Against the Police Advisory Board, letters and article, Democrat & Chronicle, May 1965
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The year 1965 had by far the most column space with regards to the Police Advisory Board in both the Democrat & Chronicle and the Times-Union newspapers. For 1965, articles critical of the PAB from the Democrat & Chronicle have been combined into single Rochester Indymedia articles divided by month when needed. This is May 1965. The clippings can be found at the Local History Department of the Monroe County Library Downtown Branch.
While the Police Advisory Board became law on March 26, 1963 to address complaints against officers who used "excessive and unnecessary force" against civilians, the Locust Club police union did everything in its power to thwart it from actually accomplishing anything. Two injunctions were slapped on it by the court preventing it from conducting independent investigations and forwarding recommendations to the chief of police--it's primary functions. By the mid-1960s, new appointments to the board were needed to meet quorum in order for it to do its work. But neither Democrats nor Republicans appointed anyone to the board after it was found constitutional by the courts in 1969. It was then defunded and abolished in 1970 by the new Republican Party-lead Rochester city government.
"'City Doesn't Need Advisory Board'," is a letter to the editor written by Mike Castiglione Jr. of the city. It was published in the Democrat & Chronicle on May 2, 1965. Mr. Castiglione tells us that there is police brutality, but most officers are "honest and conscientious." He continues that cops should be allowed to use any means necessary to protect citizens and themselves. In his opinion, the board isn't "qualified to sit in judgement on the police force." He goes on to assert that "Most officers would want anyone who was unnecessarily brutal brought to justice--even if they were police officers." Is there necessary brutality? He ends by commending the citizens' group demanding the abolition of the borad.
"'Advisory Board Belittles Cops'," is a letter to the editor written by Mrs. Lena Jenkins of the city. It was published in the Democrat & Chronicle on May 4, 1965. Mrs. Jenkins opens with the beginning of an anecdote (no details except that it could have been "a great tradgedy") and based on the police response, "wonderful patience and perseverance," the PAB ought to be abolished. Won't you give our officers a "boost"?
"'Police Board Foes Lacked Courtesy'," is a letter to the editor written by Lawrence Jost of Gates. It was published in the Democrat & Chronicle on May 4, 1965. What makes this letter special is twofold: 1) It calls out the piss-poor behavior and actions of the group Committee for Abolition of the Police Advisory Board who were harassing people who refused to take their anti-PAB literature (and thus diminishing the very people they claim to support), and 2) a little over a week later, someone from the citizen's group writes in and apologizes. Check both out below.
"Board Opponent Makes Apology," is a letter to the editor written by Lawrence C. Conway from Citizens for Abolition of the Police Advisory Board. It was published in the Democrat & Chronicle on May 12, 1965. Mr. Conway eats crow on behalf of his organization.
"N.Y. Top Cop Quits Over Review Issue," has no author. The article was published in the Democrat & Chronicle on May 19, 1965. In this article, former NYC Police Commissioner Michael J. Murphy resigned "under extreme pressure by racial groups to subject his department to civilian review." Well done "racial groups"!