To fbi Director James B Comey
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To fbi Director James B. Comey
Mr. Comey,
This note represents a public indictment of you, your predessors, your agents, operatives, informants, street thugs and all who assist or further the crimes that I have documented over the past 44 years.
I charge all of you with murder, torture, forced suicide schemes, false imprisonment, perjury, and other high crimes & misdemeanors under color of law.
You and your assassins in fbi failed and fail today to protect universal human, civil and constitutional rights of our people; you have become the modern day equivalent of MAFIA, engaging in widespread crimes on a global basis and you have exploited media to hide your criminality, your mental illness and your continuing felonious behavior. Your crimes are regularly perpetrated by using high tech weaponry which are classified, macabre and hidden from public view.
You have abandoned and violated all sense of human decency, all rules of civil conduct, and most penal statutes that I and others have studied and cited as attorneys and judges. Yet, no one until now exposes your feindish minds and your murderous character. I am sad, yet honored to bring your evil into the light of day because people everywhere benefit from my efforts to serve mankind.
The fbi must be disbanded, put out of business, and many of your group must be imprisoned or face the death penalty for the horrible crimes that punctuate your complete and total corruption.
As you and your fbi have also participated in the overthrow of the US government with the assistance of federal judges and cowardly quislings in congress and others, all such traitors in your company must be similarly held for criminal trial.
I am a material witness to or victim of all of the crimes that I document in my WRIT, Affidavits 2007/2014, and all of my reports, posts and *papers online over the past 16 years.
About me, traitor Comey, as you may well know:
Those who fear or support the terrorists in the fbi block or ban my efforts to publish. Some Indymedia groups hide or trash in compost my reports. Here are two examples:
The world is controlled by assassins in the fbi and cia (and their friends) all of whom perform as a kind of global syndicate or MAFIA.
History now records the named of all individuals, even those who hide their identities behind the brave title "Indymedia". Such fraud is partly responsible for the murderous activities of fbi,cia,mossad,surete,SS,etc. whose agents and operatives torture, falsely imprison and murder people worldwide.
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Some of my posts are deleted
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Gracies; el colectiu de Indymedia Barcelona.