Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots
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Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots
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value (String, 9484 characters ) A collection of links to some stories I have be...
A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade. <!--break--> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><H1 ALIGN="CENTER"> Global Warming - Climate Change Links </H1></FONT><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> <FONT FACE="ARIAL" Size="3"> <center> <a href="">El Nino Returns</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Just a month ago scientists were saying that there would be no El Nino this year, and now suddenly, El Nino has unexpectedly returned.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <A HREF="">Climate Change in the Bible</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>A study of the ancient record preserved in the Bible shows that the phenomenon of Jewish Prophecy arose in response to climate change caused by environmental destruction, in particular the clear cutting of the ancient forests, which resulted in the arid and semi-arid desert conditions in the Middle East, which persist to this very day.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> Over the next few decades glaciers which feed rivers and lakes will disappear, and so will those rivers and lakes. The Great Lakes dropped another foot over the last year, while barges are running with only half loads on the Mississippi to avoid scraping bottom. As well the Arctic ice cap is now receding at a rate twenty times faster than in the previous century.. </blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">California Republicans demand no taxes, speedy fire service</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Video of the San Diego fires.</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">A Plague of Locusts</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Rainfall has been increasing and breaking previous records on the Sahel, which borders the Southern Sahara, since mid 1990s. This years rains flooded parts of the region and led to a large harvest, setting the stage for a plague of the dreaded North African Locust. At its worst, a plague of these locusts can cover one fifth of the earth, and affect the food security of one tenth of the world's population. Just last year the locusts crossed the Mediterranean and attacked vine yards and the famous tomatoe fields of Italy.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">The Genocidal Mentality, Pt. 1: The 'Free Market' as Genocidal Ideology</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>While the main topic of this page is not climate change, it does include a section discussing modern Ecocide as an expression of the Genocidal mentality (which is now targeting other species, and will lead to a wave of mass extinctions in the next couple of decades, affecting at a minimum, tens of thousands of species.)</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Climate conference becomes a disaster - Kyoto up in smoke?</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Putin meets with Bush at his ranch, and then heads home to announce that Russia will not be signing the Kyoto accord. Coincidence?</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">A spiritual revolution - a manifesto</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> While not a page exclusively dealing with climate change, there is some discussion of the reaction of the religious right in the United States to the phenomena (they are mystifying the cause and blaming it on the Palestinians and what they label lack of U.S. support for Israel).</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Global Warming and the potential water crisis</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>As glaciers melt away, and rivers and lakes dry up, and the Western United States is in danger of turning into a perpetual desert, it turns out that the North American continent also has a depleted ground water crisis.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Antarctic ozone hole sets record</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Sudden Climate Change is the historical norm</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>One of the criticism aimed at modern climate change modeling computer software is that these systems model climate change as taking place gradually over an extended period of time, when the historical record indicates that climate change takes place suddenly, with an exponential rate of increasing change, once a critical threshold has been crossed.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Sahara storm system threatens Africa with famine</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>As torrential rains poured down on the Southern Desert region of the Sahara, rivers were carrying eight times as much water as normal, and were within one inch of bursting their banks. And then another huge storm system began brewing, which would have destroyed irrigation supported subsistence agriculture which is the lifeblood of millions of people in the region.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Changing Climate on the Sahara brings flooding in countries along Southern Border</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Increasing rainfall is bringing about the retreat of the Sahara desert, and the transitional period is bringing increasing rains every year, and in 2003 brought severe flooding.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> Related story : <A HREf="">Africa's desert's are in retreat - according to New Scientist magazine</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Global Warming is good for you (unless you are an American)</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> I have been doing some research on climate history, and my research has taken me to the ‘advocates' of Global Warming, who paint a rosy scenario of Global Climate Change. A change of only a degree or two takes us back in time about 8,000 years, when things were much better for much of the third world, even if it is bad news for Americans. A parody of these rosy scenarios... </blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Drought Watch, September 2003 - The Unhealthy Forests Initiative</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> As you can tell by looking at the graphic images, the sudden interest of the White House in 'healthy forests' is due to the fact that you have an unhealthy forest problem, and the White House knows this, which is why they are suddenly so interested in trees. <BR><BR> </blockquote></blockquote> <BR><center> <a href="">Sahara desert moves north into Europe - the heat wave of 2003</A><BR><BR><BR></center> the historical record indicates that climate 'flips' suddenly once a critical threshold has been reached. The sudden change in the El Nino pattern in the last couple of decades (it now comes every two years instead of every seven, while the La Nina phenomenon has disappared), the rapidly increasing rains and retreat of the Sahara, the ice cap retreating at twenty times its previous rate, the rapid disintegration of glaciers, the drought that has spreading over the United States since the late 1990s, the record breaking heat waves of the 1990s, and the record breaking temperatures in the American west this October, 2003, all of these conccurent changes, which are increasing in speed, indicate that one of these critical threshold events is either approaching, or is already under way. What this means is that the comforting fiction of climate computers which states that people have fifty or a hundred years is more than likely going to prove to be false. As well the change in the El Nino pattern shows just how sensitive the global climate is to even small changes, and it could be the case the climate software is also dull and insensitive, and changes will be much more abrupt, shocking, and rapid than any one ever suspected would be the case. <BR><BR><BR> <BR> </FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE> <CENTER> <FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="2"><I><B> <a href="">INDEX</A> </B></I></FONT> </CENTER> <BR><BR>
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safe_value (String, 10036 characters ) <p>A collection of links to some stories I have...
