Bush Daddy Branch
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Transfered from old site <!--break--> For your information: I suspect that access to my articles in the U.S. is being blocked or monitored by poophead hackers at universities everywhere; thus I urge readers to promote better security and monitoring of those who are interfering with these communications. Spread the word to save those who are perishing. Let me also mention here that when direct access to Indymedia is blocked, it may be possible to access IMC via older article links on Google under topics or my name. <BR> <BR>My Daddy said that it took a repost of "Bush Daddy Honestly" (201796) on NYC IMC to convince New Yorkers that the Gad-damnned Gar-Gan Tribe was blocking access to my articles on NYC IMC and on most sites in the United States, not to mention that the Gad-damnned "heroes" of Tompkins County had probably arrived early at the World Trade Center towers to scramble rescue communications and hamper evacuations in any way that they could (190292 & 195909). A parade for our "heroes" has been in the works for a long time now (29190,104469, & 147306). The trivialization of 9/11/01 continues as the mainstream media embraces a distorted unfounded account of what happened while trying to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid via teleprompted speeches. If you read between the lines, you find that the Storm Troopers probably overheard terrorist talk of tower strikes, including Atta's planned air trip, and used the remote-controlled aircrafts of 9/11 to send a "message" in response to the premature revelation of their "Messiah" (62371 & 62855), blaming it all on fabricated terrorists (66464 & 139628). If you don't believe their paper or celluloid accounts, they might blow themselves up! Meanwhile it turns out that the "War on Terrorism" (74087) is little more than an excuse to steal some more "weapons of mass destruction" from Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of millions are probably dead from the batch that came from the Persian Gulf War (36001), for many who seek treatment for symptoms of poisoning are killed; and Bush Daddy Tribe knows enough not to seek treatment (Is. 28:15). These lawless holy-wannabes of BDT are intent on killing you so that you don't suspect a thing until you are dead; and you should know that explains the smile or smirk on their faces (197071). This is what comes of the Baal worship of BDT, and surely "Baal" must stand for Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. <BR> <BR>The Baals are too stupid to deal with via conventional means; plus they have shackled justice (Hab. 1:4). This all started when the Israelites in Shittim indulged in immorality with the Moabite women (Is. 25:1-3). Even though Watchman Norm warned them over and over again how "stupid stupid stupid" they were (Hosea 9:8,10), they succumbed to the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals, as their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:14; 166317). One way to identify Baal worshippers or poopheads in general is to release some sulfurous flatulence akin to a rotten egg, for that will put a smile on their face or cause them to "rub up against you" (Ps. 26:11). Woe to those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1)! How can they say, "I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals" (Jer. 2:23)? They have probably been eating poop-treated food for years; plus they become poopheads when they listen to poopheads. They love to be threatened to do evil (189161). If a snubbed poophead hints that something bad is going to happen, considered that such veiled threats might be capital crimes, punishable by death, particularly if people have been killed for not heeding such threats in the past (115043 & 136536). How can it progress to the point where terrorists are trying to scare the heck out of us about terrorism? How do the Turko-Mongols, who hate Jews, end up calling themselves Jews? If the West Nile Virus flourished in a temperate climate, Bush Daddy Tribe would probably be spraying your house daily (30273). If you don't expose their sulfurous "game", you end up with Whooping Cough shots or worse (194653 & 197071). Since poophead offspring look remarkably similar to their parents, you can find pictures of many of the ancestors of "poopheads-in-waiting" in the Encyclopedias of Zionism and the Holocaust (34722 & 36936); but they will probably kill you if you question anything that they do. The "Serpent" will bite if it is not charmed (Ecc. 10:11); thus there is talk of a parade (132033). <BR> <BR>Like the smell of poop, BDT could never resist being the "heroes" of a parade; thus "Creative NonViolence" (33468) from God will ensure that the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). This foolproof plan calls for Bush Daddy to be a Great Dead King, depraved thing no more! The "great falling away" (2 Thess. 