Horror Story In USA
... (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 6 characters ) 150054
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title (String, 19 characters ) Horror Story In USA
log (String, 0 characters )
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created (String, 10 characters ) 1476697681
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body (Array, 1 element)
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value (String, 3569 characters ) <p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_lar...
<p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"13638","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]</p><p> </p><div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">Visualize this reality : the most powerful agency in the United States of America, the fbi, is a group of deranged psychopaths or human monsters, worse than Nazis Mengele, Himmler and Goebbels.<br><br>These fbi agents and operatives in concert with federal Magistrate Judges single out candidates for torture, human experimentation and discreet assassination with total impunity. Their victims know that they are trapped and facing bad death with no way out and with no response to their pleas to government officials, media and the general public.<br><br>The torture of the victims are both physical and psychological and the terror that is imposed on them is unspeakable. The leaders of our country including congress and SCOTUS are aware of the macabre program and participate in it by their guilty knowledge. The torture of the victim leads to his death after all experiments are finished.</font></b></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">Some of the unconscionable assaults on the victim include extreme psychological attacks and a complete, or cover, surveillance, attacks with microwave, assaults with extremely low frequency sound waves, and a variety of other torture methods used by the fbi agents, operatives and doctors from different fields.</font></b></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">No one in government, nor in the media dare make inquiry because the fbi shuts off dissent by threats, both expressed and implied. The gruesome program against the victim is performed by serial killers and is spreading globally in concert with cia, dod, et al.</font></b></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">For more details see "My Story In Detail" and thousands of my other documentations online at various sites. As the reader studies the material, I ask that calm and mature contemplation mark the response because this is truly a modern day horror story wherein only a few victims survive long enough to tell about it. In other words I caution, For Mature Readers Only.</font></b></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">Below are additional links to a few of my papers on topic, but the most painful and bloody episodes are not fully documented because they are extremely difficult to express and to re-live here. One should understand that the fbi watches in real time as the victims suffer, take their own lives, or otherwise die from the unspeakable torture. I am one such victim, and I pray that I may live long enough to capture the attention of others who might someday stop the mini Holocaust ongoing now just under the surface of polite society. Thank you.</font></b></div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"><b><font size="5">What Would You do?<br><br>https://www.academia.edu/14337221/what_would_you_do_if<br><br>Mentally ill fbi:<br><br>https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Friends_Are_Seriously_Mentally_Ill<br><br><br>Macabre Crimes by fbi:<br><br>https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitly_Approved_By_Congress_SCOTUS</font></b><br> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto"> </div><div dir="auto">Geral Sosbee :</div><div dir="auto">https://www.gangstalking.eu/GeralSosbee.htm</div><div dir="auto"> </div></div><p> </p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
safe_value (String, 4144 characters ) <p><div class="media media-element-container me...
<p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-13638" class="file file-image file-image-jpeg"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/13638">photo 2015.jpg</a></h2> <div class="content"> <a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/photo%202015_33.jpg?width=500&height=500" class="colorbox-load" alt=""><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/styles/drupalimc_large/public/photo%202015_33.jpg?itok=-8ZGok4b" alt="" title="" /></a> </div> </div> </div></p> <p> </p> <div> <div dir="auto">Visualize this reality : the most powerful agency in the United States of America, the fbi, is a group of deranged psychopaths or human monsters, worse than Nazis Mengele, Himmler and Goebbels.<br /><br />These fbi agents and operatives in concert with federal Magistrate Judges single out candidates for torture, human experimentation and discreet assassination with total impunity. Their victims know that they are trapped and facing bad death with no way out and with no response to their pleas to government officials, media and the general public.<br /><br />The torture of the victims are both physical and psychological and the terror that is imposed on them is unspeakable. The leaders of our country including congress and SCOTUS are aware of the macabre program and participate in it by their guilty knowledge. The torture of the victim leads to his death after all experiments are finished.</div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">Some of the unconscionable assaults on the victim include extreme psychological attacks and a complete, or cover, surveillance, attacks with microwave, assaults with extremely low frequency sound waves, and a variety of other torture methods used by the fbi agents, operatives and doctors from different fields.</div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">No one in government, nor in the media dare make inquiry because the fbi shuts off dissent by threats, both expressed and implied. The gruesome program against the victim is performed by serial killers and is spreading globally in concert with cia, dod, et al.</div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">For more details see "My Story In Detail" and thousands of my other documentations online at various sites. As the reader studies the material, I ask that calm and mature contemplation mark the response because this is truly a modern day horror story wherein only a few victims survive long enough to tell about it. In other words I caution, For Mature Readers Only.</div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">Below are additional links to a few of my papers on topic, but the most painful and bloody episodes are not fully documented because they are extremely difficult to express and to re-live here. One should understand that the fbi watches in real time as the victims suffer, take their own lives, or otherwise die from the unspeakable torture. I am one such victim, and I pray that I may live long enough to capture the attention of others who might someday stop the mini Holocaust ongoing now just under the surface of polite society. Thank you.</div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">What Would You do?<br /><br /><a href="https://www.academia.edu/14337221/what_would_you_do_if">https://www.academia.edu/14337221/what_would_you_do_if</a><br /><br />Mentally ill fbi:<br /><br /><a href="https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Friends_Are_Seriously_Mentally_Ill">https://www.academia.edu/29056259/The_fbi_Their_Agents_Operatives_And_Fr...</a><br /><br /><br />Macabre Crimes by fbi:<br /><br /><a href="https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitly_Approved_By_Congress_SCOTUS">https://www.academia.edu/28229253/Macabre_Crimes_Committed_By_fbi_Tacitl...</a><br /> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto"> </div> <div dir="auto">Geral Sosbee :</div> <div dir="auto"><a href="https://www.gangstalking.eu/GeralSosbee.htm">https://www.gangstalking.eu/GeralSosbee.htm</a></div> <div dir="auto"> </div> </div> <p> </p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
field_drupalimc_categories (Array, 0 elements)
field_drupalimc_local_interest (Array, 1 element)
field_drupalimc_migrated_images (Array, 0 elements)
field_drupalimc_gallery (Array, 0 elements)
field_drupalimc_author (Array, 1 element)
und (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 3 elements)
value (String, 7 characters ) gsosbee
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 7 characters ) gsosbee
rdf_mapping (Array, 9 elements)
rdftype (Array, 2 elements)
title (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 8 characters ) dc:title
created (Array, 3 elements)
predicates (Array, 2 elements)
datatype (String, 12 characters ) xsd:dateTime
callback (String, 12 characters ) date_iso8601 | (Callback) date_iso8601();
changed (Array, 3 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 11 characters ) dc:modified
datatype (String, 12 characters ) xsd:dateTime
callback (String, 12 characters ) date_iso8601 | (Callback) date_iso8601();
body (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 15 characters ) content:encoded
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predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 16 characters ) sioc:has_creator
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
name (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 9 characters ) foaf:name
comment_count (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 16 characters ) sioc:num_replies
datatype (String, 11 characters ) xsd:integer
last_activity (Array, 3 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) sioc:last_activity_date
datatype (String, 12 characters ) xsd:dateTime
callback (String, 12 characters ) date_iso8601 | (Callback) date_iso8601();
signature (String, 0 characters )
spaminess (Float) 0
cid (String, 3 characters ) 652
last_comment_timestamp (String, 10 characters ) 1476738563
last_comment_name (String, 0 characters )
last_comment_uid (String, 4 characters ) 2233
comment_count (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 7 characters ) gsosbee
picture (String, 4 characters ) 8576
data (String, 4 characters ) b:0;
Krumo version 0.2.1a
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