<p>A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade.</p> <!--break--><p> <font color="#FF0000"><h1 align="CENTER"><br /> Global Warming - Climate Change Links<br /> </h1></font><br /></p> <blockquote><p><font face="ARIAL" size="3"></font></p> <p></p><center><br /> <a href="">El Nino Returns</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Just a month ago scientists were saying that there would be no El Nino this year, and now suddenly, El Nino has unexpectedly returned.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate Change in the Bible</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>A study of the ancient record preserved in the Bible shows that the phenomenon of Jewish Prophecy arose in response to climate change caused by environmental destruction, in particular the clear cutting of the ancient forests, which resulted in the arid and semi-arid desert conditions in the Middle East, which persist to this very day.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> Over the next few decades glaciers which feed rivers and lakes will disappear, and so will those rivers and lakes. The Great Lakes dropped another foot over the last year, while barges are running with only half loads on the Mississippi to avoid scraping bottom. As well the Arctic ice cap is now receding at a rate twenty times faster than in the previous century.. </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">California Republicans demand no taxes, speedy fire service</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Video of the San Diego fires.</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A Plague of Locusts</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Rainfall has been increasing and breaking previous records on the Sahel, which borders the Southern Sahara, since mid 1990s. This years rains flooded parts of the region and led to a large harvest, setting the stage for a plague of the dreaded North African Locust. At its worst, a plague of these locusts can cover one fifth of the earth, and affect the food security of one tenth of the world's population. Just last year the locusts crossed the Mediterranean and attacked vine yards and the famous tomatoe fields of Italy.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">The Genocidal Mentality, Pt. 1: The 'Free Market' as Genocidal Ideology</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>While the main topic of this page is not climate change, it does include a section discussing modern Ecocide as an expression of the Genocidal mentality (which is now targeting other species, and will lead to a wave of mass extinctions in the next couple of decades, affecting at a minimum, tens of thousands of species.)</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate conference becomes a disaster - Kyoto up in smoke?</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Putin meets with Bush at his ranch, and then heads home to announce that Russia will not be signing the Kyoto accord. Coincidence?</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A spiritual revolution - a manifesto</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> While not a page exclusively dealing with climate change, there is some discussion of the reaction of the religious right in the United States to the phenomena (they are mystifying the cause and blaming it on the Palestinians and what they label lack of U.S. support for Israel).</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Global Warming and the potential water crisis</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As glaciers melt away, and rivers and lakes dry up, and the Western United States is in danger of turning into a perpetual desert, it turns out that the North American continent also has a depleted ground water crisis.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Antarctic ozone hole sets record</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Sudden Climate Change is the historical norm</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>One of the criticism aimed at modern climate change modeling computer software is that these systems model climate change as taking place gradually over an extended period of time, when the historical record indicates that climate change takes place suddenly, with an exponential rate of increasing change, once a critical threshold has been crossed.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara storm system threatens Africa with famine</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As torrential rains poured down on the Southern Desert region of the Sahara, rivers were carrying eight times as much water as normal, and were within one inch of bursting their banks. And then another huge storm system began brewing, which would have destroyed irrigation supported subsistence agriculture which is the lifeblood of millions of people in the region.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Changing Climate on the Sahara brings flooding in countries along Southern Border</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Increasing rainfall is bringing about the retreat of the Sahara desert, and the transitional period is bringing increasing rains every year, and in 2003 brought severe flooding.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> Related story : <a href="">Africa's desert's are in retreat - according to New Scientist magazine</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Global Warming is good for you (unless you are an American)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> I have been doing some research on climate history, and my research has taken me to the ‘advocates' of Global Warming, who paint a rosy scenario of Global Climate Change. A change of only a degree or two takes us back in time about 8,000 years, when things were much better for much of the third world, even if it is bad news for Americans. A parody of these rosy scenarios... </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Drought Watch, September 2003 - The Unhealthy Forests Initiative</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> As you can tell by looking at the graphic images, the sudden interest of the White