Lessons Learned
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Geral Sosbee
Feb 27, 10:13 PM
I may now share with interested persons a few lessons learned from my experiences with the MAFIA group that calls itself , f b I.
First, one must never give up, nor question his own sanity when fbi and police associates target one for torture, imprisonment and death. Life is meaningless to those who seek to take it away.
Never allow the torturers to cause one to question his own worth as a human being, because the torturers are not qualified to render judgement on anyone.
Here are a few more lessons learned and I have many more * in the making:
*One such lesson in the making is this one:
The complex socio-economic system that profoundly impacts most of us abounds in disturbing and largely unseen forces which may destroy one's life in an instant. This means in part that those in power must remove or kill people as a matter of social & economic expediency. No consideration is allowed for humanitarian considerations. Many of our brothers and sisters are railroaded into prison, murdered on the streets by cops and fbi, or forced into final exit.
The oppressively accused is in most instances more a product of the twisted, unfair and murderously competitive social order than he be a victim of his own frailty, weakness and errors.
Now comes the exciting part:
When the political or ideological Target of government sponsored kill (or neutralization) program seeks advice or, God forbid 'help', the administrative institutions of this society are ready to 'burn one's life to the ground '.
The reason for this is that government and high culture find that removing one from main stream activity (workforce and other normal societal activities) is an effective way to improve competition in the labor force and, at the same time, thin out the population by forcing the unfortunate ones among us into jails, hospitals, homelessness and an early grave. Profit is the urgent & philosophically mandated goal in this material world, even as the individual tries to pay rent, utilities and food.
So, for now I urge all to assist those living in the margin, those in prison and those under attack by the lowest form of human beings ever to call earth their home: police, fbi, cia, courts, congress, and many of our sociopathic and heartless neighbors in big houses & fancy cars because:
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
~ Justice William O. Douglas