Urgent Call to Help Rochester’s Homeless People!
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Urgent Call to Help Rochester’s Homeless People!
Please RSVP to: Mark Anderson, manderson@downtownpresbyterian.org
Dear human beings:
We have an emergency! Our sisters and brothers will be without shelter again this winter and we need your help one more time. We need you (or a representative) to come to a meeting at Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 North Fitzhugh St., Rochester, on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, at 7 PM, to find out how you and your organization can be part of the solution.
At this meeting, panelists Sr. Grace Miller of the House of Mercy, Kelly Finnigan of Sanctuary Village and Windsor Asamoah Wade of the Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team and Metro Justice Council, will offer specific ways we can all help keep everyone warm in Rochester this winter. Questions and discussion will follow brief presentations.
Below is a brief description of where we are now:
· The House of Mercy has acquired a new, larger building that will be fully operational by late spring 2016. This building will be open to all and take the place of the current home of the House of Mercy; it will be large enough to provide shelter and support services to a greater number of individuals who lack appropriate housing or are unable to access the traditional shelter system.
· Until the new House of Mercy is operational, an innovative community response is needed to increase emergency shelter capacity during the cold winter months. This temporary response should be up and running no later than November 15 and remain operational until approximately May 15, 2016.
· The community-wide response will need to be multifaceted and include government, religious, secular, and community groups and individuals who have the desire and/or resources to be involved in such an endeavor.
· We need a temporary shelter – similar to Sanctuary Village on Canal Street last winter – for approximately 50 individuals who are currently on the street. Ideally this shelter would be in one building in or close to downtown Rochester with proper facilities and space; it would be open 24/7 to all in need of shelter, hospitality, and support services.
· All religious and community groups and other organizations are welcome to be involved and can do so in an infinite number of ways. These include providing financial support, in-kind support, volunteers, meals, transportation, hygiene kits, fundraising assistance, and others.
In community,
Ryan Acuff, House of Mercy
Mark Anderson, Operations Manager, Downtown United Presbyterian Church
Windsor Asamoah-Wade, Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team
Sandra Cain, Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team
Kelly Finnigan, Sanctuary Village
Elaine Johnson, Chair, Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team
Sister Rita Lewis, House of Mercy
Grania Marcus, Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team
Sister Grace Miller, House of Mercy
Gail Mott, Downtown United Presbyterian Church Justice Team
Mark Potter, Spiritus Christi Church
Lauren Scholz, House of Mercy
Pat Youngdahl, Pastor, Downtown United Presbyterian Church