House in 'healthy forests' is due to the fact that you have an unhealthy forest problem, and the White House knows this, which is why they are suddenly so interested in trees. <br /><br /> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara desert moves north into Europe - the heat wave of 2003</a><br /><br /><br /></center> <p>the historical record indicates that climate 'flips' suddenly once a critical threshold has been reached. The sudden change in the El Nino pattern in the last couple of decades (it now comes every two years instead of every seven, while the La Nina phenomenon has disappared), the rapidly increasing rains and retreat of the Sahara, the ice cap retreating at twenty times its previous rate, the rapid disintegration of glaciers, the drought that has spreading over the United States since the late 1990s, the record breaking heat waves of the 1990s, and the record breaking temperatures in the American west this October, 2003, all of these conccurent changes, which are increasing in speed, indicate that one of these critical threshold events is either approaching, or is already under way. What this means is that the comforting fiction of climate computers which states that people have fifty or a hundred years is more than likely going to prove to be false. As well the change in the El Nino pattern shows just how sensitive the global climate is to even small changes, and it could be the case the climate software is also dull and insensitive, and changes will be much more abrupt, shocking, and rapid than any one ever suspected would be the case. <br /><br /><br /></p> <p><br /><br /> <br /> </p></blockquote><br /> <center><br /> <font face="ARIAL" size="2"><i><b> </b></i><p><a href="">INDEX</a></p> <p></p></font><br /> </center><br /> <br /><br />
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Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots
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value (String, 9484 characters ) A collection of links to some stories I have be...
A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade. <!--break--> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><H1 ALIGN="CENTER"> Global Warming - Climate Change Links </H1></FONT><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> <FONT FACE="ARIAL" Size="3"> <center> <a href="">El Nino Returns</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Just a month ago scientists were saying that there would be no El Nino this year, and now suddenly, El Nino has unexpectedly returned.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <A HREF="">Climate Change in the Bible</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>A study of the ancient record preserved in the Bible shows that the phenomenon of Jewish Prophecy arose in response to climate change caused by environmental destruction, in particular the clear cutting of the ancient forests, which resulted in the arid and semi-arid desert conditions in the Middle East, which persist to this very day.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> Over the next few decades glaciers which feed rivers and lakes will disappear, and so will those rivers and lakes. The Great Lakes dropped another foot over the last year, while barges are running with only half loads on the Mississippi to avoid scraping bottom. As well the Arctic ice cap is now receding at a rate twenty times faster than in the previous century.. </blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">California Republicans demand no taxes, speedy fire service</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Video of the San Diego fires.</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">A Plague of Locusts</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Rainfall has been increasing and breaking previous records on the Sahel, which borders the Southern Sahara, since mid 1990s. This years rains flooded parts of the region and led to a large harvest, setting the stage for a plague of the dreaded North African Locust. At its worst, a plague of these locusts can cover one fifth of the earth, and affect the food security of one tenth of the world's population. Just last year the locusts crossed the Mediterranean and attacked vine yards and the famous tomatoe fields of Italy.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">The Genocidal Mentality, Pt. 1: The 'Free Market' as Genocidal Ideology</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>While the main topic of this page is not climate change, it does include a section discussing modern Ecocide as an expression of the Genocidal mentality (which is now targeting other species, and will lead to a wave of mass extinctions in the next couple of decades, affecting at a minimum, tens of thousands of species.)</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Climate conference becomes a disaster - Kyoto up in smoke?</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Putin meets with Bush at his ranch, and then heads home to announce that Russia will not be signing the Kyoto accord. Coincidence?</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">A spiritual revolution - a manifesto</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> While not a page exclusively dealing with climate change, there is some discussion of the reaction of the religious right in the United States to the phenomena (they are mystifying the cause and blaming it on the Palestinians and what they label lack of U.S. support for Israel).</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Global Warming and the potential water crisis</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>As glaciers melt away, and rivers and lakes dry up, and the Western United States is in danger of turning into a perpetual desert, it turns out that the North American continent also has a depleted ground water crisis.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Antarctic ozone hole sets record</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Sudden Climate Change is the historical norm</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>One of the criticism aimed at modern climate change modeling computer software is that these systems model climate change as taking place gradually over an extended period of time, when the historical record indicates that climate change takes place suddenly, with an exponential rate of increasing change, once a critical threshold has been crossed.