Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize
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Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize
By Haaretz Service
Last update - 08:30 26/11/2003
A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against
the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political
Cartoon Society's annual competition.
There were 35 entries in the Cartoon of the Year competition, sponsored by the British
Independent newspaper, from some of the country's leading cartoonists.
Dave Brown's winning cartoon was published in the Independent a few months ago, when
it was claimed that it was inspired by a Goya painting.
In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the
cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.
w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m