Justice stands ground in face of police aggression
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Before the recording began, two cops in separate parked police cars in the Arnett Library parking lot, appeared to be waiting for the city youth to make their way past them (Rochester Police Department police cars).
[The video was recorded by Justice Hill on April 15, 2015, at approximately 6:30pm. Rochester Indymedia is sharing the video and her account of what happened with her permission.]
Once the youth were visible to the RPD officers, they then ferociously drove the city's police vehicles across the street from the Arnett Library parking lot towards the youth, and jumped out and arrested one youth. While the cop did this, the now handcuffed and arrested youth's brother/friend began to exchange words with the cop, asking the cop why his brother/friend was being arrested (which he has every right to do).
Once the youth began to ask questions the cop began to threaten the youth with arrest if he didn't leave, and began to speak to the youth in a very demeaning and derogatory manner.
The reason I started to record the cops' activity was because I did not agree with the cop threatening the youth. These two cops spoke to and treated these two youth as if they were convicted felons. From what I observed, there was no legitimate reason for the cop to arrest the youth, however, the cop may have had just cause. I am just not certain.
When I observed how the cop was treating the youth who was concerned about his friend/brother, I begin to record the incident, and by then the concerned youth left. This is when the cops partner drove up on me and began to sound his siren.
It is vital that the cops employ more constructive methods to connect with the youth. Arresting the youth will only temporarily combat the youth's so called Delinquent Behavior. The only dialogue exchanged between myself and the cop was what was heard in the video.
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