Is Something Better than Nothing?
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Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia. <!--break--> On Monday members of Poor People United met with members of the County Legislature, Red Cross, DHHS and other organizations. The goal of this meeting was to arrange a comprehensive plan on how to make sure the homeless have shelter during the coldest parts of the year. Unfortunately, things have not gone according to plan for PPU. Charles Kellum, Dave Cox and Claire Olson, members of PPU, wanted to see the creation of a permanent hypothermia shelter this winter to serve a sub-population of homeless that are left out in the cold by DHHS and other organizations. Temperatures last week dropped well below zero with more severe cold on the way. While the temperature doesn't have to dip to arctic temperatures to represent a challenge to anyone who has to live outside, these temperatures are extreme. The plan right now is that when these extreme temperatures occur, which is approximated to about ten times a season, an emergency plan would be enacted. This sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it does not address the main problem. The "trigger" for this plan is ten degrees. When the temperature reaches that point the idea is to relax admission restrictions for the local shelters and notify the homeless population that rides are available to these shelters. There are restrictions in place normally that hinder a persons ability to check into a shelter for the night. Photo I.D.s and money are sometimes required to get a bed. Many are also sanctioned by the Department of Health and Human Services which precludes them from shelters and services. During this emergency period, these rules would not apply, in addition those with substance abuse issues and mental disorders would also be permitted into the shelter. The temperature drops to ten, a few guys come inside and tomorrow it is eleven degrees, what happens then? Those people that where allowed inside now have to spend the night outside again and somebody has potentially moved into their former space in the subway. PPU argues this plan is a one hit wonder. Word will quickly spread and nobody will risk there space in the subways and over-passes for a single night indoors. This, PPU contends, makes the plan fundamentally flawed, but should still be pursued. A person that spends 364 days outside is still better off than somebody spending 365. A small victory maybe, but it can lead to more in the future. County Legislature Carla Palumbo says it like this, "However minute it is, it is better than nothing." It will be no small accomplishment if even this plan is achieved let alone a full time hypothermia shelter. The relationship between PPU and others on the panel is strained to say the best. The panel, in part consists of, County Legislature Carla Palumbo, Becky McCory of the Rochester Red Cross, and Patti Connoly of the Department of Health and Human Services. These talks were supposed to be about the creation of a full time hypothermia shelter but has devolved into the plan described above. Another sticking point is who is actually going to inform the homeless population when this option is available. The panel says that PPU should take the lead on this as they themselves have said have the best chance at gaining the trust of the homeless. PPU would like to see this job assumed by paid staff as they have a small membership base. To help ease the burden on PPU, beat officers and the two downtown NET offices will be used to help spread the word. Homeless people traditionally don't trust the police as they are the ones that often chase them from the warm places like the bus terminal. On the positive side, many different organizations are stepping up to the plate to help make this work. Lifeline, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RTS, and most of the shelters in town have agreed to cooperate. One of the problems with previous plans was that they didn't provide for transportation to these shelters. RTS has pledged that they will send any means of transportation they have, including a full size bus, to pick up anyone who requires a ride without charge.
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safe_value (String, 4152 characters ) <p>Poor People United meet to discuss hypotherm...
