Dick Cheney Direct Action
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November 17, 2003 Vice President Dick Cheney is coming to Rochester for a $1,000 per plate luncheon at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center on Main St. to finance the stealing of yet another election in 2004!
November 17, 2003 Vice President Dick Cheney is coming to Rochester for a $1,000 per plate luncheon at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center on Main St. to finance the stealing of yet another election in 2004!
Where & When
Monday, November 17
Rally at Liberty Pole 10:30am
March to Riverside Convention Center at 11:00am
*This will be a direct action. We intend to demonstrate and disrupt. Please read the RCAN communique below.
--begin communique--
When all legal avenues of dissent have been undertaken to no avail, only one option remains. Illegal Direct Action. The Bush administration has ignored the worldwide outcry against its illegal and immoral war against Iraq. Millions have protested and demonstrated the war, having their cry for peace fall upon the deaf ears of the Bush administration.
We have had enough of empty political rhetoric about freedom and justice, enough of sitting back while the will of the people is ignored. We will no longer stand idly by while Bush and Cheney profit at the expense of all others. To this end, we will take action against these war criminals.
On Monday, the 17th of November, Vice President Dick Cheney is holding a $1,000 per plate luncheon at the Riverside Convention Center in downtown Rochester. Rochester Campus Action Network is calling on all people of conscience to gather at 10:30 am at the Liberty Pole on Main St. and East Ave. At 11:00am we will march to the Riverside Convention Center on Main St. just outside of Dick Cheney’s luncheon. Rochester Campus Action Network is calling for a barrage of tactics; form an affinity group, block streets, block entrances, and cause disruption. Like the sly cougar, we lie in the shadows, waiting to strike.
Welcome to Rochester Mr. Cheney.
--end communique--