Victims of a psychopathic society have no recourse
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Victims of a psychopathic society have no recourse
For 20 years I have proven that the fbi, police, USPI and members of the general population commit atrocities against me in a manner that also characterizes this overthrown regime’s unlawful and inhumane assaults on others globally. As I try to bring forth evidence to support my reports in courts and in congress, the crimes against me just “go on & on & on” for 30 years. So, I deduce that our society is become a cesspool of sinister assassins which often presents a dilemma for many of our best people:
The clear intention of the USA is to rule the world by any means necessary, including mass murder, selective assassinations, torture via high tech and secret, space based weaponry (Directed Energy Weaponry, “DEW”), and bio-chemical- viral attacks in certain operations.
Many of the fbi and their operatives (including ordinary citizens) meet the same sociopathic profile as described here…
… and this brings me to realize that the government causes our entire population to ignore reason, civility and law in favor of arbitrary barbarism and lynch mob mentality. The awful truth is that even the world’s people are this minute being led to the same immoral and homicidal behavioral patterns:
The victims of the insanity that is characterized in most fbi operations have virtually no defense and are left to simply plead to the government powers to leave him alone; this always fails because a seeker of truth and justice is always confronted with the worst human monsters in charge of ‘running things’.
Fbi human monsters
Recently I again asked the DOJ to investigate crimes against me by the fb and I sent evidence in support of my claims. DOJ, by letter dated 3-15-17 refused my request and included a few insults to remind me that, like *AUSA Sara Robinson, all officials (including lawyers and judges) don’t care what happens to me. Indeed they all support the fbi’s crimes.
In the same letter one Carmen Romero of DOJ refers to me as “Geral Sosbee, Dear Sir or Madam”, knowing full well who I am. Clerical error , nor the use of form letters may explain this additional insult: the letter arrives to me wadded up, folded multiple times and stuffed sloppily into the DOJ envelope.
See also UT Counsel’s letter defending and supporting the UT police in their many offenses against me on campus for a decade:
So many more serious threats and assaults against me are well documented in my reports on UT police Wilson/Bleier ( & thugs Alonzo Yanez and Eusebio Contrerras), defective detective Posada, USPI Knipfing and Texas DPS Rorriguez. Even the librarian of Brownsville, Texas public library stayed out of the fbi’s way as they committed multiple crimes against my person by authority of a truly crazy federal magistrate judge. In some such illegal capers, the same assassins who tried to kill me by toxic fumes and who stalked and assaulted me and my wife in multiple locations sit next to me in the library computer room. They exit the library before me. Later, as I exit the library with a tracking device implanted in my head, the fbi noitifies the assassins to enter the library at the same moment, so that I am confronted with the lunatics in a most awkward scene. (See police report 1605-4806, et al.). The same professional criminal in the employ of the fbi then notifies a local government official that I represent a threat to others and he would like to file charges.
Thus, by study of my reports and papers such as the one in the next link, one may reasonably conclude that the legal profession, all of the police community (except a few), all judges and members of congress, and most citizens eagerly join with the fbi en queue to attack, terrorize and try to murder the victim of fbi’s assassination squads.
In the next link see how far the fbi goes to frighten the public and turn all against this victim of their COINTEL program:
Recently, fbi operative online falsely states that as I served in combat I am therefore a murderer. In another context the fbi operative says that I am a "possible mass murderer".
(Aside: apparently the fbi has actually created murderers and mass murderers by their torture campaigns and they incorrectly consider that the present campaign against me will yield a similarly disturbed mind.)
Finally, note that the same evil that is practiced 24/7/365 by the fbi in their DEW attacks on me and by their attempts on my life and terrorist plots is the same as existed and practiced 2000 years ago by those who tortured and murdered the most influential man who ever lived on God’s green earth.
Thank you and may Providence give aid, comfort and blessings to all who are victims of the crimes and offenses committed by fbi/cia/police/dod and others everywhere.
Geral Sosbee