Nader Speaks For US; Listen to Him
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value (String, 3760 characters ) Nader Can Help Us Unseat Globalization Project ...
Nader Can Help Us Unseat Globalization Project for a New American Century Hegemony of Neoconservatives, Neoliberals in the US. Let Nader Reframe Debate in the Mainstream Corporate Media. <!--break--> Nader: We Need Him Right Now; He's On Time Respectfully, Bush is not Nader's fault. Ignorant, selfish, spoiled, fascist mainstream Americans who seem to love being lied to are mostly to blame. Gore definitely won the 2000 election and didn't fight for the presidency he won when even then there was tremendous immediate evidence of felony voter fraud by right wing apparatchiks. Read Greg Palast's writing from before the election. Bush et al was a walking impeachable offense even before he was sworn in. The fact that there were racial voter irregularities should have tossed the situation into high relief in the national media. Have we lost our collective minds to allow felony voter fraud in a presidential election? Yes, "we". It's our fault. Where's the groundswell of outrage? For the majority's case, I don't think Nader is going to get anywhere near the miniscule 3% of the vote that he got in 2000. By and large he will be un-popular to put it mildly with voters from a candidate perspective. I think he will do as he has announced he intends to do recently. He intends to bring truth and airing of despotic dictatorial corporate hegemony into the mainstream national corporate media. He will be hated and probably have his life threatened by large numbers of Amerikans every single day thereafter. Nader has amazing chutzpa, wisdom and a not self conscious sense of noble sacrifice to lay himself down on this ponderous, death threat weilding altar of provincial American ignorance. But this is the time that such sacrifice needs to be made by someone. Too many people feel exactly as you the reader might. I'm sure everyone out there is a person, like Nader, who every day walks their talk risking vast unpopularity. Imagine the others; all the unsound reasoning and pure knee-jerk neck vein popping ingorance-based tortured hatred of this man from those far less well rounded and less well educated. I think that Kerry, Edwards, and even Dean are all right up there as being untrustworthy globalization, PNAC supporting corporate police state types no matter what their campaign rhetoric. We, all American citizens, have given away our democracy to corporate dictators and have lost our collective critical consciousness to understand the terrifying un-folding world social and economic disaster that’s happening now. PNAC policies are not going away without radical, immediate and clear re-framing. Nader can re-FRAME. Nader is our friend, therefore. Nader is at least one we need in an age dominated by corporate media distortion. Nader is likely to be assassinated should he actually get anywhere with his intended illumination of the masses. I will mourn his loss rather than celebrate it. He's for the common man and won't comprimise his values for political purposes. I'm hoping that a dictatorship under Bush isn't necessary to wake the collective up. It’s highly unlikely, given the history of this despot Bush et al, that the current administration will hand the White House over to Kerry after November. We haven't the right to transfer our collective responsibility for Gore’s win and release of the presidency in 2000. We've taken too many cues from the lying Project for a New American Century neo-liberal neo-cons, including their penchant for petulant Rovian vengeance. It seems we think we must win in 2004 through indirect methods. Truth doesn't work that way. We need to spark revolution against fast approaching corporate dictatorship. Nader’s helping to get the party started. Frank Snapp Oakland, CA
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 3796 characters ) <p>Nader Can Help Us Unseat Globalization Proje...
<p>Nader Can Help Us Unseat Globalization Project for a New American Century Hegemony of Neoconservatives, Neoliberals in the US. Let Nader Reframe Debate in the Mainstream Corporate Media.</p> <!--break--><p>Nader: We Need Him Right Now; He's On Time</p> <p>Respectfully, Bush is not Nader's fault. Ignorant, selfish, spoiled, fascist mainstream Americans who seem to love being lied to are mostly to blame. Gore definitely won the 2000 election and didn't fight for the presidency he won when even then there was tremendous immediate evidence of felony voter fraud by right wing apparatchiks. Read Greg Palast's writing from before the election. Bush et al was a walking impeachable offense even before he was sworn in. The fact that there were racial voter irregularities should have tossed the situation into high relief in the national media. Have we lost our collective minds to allow felony voter fraud in a presidential election? Yes, "we". It's our fault. Where's the groundswell of outrage?</p> <p>For the majority's case, I don't think Nader is going to get anywhere near the miniscule 3% of the vote that he got in 2000. By and large he will be un-popular to put it mildly with voters from a candidate perspective. I think he will do as he has announced he intends to do recently. He intends to bring truth and airing of despotic dictatorial corporate hegemony into the mainstream national corporate media. He will be hated and probably have his life threatened by large numbers of Amerikans every single day thereafter. Nader has amazing chutzpa, wisdom and a not self conscious sense of noble sacrifice to lay himself down on this ponderous, death threat weilding altar of provincial American ignorance. But this is the time that such sacrifice needs to be made by someone. Too many people feel exactly as you the reader might. I'm sure everyone out there is a person, like Nader, who every day walks their talk risking vast unpopularity. Imagine the others; all the unsound reasoning and pure knee-jerk neck vein popping ingorance-based tortured hatred of this man from those far less well rounded and less well educated. I think that Kerry, Edwards, and even Dean are all right up there as being untrustworthy globalization, PNAC supporting corporate police state types no matter what their campaign rhetoric. We, all American citizens, have given away our democracy to corporate dictators and have lost our collective critical consciousness to understand the terrifying un-folding world social and economic disaster that’s happening now.<br /> PNAC policies are not going away without radical, immediate and clear re-framing. Nader can re-FRAME. Nader is our friend, therefore. Nader is at least one we need in an age dominated by corporate media distortion. Nader is likely to be assassinated should he actually get anywhere with his intended illumination of the masses. I will mourn his loss rather than celebrate it. He's for the common man and won't comprimise his values for political purposes. I'm hoping that a dictatorship under Bush isn't necessary to wake the collective up. It’s highly unlikely, given the history of this despot Bush et al, that the current administration will hand the White House over to Kerry after November.</p> <p>We haven't the right to transfer our collective responsibility for Gore’s win and release of the presidency in 2000. We've taken too many cues from the lying Project for a New American Century neo-liberal neo-cons, including their penchant for petulant Rovian vengeance. It seems we think we must win in 2004 through indirect methods. Truth doesn't work that way. We need to spark revolution against fast approaching corporate dictatorship. Nader’s helping to get the party started.</p> <p>Frank Snapp<br /> Oakland, CA</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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