BTL:Leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Ignore Issues of...
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...Women and Poverty Interview with Gwendolyn Mink, author and activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Ignore Issues of Women and Poverty
Interview with Gwendolyn Mink, author and activist, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
In a recent national survey conducted by the Lifetime women's television channel, 85 percent of women said a candidate's position on violence against women would impact their vote in the upcoming presidential election. Eighty-two percent cited equal pay and women's health issues as a priority, and 76 percent chose access to affordable childcare. Unfortunately, the candidates are barely addressing any of these issues.
The websites of almost all the candidates pay homage to these and other gender-specific issues, but on the campaign trail they are all but silent about them. At a forum last summer sponsored by the National Organization for Women, the only candidates who attended were Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun. Dean, Kucinich and Joe Lieberman were the only candidates to participate in a women's forum held in New Hampshire just before that state's primary. Frontrunner John Kerry and his rivals John Edwards and General Wesley Clark were all missing in action.
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Gwendolyn Mink, author, activist and member of the Welfare Made a Difference Campaign. Mink is particularly concerned with the impact of current economic policies on poor women who are recipients of welfare funds under the Temporary Aid to Needy Families, or TANF, program. She charges that in Sen. Kerry's appeal to military veterans, he has totally ignored pressing gender issues. Mink comments more favorably on the positions of Dean and Kucinich.
For more information on issues of women and poverty, call the Welfare Made a Difference Campaign at (212) 894-8082 or visit their website at
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