said Lee. Lee<br /> <br />also said that, "A preemptive, unilateral first strike<br /> <br />would set a terrible international precedent. The<br /> <br />question one must ask when confronting this doctrine of<br /> <br />preemption is, where will it end? Which dictator will<br /> <br />be next?"<br /> <br /><br /> <br />This resolution outlines the history of Iraq's non-<br /> <br />compliance with U.N. Resolution 687 (1991) and other<br /> <br />resolutions and cease-fire agreements and sets forth<br /> <br />the need to renew weapons inspections and to seek out<br /> <br />and destroy any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as<br /> <br />well as pointing out the potential consequences for the<br /> <br />United States of a first strike against Iraq.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />It reads in part, "Whereas the short-term and long-term<br /> <br />costs of unilateral U.S. military action against Iraq<br /> <br />and subsequent occupation may be significant in terms<br /> <br />of United States casualties, the cost to the United<br /> <br />States treasury, and harm to United States diplomatic<br /> <br />relations with other countries: Now, therefore, be it<br /> <br />Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate<br /> <br />concurring), That the United States should work through<br /> <br />the United Nations to seek to resolve the matter of<br /> <br />ensuring that Iraq is not developing weapons of mass<br /> <br />destruction, through mechanisms such as the resumption<br /> <br />of weapons inspections, negotiation, enquiry,<br /> <br />mediation, regional arrangements, and other peaceful<br /> <br />means."<br /> <br /><br /> <br />===<br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /><br /> <br />Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the<br /> <br />importance of the United States working through the<br /> <br />United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United<br /> <br />Nations Security Council... (Introduced in House)<br /> <br /><br /> <br />HCON 473 IH<br /> <br /><br /> <br />107th CONGRESS<br /> <br /><br /> <br />2d Session<br /> <br /><br /> <br />H. CON. RES. 473<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the<br /> <br />importance of the United States working through the<br /> <br />United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United<br /> <br />Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace<br /> <br />and security in the Persian Gulf region.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES<br /> <br /><br /> <br />SEPTEMBER 19, 2002<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Ms. LEE (for herself, Mrs. CLAYTON, Ms. RIVERS, Mr.<br /> <br />HINCHEY, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr.<br /> <br />KUCINICH, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. OWENS, Ms. KILPATRICK, Ms.<br /> <br />WATSON of California, Mr. RUSH, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr.<br /> <br />HILLIARD, Mr. CLAY, Mr. STARK, Mr. FARR of California,<br /> <br />Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. FILNER, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr.<br /> <br />CLYBURN, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. BROWN of Florida,<br /> <br />Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SOLIS, and Mr. CONYERS) submitted the<br /> <br />following concurrent resolution; which was referred to<br /> <br />the Committee on International Relations<br /> <br /><br /> <br />-----------------<br /> <br /><br /> <br />CONCURRENT RESOLUTION<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the<br /> <br />importance of the United States working through the<br /> <br />United Nations to assure Iraq's compliance with United<br /> <br />Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace<br /> <br />and security in the Persian Gulf region.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas on April 6, 1991, during the Persian Gulf War,<br /> <br />Iraq accepted the provisions of United Nations Security<br /> <br />Council Resolution 687 (April 3, 1991) bringing a<br /> <br />formal cease-fire into effect;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution<br /> <br />687, Iraq unconditionally accepted the destruction,<br /> <br />removal, or rendering harmless of `all chemical and<br /> <br />biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all<br /> <br />related subsystems and components and all research,<br /> <br />development, support and manufacturing facilities<br /> <br />related thereto', and `all ballistic missiles with a<br /> <br />range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometers,<br /> <br />and related major parts and repair and production<br /> <br />facilities';<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution<br /> <br />687, Iraq unconditionally agreed not to acquire or<br /> <br />develop any nuclear weapons, nuclear-weapons-usable<br /> <br />material, nuclear-related subsystems or components, or<br /> <br />nuclear-related research, development, support, or<br /> <br />manufacturing facilities;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas Security Council Resolution 687 calls for the<br /> <br />creation of a United Nations special commission to<br /> <br />`carry out immediate on-site inspection of Iraq's<br /> <br />biological, chemical, and missile capabilities' and to<br /> <br />assist and cooperate with the International Atomic<br /> <br />Energy Agency in carrying out the `destruction, removal<br /> <br />or rendering harmless' of all nuclear-related items and<br /> <br />in developing a plan for the ongoing monitoring and<br /> <br />verification of Iraq's compliance;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas United Nations weapons inspectors (UNSCOM)<br /> <br />between 1991 and 1998 successfully uncovered and<br /> <br />destroyed large stockpiles of chemical and biological<br /> <br />weapons and production facilities, nuclear weapons<br /> <br />research and development facilities, and Scud missiles,<br /> <br />despite the fact that the Government of Iraq sought to<br /> <br />obstruct their work in numerous ways;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas in 1998, UNSCOM weapons inspectors were<br /> <br />withdrawn from Iraq and have not returned since;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas Iraq is not in compliance with United Nations<br /> <br />Security Council Resolution 687, United Nations<br /> <br />Security Council Resolution 1154, and additional United<br /> <br />Nations resolutions on inspections, and this<br /> <br />noncompliance violates international law and Iraq's<br /> <br />ceasefire obligations and potentially endangers United<br /> <br />States and regional security interests;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas the true extent of Iraq's continued development<br /> <br />of weapons of mass destruction and the threat posed by<br /> <br />such development to the United States and allies in the<br /> <br />region are unknown and cannot be known without<br /> <br />inspections;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas the United Nations was established for the<br /> <br />purpose of preventing war and resolving disputes<br /> <br />between nations through peaceful means, including `by<br /> <br />negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation,<br /> <br />arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional<br /> <br />arrangements, or other peaceful means';<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas the United Nations remains seized of this<br /> <br />matter;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas the President has called upon the United<br /> <br />Nations to take responsibility to assure that Iraq<br /> <br />fulfills its obligations to the United Nations under<br /> <br />existing United Nations Security Council resolutions;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas war with Iraq would place the lives of tens of<br /> <br />thousands of people at risk, including members of the<br /> <br />United States armed forces, Iraqi civilian non-<br /> <br />combatants, and civilian populations in neighboring<br /> <br />countries;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas unilateral United States military action<br /> <br />against Iraq may undermine cooperative international<br /> <br />efforts to reduce international terrorism and to bring<br /> <br />to justice those responsible for the attacks of<br /> <br />September 11, 2001;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas unilateral United States military action<br /> <br />against Iraq may also undermine United States<br /> <br />diplomatic relations with countries throughout the Arab<br /> <br />and Muslim world and with many other allies;<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas a preemptive unilateral United States first<br /> <br />strike could both set a dangerous international<br /> <br />precedent and significantly weaken the United Nations<br /> <br />as an institution; and<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Whereas the short-term and long-term costs of<br /> <br />unilateral United States military action against Iraq<br /> <br />and subsequent occupation may be significant in terms<br /> <br />of United States casualties, the cost to the United<br /> <br />States treasury, and harm to United States diplomatic<br /> <br />relations with other countries: Now, therefore, be it<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate<br /> <br />concurring), that the United States should work through<br /> <br />the United Nations to seek to resolve the matter of<br /> <br />ensuring that Iraq is not developing weapons of mass<br /> <br />destruction, through mechanisms such as the resumption<br /> <br />of weapons inspections, negotiation, enquiry,<br /> <br />mediation, regional arrangements, and other peaceful<br /> <br />means.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><a href=""></a><br /> <br /></p>
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