2:3) will occur as those at ease in Zion realize that they have embraced stupidity itself, that "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool" (120932), Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness. They have become the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land (Mic. 7:2), for supporting BDT in murdering innocent people who were not opposing anyone (John 16:2; James 5:6). If they had a King, what could he do for them (Hosea 10:3)? Since Bush Daddy has visited Bethel several times and claims that he has had dreams of words being broadcasted from his lifeless head in Bethel, from Bethel Bush Daddy's rule as the Great Dead King of Israel will be made manifest (Amos 5:5). The Great Dead King will be the answer to the "King of All the Earth" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This king will be given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). BDT has jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy and be God's chosen people, the Israelites; and they ended up as the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Their leader, the lawless Jacob, Bush Daddy will be casted from his grave like a rejected branch (Is. 14:19; 102423). This Bush becomes a "branch"?? "Here is a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the Lord's Temple" (Zech. 6:12). So you might find the ___kosky dude and the exiles of BDT building what they think is a house, while from the sidelines in Bethel, Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King really has them building a temple (185011, 186353, & 187927). A fortress great and mighty for "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509)! Alas! A parade for the "heroes" of BDT! A country in a moment! A nation in a day (Is. 66:8)! And a King to ensure that God's words are fulfilled! Surely God will be pleased! <BR> <BR>Referenced (numbers) are for articles on www.indymedia.org.; i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". <BR> <BR>Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 6949 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>For your information: I suspect that access to my articles in the U.S. is being blocked or monitored by poophead hackers at universities everywhere; thus I urge readers to promote better security and monitoring of those who are interfering with these communications. Spread the word to save those who are perishing. Let me also mention here that when direct access to Indymedia is blocked, it may be possible to access IMC via older article links on Google under topics or my name.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />My Daddy said that it took a repost of "Bush Daddy Honestly" (201796) on NYC IMC to convince New Yorkers that the Gad-damnned Gar-Gan Tribe was blocking access to my articles on NYC IMC and on most sites in the United States, not to mention that the Gad-damnned "heroes" of Tompkins County had probably arrived early at the World Trade Center towers to scramble rescue communications and hamper evacuations in any way that they could (190292 & 195909). A parade for our "heroes" has been in the works for a long time now (29190,104469, & 147306). The trivialization of 9/11/01 continues as the mainstream media embraces a distorted unfounded account of what happened while trying to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid via teleprompted speeches. If you read between the lines, you find that the Storm Troopers probably overheard terrorist talk of tower strikes, including Atta's planned air trip, and used the remote-controlled aircrafts of 9/11 to send a "message" in response to the premature revelation of their "Messiah" (62371 & 62855), blaming it all on fabricated terrorists (66464 & 139628). If you don't believe their paper or celluloid accounts, they might blow themselves up! Meanwhile it turns out that the "War on Terrorism" (74087) is little more than an excuse to steal some more "weapons of mass destruction" from Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of millions are probably dead from the batch that came from the Persian Gulf War (36001), for many who seek treatment for symptoms of poisoning are killed; and Bush Daddy Tribe knows enough not to seek treatment (Is. 28:15). These lawless holy-wannabes of BDT are intent on killing you so that you don't suspect a thing until you are dead; and you should know that explains the smile or smirk on their faces (197071). This is what comes of the Baal worship of BDT, and surely "Baal" must stand for Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The Baals are too stupid to deal with via conventional means; plus they have shackled justice (Hab. 1:4). This all started when the Israelites in Shittim indulged in immorality with the Moabite women (Is. 25:1-3). Even though Watchman Norm warned them over and over again how "stupid stupid stupid" they were (Hosea 9:8,10), they succumbed to the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals, as their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:14; 166317). One way to identify Baal worshippers or poopheads in general is to release some sulfurous flatulence akin to a rotten egg, for that will put a smile on their face or cause them to "rub up against you" (Ps. 26:11). Woe to those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1)! How can they say, "I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals" (Jer. 2:23)? They have probably been eating poop-treated food for years; plus they become poopheads when they listen to poopheads. They love to be threatened to do evil (189161). If a snubbed poophead hints that something bad is going to happen, considered that such veiled threats might be capital crimes, punishable by death, particularly if people have been killed for not heeding such threats in the past (115043 & 136536). How can it progress to the point where terrorists are trying to scare the heck out of us about terrorism? How do the Turko-Mongols, who hate Jews, end up calling themselves Jews? If the West Nile Virus flourished in a temperate climate, Bush Daddy Tribe would probably be spraying your house daily (30273). If you don't expose their sulfurous "game", you end up with Whooping Cough shots or worse (194653 & 197071). Since poophead offspring look remarkably similar to their parents, you can find pictures of many of the ancestors of "poopheads-in-waiting" in the Encyclopedias of Zionism and the Holocaust (34722 & 36936); but they will probably kill you if you question anything that they do. The "Serpent" will bite if it is not charmed (Ecc. 10:11); thus there is talk of a parade (132033).