Fbi intensifies their treacherous crime spree
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value (String, 4408 characters ) <div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">Thi...
<div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">This report focuses on the fbi's cruelty and on their global efforts to prevent the people from seeing the awful truth of my reports.</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Friends_Are_Seriously_Mentally_Ill</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">Fbi's insanity shows in its own global threats against anyone who reveals the fbi's murderous ways.</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitly_Approved_By_Congress_SCOTUS</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">The fbi, desperate to disparage and discredit my online documentaries, is busy globally placing fraudulent notices about www.sosbeevfbi.com in different languages; here is one example from fbi's Chinese linguist/operative (translation into English follows).</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">From: </font>http://site.nihaowang.com/site/12332</strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">网站LOGO人气:2612</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"13653","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]</strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">Sosbee vs. FBI就是Geral W. Sosbee的“FBI和CIA都是恐怖分子”的网页。该网站看起来似乎是一个精神病患者设计的,不过阅读一下这个网页你就会明白这是怎么回事了。在史上十大垃圾网站中Sosbee vs. FBI排名第六哦!<br>标签: 垃圾 恐怖 网页 精神病 阅读<br>猜你喜欢</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="5">Translation:</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong> "<font size="5">ChineseWebsite LOGO Popularity: 2612<br>Sosbee vs. FBI is Geral W. Sosbee the "FBI and CIA are terrorists" page. The site seems to be a psychopath design, but reading about this page and you'll understand that this is how it happens. In the history of the top ten spam Ranked sixth Sosbee vs. FBI Oh!<br>Tags: spam pages terror psychosis reading"</font></strong><br> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">Wikipedia also continues a decade of hiding my material from their global, public database, despite efforts from persons who seek objective coverage of fbi's crime spree which include *torture & murder.</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sosbee%20vs.%20FBI&variant=zh-cn</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">* The fbi over the past two weeks increases assaults on me (both physical and psychological ), particularly using directed energy weaponry (DEW) which frequently keeps me awake all night and in bed fighting for sleep all day. Concomitant with the sleep deprivation, the fbi engages in discreet 'gaslighting ' wherein the fbi deranged killer/psychopath who is assigned to monitor my reactions to torture 24/7/365 performs the following trick:</font></strong></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">He sends a typical notice of impending sleep deprivation by changing channels on the TV at the very moment that I turn away from the TV . Other methods used to notify me of impending extreme sleep deprivation are: open trunk of my car by remote, interfere with my phone calls, let air out of my car's tire, drive nails/screws into the tires. </font></strong></div><div dir="auto"><strong><font size="4">Additionally, the fbi routinely sends thugs to brush by me from behind as I walk in the mall shopping area. Provocations by assassins is ongoing virtually everywhere I go.</font></strong></div></div><p> </p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
safe_value (String, 4818 characters ) <div> <div dir="auto"><strong>This report focus...
<div> <div dir="auto"><strong>This report focuses on the fbi's cruelty and on their global efforts to prevent the people from seeing the awful truth of my reports.</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong><a href="https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Friends_Are_Seriously_Mentally_Ill">https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Fr...</a></strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Fbi's insanity shows in its own global threats against anyone who reveals the fbi's murderous ways.</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong><a href="https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitly_Approved_By_Congress_SCOTUS">https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitl...</a></strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>The fbi, desperate to disparage and discredit my online documentaries, is busy globally placing fraudulent notices about <a href="http://www.sosbeevfbi.com">www.sosbeevfbi.com</a> in different languages; here is one example from fbi's Chinese linguist/operative (translation into English follows).</strong></div> <div dir="auto"><strong>From: <a href="http://site.nihaowang.com/site/12332">http://site.nihaowang.com/site/12332</a></strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>网站LOGO人气:2612</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-13653" class="file file-image file-image-jpeg"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/13653">downloadfile.jpeg</a></h2> <div class="content"> <a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/downloadfile_15.jpeg?width=500&height=500" class="colorbox-load" alt=""><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/styles/drupalimc_large/public/downloadfile_15.jpeg?itok=XVZBVx8R" alt="" title="" /></a> </div> </div> </div></strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Sosbee vs. FBI就是Geral W. Sosbee的“FBI和CIA都是恐怖分子”的网页。该网站看起来似乎是一个精神病患者设计的,不过阅读一下这个网页你就会明白这是怎么回事了。在史上十大垃圾网站中Sosbee vs. FBI排名第六哦!<br />标签: 垃圾 恐怖 网页 精神病 阅读<br />猜你喜欢</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Translation:</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong> "ChineseWebsite LOGO Popularity: 2612<br />Sosbee vs. FBI is Geral W. Sosbee the "FBI and CIA are terrorists" page. The site seems to be a psychopath design, but reading about this page and you'll understand that this is how it happens. In the history of the top ten spam Ranked sixth Sosbee vs. FBI Oh!<br />Tags: spam pages terror psychosis reading"</strong><br /> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Wikipedia also continues a decade of hiding my material from their global, public database, despite efforts from persons who seek objective coverage of fbi's crime spree which include *torture & murder.</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> <div dir="auto"><strong><a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sosbee%20vs.%20FBI&variant=zh-cn">https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sosbee%20vs.%20FBI&variant=zh-cn</a></strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>* The fbi over the past two weeks increases assaults on me (both physical and psychological ), particularly using directed energy weaponry (DEW) which frequently keeps me awake all night and in bed fighting for sleep all day. Concomitant with the sleep deprivation, the fbi engages in discreet 'gaslighting ' wherein the fbi deranged killer/psychopath who is assigned to monitor my reactions to torture 24/7/365 performs the following trick:</strong></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"><strong>He sends a typical notice of impending sleep deprivation by changing channels on the TV at the very moment that I turn away from the TV . Other methods used to notify me of impending extreme sleep deprivation are: open trunk of my car by remote, interfere with my phone calls, let air out of my car's tire, drive nails/screws into the tires. </strong></div> <div dir="auto"><strong>Additionally, the fbi routinely sends thugs to brush by me from behind as I walk in the mall shopping area. Provocations by assassins is ongoing virtually everywhere I go.</strong></div> </div> <p> </p>
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