Message for YOU!
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Submitted by gsosbee on Fri, 2016-05-20 13:01
The following is submitted respectfully but most sincerely to all who allow government thugs to torture , harass , force suicide and murder our people.
This message is for all the world's population, especially those who think that they have no responsibility to stop murderous tyranny as sponsored by USA,fbi,cia,police,mi6,surete,ss,etc: For those in stupor who do nothing in the face of evil encourage the unconscionable crimes that I outline.
Beware The Twiight
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
~ Justice William O. Douglas
Atl. Link:
Portland Indymedia trashes the above report
So, my message is for Portland Indymedia and all others who fear, respect or support the assassins who run the US government.
Here is the former link to my post on the Portland Indymedia forum: removes the report
Anonymous Figure Scolds Me, Falsifies a Remark
imc Workerbee link
++ Your article is not banned!
++ Its been moved to the Open Compost folder - scroll to link at bottom of the Newswire.
++ Your daily posts and rants are really "not local news".
++ Your articles are still visible on the internet but are not on the front page Newswire.
++ You pretty much have been posting the same information for years sometime everyday or more.
++ Here is an informing article on indymedia posting that might help
++ {Many of your previous articles can be found in the Open Compost if they are not on the Newswire}.