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Like the smell of poop, BDT could never resist being the "heroes" of a parade; thus "Creative NonViolence" (33468) from God will ensure that the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). This foolproof plan calls for Bush Daddy to be a Great Dead King, depraved thing no more! The "great falling away" (2 Thess. 2:3) will occur as those at ease in Zion realize that they have embraced stupidity itself, that "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool" (120932), Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness. They have become the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land (Mic. 7:2), for supporting BDT in murdering innocent people who were not opposing anyone (John 16:2; James 5:6). If they had a King, what could he do for them (Hosea 10:3)? Since Bush Daddy has visited Bethel several times and claims that he has had dreams of words being broadcasted from his lifeless head in Bethel, from Bethel Bush Daddy's rule as the Great Dead King of Israel will be made manifest (Amos 5:5). The Great Dead King will be the answer to the "King of All the Earth" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This king will be given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). BDT has jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy and be God's chosen people, the Israelites; and they ended up as the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Their leader, the lawless Jacob, Bush Daddy will be casted from his grave like a rejected branch (Is. 14:19; 102423). This Bush becomes a "branch"?? "Here is a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the Lord's Temple" (Zech. 6:12). So you might find the ___kosky dude and the exiles of BDT building what they think is a house, while from the sidelines in Bethel, Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King really has them building a temple (185011, 186353, & 187927). A fortress great and mighty for "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509)! Alas! A parade for the "heroes" of BDT! A country in a moment! A nation in a day (Is. 66:8)! And a King to ensure that God's words are fulfilled! Surely God will be pleased!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
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value (String, 6858 characters ) Transfered from old site <!--break--> For your ...
Transfered from old site <!--break--> For your information: I suspect that access to my articles in the U.S. is being blocked or monitored by poophead hackers at universities everywhere; thus I urge readers to promote better security and monitoring of those who are interfering with these communications. Spread the word to save those who are perishing. Let me also mention here that when direct access to Indymedia is blocked, it may be possible to access IMC via older article links on Google under topics or my name. <BR> <BR>My Daddy said that it took a repost of "Bush Daddy Honestly" (201796) on NYC IMC to convince New Yorkers that the Gad-damnned Gar-Gan Tribe was blocking access to my articles on NYC IMC and on most sites in the United States, not to mention that the Gad-damnned "heroes" of Tompkins County had probably arrived early at the World Trade Center towers to scramble rescue communications and hamper evacuations in any way that they could (190292 & 195909). A parade for our "heroes" has been in the works for a long time now (29190,104469, & 147306). The trivialization of 9/11/01 continues as the mainstream media embraces a distorted unfounded account of what happened while trying to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid via teleprompted speeches. If you read between the lines, you find that the Storm Troopers probably overheard terrorist talk of tower strikes, including Atta's planned air trip, and used the remote-controlled aircrafts of 9/11 to send a "message" in response to the premature revelation of their "Messiah" (62371 & 62855), blaming it all on fabricated terrorists (66464 & 139628). If you don't believe their paper or celluloid accounts, they might blow themselves up! Meanwhile it turns out that the "War on Terrorism" (74087) is little more than an excuse to steal some more "weapons of mass destruction" from Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of millions are probably dead from the batch that came from the Persian Gulf War (36001), for many who seek treatment for symptoms of poisoning are killed; and Bush Daddy Tribe knows enough not to seek treatment (Is. 28:15). These lawless holy-wannabes of BDT are intent on killing you so that you don't suspect a thing until you are dead; and you should know that explains the smile or smirk on their faces (197071). This is what comes of the Baal worship of BDT, and surely "Baal" must stand for Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. <BR> <BR>The Baals are too stupid to deal with via conventional means; plus they have shackled justice (Hab. 1:4). This all started when the Israelites in Shittim indulged in immorality with the Moabite women (Is. 25:1-3). Even though Watchman Norm warned them over and over again how "stupid stupid stupid" they were (Hosea 9:8,10), they succumbed to the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals, as