<p>Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia.</p> <!--break--><p> On Monday members of Poor People United met with members of the County Legislature, Red Cross, DHHS and other organizations. The goal of this meeting was to arrange a comprehensive plan on how to make sure the homeless have shelter during the coldest parts of the year. Unfortunately, things have not gone according to plan for PPU. Charles Kellum, Dave Cox and Claire Olson, members of PPU, wanted to see the creation of a permanent hypothermia shelter this winter to serve a sub-population of homeless that are left out in the cold by DHHS and other organizations.<br /> Temperatures last week dropped well below zero with more severe cold on the way. While the temperature doesn't have to dip to arctic temperatures to represent a challenge to anyone who has to live outside, these temperatures are extreme. The plan right now is that when these extreme temperatures occur, which is approximated to about ten times a season, an emergency plan would be enacted. This sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it does not address the main problem. The "trigger" for this plan is ten degrees. When the temperature reaches that point the idea is to relax admission restrictions for the local shelters and notify the homeless population that rides are available to these shelters. There are restrictions in place normally that hinder a persons ability to check into a shelter for the night. Photo I.D.s and money are sometimes required to get a bed. Many are also sanctioned by the Department of Health and Human Services which precludes them from shelters and services. During this emergency period, these rules would not apply, in addition those with substance abuse issues and mental disorders would also be permitted into the shelter. The temperature drops to ten, a few guys come inside and tomorrow it is eleven degrees, what happens then? Those people that where allowed inside now have to spend the night outside again and somebody has potentially moved into their former space in the subway. PPU argues this plan is a one hit wonder. Word will quickly spread and nobody will risk there space in the subways and over-passes for a single night indoors. This, PPU contends, makes the plan fundamentally flawed, but should still be pursued. A person that spends 364 days outside is still better off than somebody spending 365. A small victory maybe, but it can lead to more in the future. County Legislature Carla Palumbo says it like this, "However minute it is, it is better than nothing."<br /> It will be no small accomplishment if even this plan is achieved let alone a full time hypothermia shelter. The relationship between PPU and others on the panel is strained to say the best. The panel, in part consists of, County Legislature Carla Palumbo, Becky McCory of the Rochester Red Cross, and Patti Connoly of the Department of Health and Human Services. These talks were supposed to be about the creation of a full time hypothermia shelter but has devolved into the plan described above. Another sticking point is who is actually going to inform the homeless population when this option is available. The panel says that PPU should take the lead on this as they themselves have said have the best chance at gaining the trust of the homeless. PPU would like to see this job assumed by paid staff as they have a small membership base. To help ease the burden on PPU, beat officers and the two downtown NET offices will be used to help spread the word. Homeless people traditionally don't trust the police as they are the ones that often chase them from the warm places like the bus terminal. On the positive side, many different organizations are stepping up to the plate to help make this work. Lifeline, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RTS, and most of the shelters in town have agreed to cooperate. One of the problems with previous plans was that they didn't provide for transportation to these shelters. RTS has pledged that they will send any means of transportation they have, including a full size bus, to pick up anyone who requires a ride without charge.</p>
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Is Something Better than Nothing?
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value (String, 4135 characters ) Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia....
Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia. <!--break--> On Monday members of Poor People United met with members of the County Legislature, Red Cross, DHHS and other organizations. The goal of this meeting was to arrange a comprehensive plan on how to make sure the homeless have shelter during the coldest parts of the year. Unfortunately, things have not gone according to plan for PPU. Charles Kellum, Dave Cox and Claire Olson, members of PPU, wanted to see the creation of a permanent hypothermia shelter this winter to serve a sub-population of homeless that are left out in the cold by DHHS and other organizations. Temperatures last week dropped well below zero with more severe cold on the way. While the temperature doesn't have to dip to arctic temperatures to represent a challenge to anyone who has to live outside, these temperatures are extreme. The plan right now is that when these extreme temperatures occur, which is approximated to about ten times a season, an emergency plan would be enacted. This sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it does not address the main problem. The "trigger" for this plan is ten degrees. When the temperature reaches that point the idea is to relax admission restrictions for the local shelters and notify the homeless population that rides are available to these shelters. There are restrictions in place normally that hinder a