their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:14; 166317). One way to identify Baal worshippers or poopheads in general is to release some sulfurous flatulence akin to a rotten egg, for that will put a smile on their face or cause them to "rub up against you" (Ps. 26:11). Woe to those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1)! How can they say, "I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals" (Jer. 2:23)? They have probably been eating poop-treated food for years; plus they become poopheads when they listen to poopheads. They love to be threatened to do evil (189161). If a snubbed poophead hints that something bad is going to happen, considered that such veiled threats might be capital crimes, punishable by death, particularly if people have been killed for not heeding such threats in the past (115043 & 136536). How can it progress to the point where terrorists are trying to scare the heck out of us about terrorism? How do the Turko-Mongols, who hate Jews, end up calling themselves Jews? If the West Nile Virus flourished in a temperate climate, Bush Daddy Tribe would probably be spraying your house daily (30273). If you don't expose their sulfurous "game", you end up with Whooping Cough shots or worse (194653 & 197071). Since poophead offspring look remarkably similar to their parents, you can find pictures of many of the ancestors of "poopheads-in-waiting" in the Encyclopedias of Zionism and the Holocaust (34722 & 36936); but they will probably kill you if you question anything that they do. The "Serpent" will bite if it is not charmed (Ecc. 10:11); thus there is talk of a parade (132033). <BR> <BR>Like the smell of poop, BDT could never resist being the "heroes" of a parade; thus "Creative NonViolence" (33468) from God will ensure that the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). This foolproof plan calls for Bush Daddy to be a Great Dead King, depraved thing no more! The "great falling away" (2 Thess. 2:3) will occur as those at ease in Zion realize that they have embraced stupidity itself, that "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool" (120932), Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness. They have become the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land (Mic. 7:2), for supporting BDT in murdering innocent people who were not opposing anyone (John 16:2; James 5:6). If they had a King, what could he do for them (Hosea 10:3)? Since Bush Daddy has visited Bethel several times and claims that he has had dreams of words being broadcasted from his lifeless head in Bethel, from Bethel Bush Daddy's rule as the Great Dead King of Israel will be made manifest (Amos 5:5). The Great Dead King will be the answer to the "King of All the Earth" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This king will be given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). BDT has jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy and be God's chosen people, the Israelites; and they ended up as the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Their leader, the lawless Jacob, Bush Daddy will be casted from his grave like a rejected branch (Is. 14:19; 102423). This Bush becomes a "branch"?? "Here is a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the Lord's Temple" (Zech. 6:12). So you might find the ___kosky dude and the exiles of BDT building what they think is a house, while from the sidelines in Bethel, Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King really has them building a temple (185011, 186353, & 187927). A fortress great and mighty for "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509)! Alas! A parade for the "heroes" of BDT! A country in a moment! A nation in a day (Is. 66:8)! And a King to ensure that God's words are fulfilled! Surely God will be pleased! <BR> <BR>Referenced (numbers) are for articles on www.indymedia.org.; i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". <BR> <BR>Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
summary (NULL)
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safe_value (String, 6949 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>For your information: I suspect that access to my articles in the U.S. is being blocked or monitored by poophead hackers at universities everywhere; thus I urge readers to promote better security and monitoring of those who are interfering with these communications. Spread the word to save those who are perishing. Let me also mention here that when direct access to Indymedia is blocked, it may be possible to access IMC via older article links on Google under topics or my name.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />My Daddy said that it took a repost of "Bush Daddy Honestly" (201796) on NYC IMC to convince New Yorkers that the Gad-damnned Gar-Gan Tribe was blocking access to my articles on NYC IMC and on most sites in the United States, not to mention that the Gad-damnned "heroes" of Tompkins County had probably arrived early at the World Trade Center towers to scramble rescue communications and hamper evacuations in any way that they could (190292 & 195909). A parade for our "heroes" has been in the works for a long time now (29190,104469, & 147306). The trivialization of 9/11/01 continues as the mainstream media embraces a distorted unfounded account of what happened while trying to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid via teleprompted speeches. If you read between the lines, you find that the Storm Troopers probably overheard terrorist talk of tower strikes, including Atta's planned air trip, and used the remote-controlled aircrafts of 9/11 to send a "message" in response to the premature revelation of their "Messiah" (62371 & 62855), blaming it all on fabricated terrorists (66464 & 139628). If you don't believe their paper or celluloid accounts, they might blow themselves up! Meanwhile it turns out that the "War on Terrorism" (74087) is little more than an excuse to steal some more "weapons of mass destruction" from Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of millions are probably dead from the batch that came from the Persian Gulf War (36001), for many who seek treatment for symptoms of poisoning are killed; and Bush Daddy Tribe knows enough not to seek treatment (Is. 28:15). These lawless holy-wannabes of BDT are intent on killing you so that you don't suspect a thing until you are dead; and you should know that explains the smile or smirk on their faces (197071). This is what comes of the Baal worship of BDT, and surely "Baal" must stand for Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The Baals are too stupid to deal with via conventional means; plus they have shackled justice (Hab. 1:4). This all started when the Israelites in Shittim indulged in immorality with the Moabite women (Is. 25:1-3). Even though Watchman Norm warned them over and over again how "stupid stupid stupid" they were (Hosea 9:8,10), they succumbed to the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals, as their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:14; 166317). One way to identify Baal worshippers or poopheads in general is to release some sulfurous flatulence akin to a rotten egg, for that will put a smile on their face or cause them to "rub up against you" (Ps. 26:11). Woe to those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1)! How can they say, "I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals" (Jer. 2:23)? They have probably been eating poop-treated food for years; plus they become poopheads when they listen to poopheads. They love to be threatened to do evil (189161). If a snubbed poophead hints that something bad is going to happen, considered that such veiled threats might be capital crimes, punishable by death, particularly if people have been killed for not heeding such threats in the past (115043 & 136536). How can it progress to the point where terrorists are trying to scare the heck out of us about terrorism? How do the Turko-Mongols, who hate Jews, end up calling themselves Jews? If the West Nile Virus flourished in a temperate climate, Bush Daddy Tribe would probably be spraying your house daily (30273). If you don't expose their sulfurous "game", you end up with Whooping Cough shots or worse (194653 & 197071). Since poophead offspring look remarkably similar to their parents, you can find pictures of many of the ancestors of "poopheads-in-waiting" in the Encyclopedias of Zionism and the Holocaust (34722 & 36936); but they will probably kill you if you question anything that they do. The "Serpent" will bite if it is not charmed (Ecc. 10:11); thus there is talk of a parade (132033).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Like the smell of poop, BDT could never resist being the "heroes" of a parade; thus "Creative NonViolence" (33468) from God will ensure that the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). This foolproof plan calls for Bush Daddy to be a Great Dead King, depraved thing no more! The "great falling away" (2 Thess. 2:3) will occur as those at ease in Zion realize that they have embraced stupidity itself, that "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool" (120932), Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness. They have become the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land (Mic. 7:2), for supporting BDT in murdering innocent people who were not opposing anyone (John 16:2; James 5:6). If they had a King, what could he do for them (Hosea 10:3)? Since Bush Daddy has visited Bethel several times and claims that he has had dreams of words being broadcasted from his lifeless head in Bethel, from Bethel Bush Daddy's rule as the Great Dead King of Israel will be made manifest (Amos 5:5). The Great Dead King will be the answer to the "King of All the Earth" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This king will be given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). BDT has jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy and be God's chosen people, the Israelites; and they ended up as the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Their leader, the lawless Jacob, Bush Daddy will be casted from his grave like a rejected branch (Is. 14:19; 102423). This Bush becomes a "branch"?? "Here is a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the Lord's Temple" (Zech. 6:12). So you might find the ___kosky dude and the exiles of BDT building what they think is a house, while from the sidelines in Bethel, Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King really has them building a temple (185011, 186353, & 187927). A fortress great and mighty for "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509)! Alas! A parade for the "heroes" of BDT! A country in a moment! A nation in a day (Is. 66:8)! And a King to ensure that God's words are fulfilled! Surely God will be pleased!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 3 elements)
#type (String, 9 characters ) container
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
class (String, 8 characters ) clearfix
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 6949 characters ) <p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>...