persons ability to check into a shelter for the night. Photo I.D.s and money are sometimes required to get a bed. Many are also sanctioned by the Department of Health and Human Services which precludes them from shelters and services. During this emergency period, these rules would not apply, in addition those with substance abuse issues and mental disorders would also be permitted into the shelter. The temperature drops to ten, a few guys come inside and tomorrow it is eleven degrees, what happens then? Those people that where allowed inside now have to spend the night outside again and somebody has potentially moved into their former space in the subway. PPU argues this plan is a one hit wonder. Word will quickly spread and nobody will risk there space in the subways and over-passes for a single night indoors. This, PPU contends, makes the plan fundamentally flawed, but should still be pursued. A person that spends 364 days outside is still better off than somebody spending 365. A small victory maybe, but it can lead to more in the future. County Legislature Carla Palumbo says it like this, "However minute it is, it is better than nothing." It will be no small accomplishment if even this plan is achieved let alone a full time hypothermia shelter. The relationship between PPU and others on the panel is strained to say the best. The panel, in part consists of, County Legislature Carla Palumbo, Becky McCory of the Rochester Red Cross, and Patti Connoly of the Department of Health and Human Services. These talks were supposed to be about the creation of a full time hypothermia shelter but has devolved into the plan described above. Another sticking point is who is actually going to inform the homeless population when this option is available. The panel says that PPU should take the lead on this as they themselves have said have the best chance at gaining the trust of the homeless. PPU would like to see this job assumed by paid staff as they have a small membership base. To help ease the burden on PPU, beat officers and the two downtown NET offices will be used to help spread the word. Homeless people traditionally don't trust the police as they are the ones that often chase them from the warm places like the bus terminal. On the positive side, many different organizations are stepping up to the plate to help make this work. Lifeline, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RTS, and most of the shelters in town have agreed to cooperate. One of the problems with previous plans was that they didn't provide for transportation to these shelters. RTS has pledged that they will send any means of transportation they have, including a full size bus, to pick up anyone who requires a ride without charge.
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format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 4152 characters ) <p>Poor People United meet to discuss hypotherm...
<p>Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia.</p> <!--break--><p> On Monday members of Poor People United met with members of the County Legislature, Red Cross, DHHS and other organizations. The goal of this meeting was to arrange a comprehensive plan on how to make sure the homeless have shelter during the coldest parts of the year. Unfortunately, things have not gone according to plan for PPU. Charles Kellum, Dave Cox and Claire Olson, members of PPU, wanted to see the creation of a permanent hypothermia shelter this winter to serve a sub-population of homeless that are left out in the cold by DHHS and other organizations.<br /> Temperatures last week dropped well below zero with more severe cold on the way. While the temperature doesn't have to dip to arctic temperatures to represent a challenge to anyone who has to live outside, these temperatures are extreme. The plan right now is that when these extreme temperatures occur, which is approximated to about ten times a season, an emergency plan would be enacted. This sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it does not address the main problem. The "trigger" for this plan is ten degrees. When the temperature reaches that point the idea is to relax admission restrictions for the local shelters and notify the homeless population that rides are available to these shelters. There are restrictions in place normally that hinder a persons ability to check into a shelter for the night. Photo I.D.s and money are sometimes required to get a bed. Many are also sanctioned by the Department of Health and Human Services which precludes them from shelters and services. During this emergency period, these rules would not apply, in addition those with substance abuse issues and mental disorders would also be permitted into the shelter. The temperature drops to ten, a few guys come inside and tomorrow it is eleven degrees, what happens then? Those people that where allowed inside now have to spend the night outside again and somebody has potentially moved into their former space in the subway. PPU argues this plan is a one hit wonder. Word will quickly spread and nobody will risk there space in the subways and over-passes for a single night indoors. This, PPU contends, makes the plan fundamentally flawed, but should still be pursued. A person that spends 364 days outside is still better off than somebody spending 365. A small victory maybe, but it can lead to more in the future. County Legislature Carla Palumbo says it like this, "However minute it is, it is better than nothing."