<p>Transfered from old site</p> <!--break--><p>For your information: I suspect that access to my articles in the U.S. is being blocked or monitored by poophead hackers at universities everywhere; thus I urge readers to promote better security and monitoring of those who are interfering with these communications. Spread the word to save those who are perishing. Let me also mention here that when direct access to Indymedia is blocked, it may be possible to access IMC via older article links on Google under topics or my name.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />My Daddy said that it took a repost of "Bush Daddy Honestly" (201796) on NYC IMC to convince New Yorkers that the Gad-damnned Gar-Gan Tribe was blocking access to my articles on NYC IMC and on most sites in the United States, not to mention that the Gad-damnned "heroes" of Tompkins County had probably arrived early at the World Trade Center towers to scramble rescue communications and hamper evacuations in any way that they could (190292 & 195909). A parade for our "heroes" has been in the works for a long time now (29190,104469, & 147306). The trivialization of 9/11/01 continues as the mainstream media embraces a distorted unfounded account of what happened while trying to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid via teleprompted speeches. If you read between the lines, you find that the Storm Troopers probably overheard terrorist talk of tower strikes, including Atta's planned air trip, and used the remote-controlled aircrafts of 9/11 to send a "message" in response to the premature revelation of their "Messiah" (62371 & 62855), blaming it all on fabricated terrorists (66464 & 139628). If you don't believe their paper or celluloid accounts, they might blow themselves up! Meanwhile it turns out that the "War on Terrorism" (74087) is little more than an excuse to steal some more "weapons of mass destruction" from Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of millions are probably dead from the batch that came from the Persian Gulf War (36001), for many who seek treatment for symptoms of poisoning are killed; and Bush Daddy Tribe knows enough not to seek treatment (Is. 28:15). These lawless holy-wannabes of BDT are intent on killing you so that you don't suspect a thing until you are dead; and you should know that explains the smile or smirk on their faces (197071). This is what comes of the Baal worship of BDT, and surely "Baal" must stand for Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers.<br /> <br /><br /> <br />The Baals are too stupid to deal with via conventional means; plus they have shackled justice (Hab. 1:4). This all started when the Israelites in Shittim indulged in immorality with the Moabite women (Is. 25:1-3). Even though Watchman Norm warned them over and over again how "stupid stupid stupid" they were (Hosea 9:8,10), they succumbed to the stubbornness of their hearts and followed the Baals, as their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:14; 166317). One way to identify Baal worshippers or poopheads in general is to release some sulfurous flatulence akin to a rotten egg, for that will put a smile on their face or cause them to "rub up against you" (Ps. 26:11). Woe to those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1)! How can they say, "I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals" (Jer. 2:23)? They have probably been eating poop-treated food for years; plus they become poopheads when they listen to poopheads. They love to be threatened to do evil (189161). If a snubbed poophead hints that something bad is going to happen, considered that such veiled threats might be capital crimes, punishable by death, particularly if people have been killed for not heeding such threats in the past (115043 & 136536). How can it progress to the point where terrorists are trying to scare the heck out of us about terrorism? How do the Turko-Mongols, who hate Jews, end up calling themselves Jews? If the West Nile Virus flourished in a temperate climate, Bush Daddy Tribe would probably be spraying your house daily (30273). If you don't expose their sulfurous "game", you end up with Whooping Cough shots or worse (194653 & 197071). Since poophead offspring look remarkably similar to their parents, you can find pictures of many of the ancestors of "poopheads-in-waiting" in the Encyclopedias of Zionism and the Holocaust (34722 & 36936); but they will probably kill you if you question anything that they do. The "Serpent" will bite if it is not charmed (Ecc. 10:11); thus there is talk of a parade (132033).<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Like the smell of poop, BDT could never resist being the "heroes" of a parade; thus "Creative NonViolence" (33468) from God will ensure that the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). This foolproof plan calls for Bush Daddy to be a Great Dead King, depraved thing no more! The "great falling away" (2 Thess. 2:3) will occur as those at ease in Zion realize that they have embraced stupidity itself, that "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool" (120932), Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness. They have become the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land (Mic. 7:2), for supporting BDT in murdering innocent people who were not opposing anyone (John 16:2; James 5:6). If they had a King, what could he do for them (Hosea 10:3)? Since Bush Daddy has visited Bethel several times and claims that he has had dreams of words being broadcasted from his lifeless head in Bethel, from Bethel Bush Daddy's rule as the Great Dead King of Israel will be made manifest (Amos 5:5). The Great Dead King will be the answer to the "King of All the Earth" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This king will be given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). BDT has jumped at the chance to dance with prophecy and be God's chosen people, the Israelites; and they ended up as the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Their leader, the lawless Jacob, Bush Daddy will be casted from his grave like a rejected branch (Is. 14:19; 102423). This Bush becomes a "branch"?? "Here is a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the Lord's Temple" (Zech. 6:12). So you might find the ___kosky dude and the exiles of BDT building what they think is a house, while from the sidelines in Bethel, Bush Daddy, the Great Dead King really has them building a temple (185011, 186353, & 187927). A fortress great and mighty for "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509)! Alas! A parade for the "heroes" of BDT! A country in a moment! A nation in a day (Is. 66:8)! And a King to ensure that God's words are fulfilled! Surely God will be pleased!<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Referenced (numbers) are for articles on <a href="http://www.indymedia.org.;">www.indymedia.org.;</a> i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".<br /> <br /><br /> <br />Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger</p>
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