<br /> It will be no small accomplishment if even this plan is achieved let alone a full time hypothermia shelter. The relationship between PPU and others on the panel is strained to say the best. The panel, in part consists of, County Legislature Carla Palumbo, Becky McCory of the Rochester Red Cross, and Patti Connoly of the Department of Health and Human Services. These talks were supposed to be about the creation of a full time hypothermia shelter but has devolved into the plan described above. Another sticking point is who is actually going to inform the homeless population when this option is available. The panel says that PPU should take the lead on this as they themselves have said have the best chance at gaining the trust of the homeless. PPU would like to see this job assumed by paid staff as they have a small membership base. To help ease the burden on PPU, beat officers and the two downtown NET offices will be used to help spread the word. Homeless people traditionally don't trust the police as they are the ones that often chase them from the warm places like the bus terminal. On the positive side, many different organizations are stepping up to the plate to help make this work. Lifeline, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RTS, and most of the shelters in town have agreed to cooperate. One of the problems with previous plans was that they didn't provide for transportation to these shelters. RTS has pledged that they will send any means of transportation they have, including a full size bus, to pick up anyone who requires a ride without charge.</p>
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<p>Poor People United meet to discuss hypothermia.</p> <!--break--><p> On Monday members of Poor People United met with members of the County Legislature, Red Cross, DHHS and other organizations. The goal of this meeting was to arrange a comprehensive plan on how to make sure the homeless have shelter during the coldest parts of the year. Unfortunately, things have not gone according to plan for PPU. Charles Kellum, Dave Cox and Claire Olson, members of PPU, wanted to see the creation of a permanent hypothermia shelter this winter to serve a sub-population of homeless that are left out in the cold by DHHS and other organizations.<br /> Temperatures last week dropped well below zero with more severe cold on the way. While the temperature doesn't have to dip to arctic temperatures to represent a challenge to anyone who has to live outside, these temperatures are extreme. The plan right now is that when these extreme temperatures occur, which is approximated to about ten times a season, an emergency plan would be enacted. This sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it does not address the main problem. The "trigger" for this plan is ten degrees. When the temperature reaches that point the idea is to relax admission restrictions for the local shelters and notify the homeless population that rides are available to these shelters. There are restrictions in place normally that hinder a persons ability to check into a shelter for the night. Photo I.D.s and money are sometimes required to get a bed. Many are also sanctioned by the Department of Health and Human Services which precludes them from shelters and services. During this emergency period, these rules would not apply, in addition those with substance abuse issues and mental disorders would also be permitted into the shelter. The temperature drops to ten, a few guys come inside and tomorrow it is eleven degrees, what happens then? Those people that where allowed inside now have to spend the night outside again and somebody has potentially moved into their former space in the subway. PPU argues this plan is a one hit wonder. Word will quickly spread and nobody will risk there space in the subways and over-passes for a single night indoors. This, PPU contends, makes the plan fundamentally flawed, but should still be pursued. A person that spends 364 days outside is still better off than somebody spending 365. A small victory maybe, but it can lead to more in the future. County Legislature Carla Palumbo says it like this, "However minute it is, it is better than nothing."<br /> It will be no small accomplishment if even this plan is achieved let alone a full time hypothermia shelter. The relationship between PPU and others on the panel is strained to say the best. The panel, in part consists of, County Legislature Carla Palumbo, Becky McCory of the Rochester Red Cross, and Patti Connoly of the Department of Health and Human Services. These talks were supposed to be about the creation of a full time hypothermia shelter but has devolved into the plan described above. Another sticking point is who is actually going to inform the homeless population when this option is available. The panel says that PPU should take the lead on this as they themselves have said have the best chance at gaining the trust of the homeless. PPU would like to see this job assumed by paid staff as they have a small membership base. To help ease the burden on PPU, beat officers and the two downtown NET offices will be used to help spread the word. Homeless people traditionally don't trust the police as they are the ones that often chase them from the warm places like the bus terminal. On the positive side, many different organizations are stepping up to the plate to help make this work. Lifeline, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RTS, and most of the shelters in town have agreed to cooperate. One of the problems with previous plans was that they didn't provide for transportation to these shelters. RTS has pledged that they will send any means of transportation they have, including a full size bus, to pick up anyone who requires a ride without charge.</p>
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Is Something Better than Nothing?
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#theme (String, 4 characters ) node
#node (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#language (String, 2 characters ) en
Krumo version 0.2.1a
, line527