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Sahara storm system threatens Africa with famine</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>As torrential rains poured down on the Southern Desert region of the Sahara, rivers were carrying eight times as much water as normal, and were within one inch of bursting their banks. And then another huge storm system began brewing, which would have destroyed irrigation supported subsistence agriculture which is the lifeblood of millions of people in the region.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Changing Climate on the Sahara brings flooding in countries along Southern Border</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote>Increasing rainfall is bringing about the retreat of the Sahara desert, and the transitional period is bringing increasing rains every year, and in 2003 brought severe flooding.</blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> Related story : <A HREf="">Africa's desert's are in retreat - according to New Scientist magazine</A><BR><BR><BR> <a href="">Global Warming is good for you (unless you are an American)</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> I have been doing some research on climate history, and my research has taken me to the ‘advocates' of Global Warming, who paint a rosy scenario of Global Climate Change. A change of only a degree or two takes us back in time about 8,000 years, when things were much better for much of the third world, even if it is bad news for Americans. A parody of these rosy scenarios... </blockquote></blockquote><BR><BR><BR><center> <a href="">Drought Watch, September 2003 - The Unhealthy Forests Initiative</A><BR><BR></center><blockquote><blockquote> As you can tell by looking at the graphic images, the sudden interest of the White House in 'healthy forests' is due to the fact that you have an unhealthy forest problem, and the White House knows this, which is why they are suddenly so interested in trees. <BR><BR> </blockquote></blockquote> <BR><center> <a href="">Sahara desert moves north into Europe - the heat wave of 2003</A><BR><BR><BR></center> the historical record indicates that climate 'flips' suddenly once a critical threshold has been reached. The sudden change in the El Nino pattern in the last couple of decades (it now comes every two years instead of every seven, while the La Nina phenomenon has disappared), the rapidly increasing rains and retreat of the Sahara, the ice cap retreating at twenty times its previous rate, the rapid disintegration of glaciers, the drought that has spreading over the United States since the late 1990s, the record breaking heat waves of the 1990s, and the record breaking temperatures in the American west this October, 2003, all of these conccurent changes, which are increasing in speed, indicate that one of these critical threshold events is either approaching, or is already under way. What this means is that the comforting fiction of climate computers which states that people have fifty or a hundred years is more than likely going to prove to be false. As well the change in the El Nino pattern shows just how sensitive the global climate is to even small changes, and it could be the case the climate software is also dull and insensitive, and changes will be much more abrupt, shocking, and rapid than any one ever suspected would be the case. <BR><BR><BR> <BR> </FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE> <CENTER> <FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="2"><I><B> <a href="">INDEX</A> </B></I></FONT> </CENTER> <BR><BR>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 10036 characters ) <p>A collection of links to some stories I have...
<p>A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade.</p> <!--break--><p> <font color="#FF0000"><h1 align="CENTER"><br /> Global Warming - Climate Change Links<br /> </h1></font><br /></p> <blockquote><p><font face="ARIAL" size="3"></font></p> <p></p><center><br /> <a href="">El Nino Returns</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Just a month ago scientists were saying that there would be no El Nino this year, and now suddenly, El Nino has unexpectedly returned.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate Change in the Bible</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>A study of the ancient record preserved in the Bible shows that the phenomenon of Jewish Prophecy arose in response to climate change caused by environmental destruction, in particular the clear cutting of the ancient forests, which resulted in the arid and semi-arid desert conditions in the Middle East, which persist to this very day.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> Over the next few decades glaciers which feed rivers and lakes will disappear, and so will those rivers and lakes. The Great Lakes dropped another foot over the last year, while barges are running with only half loads on the Mississippi to avoid scraping bottom. As well the Arctic ice cap is now receding at a rate twenty times faster than in the previous century.. </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">California Republicans demand no taxes, speedy fire service</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Video of the San Diego fires.</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A Plague of Locusts</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Rainfall has been increasing and breaking previous records on the Sahel, which borders the Southern Sahara, since mid 1990s. This years rains flooded parts of the region and led to a large harvest, setting the stage for a plague of the dreaded North African Locust. At its worst, a plague of these locusts can cover one fifth of the earth, and affect the food security of one tenth of the world's population. Just last year the locusts crossed the Mediterranean and attacked vine yards and the famous tomatoe fields of Italy.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">The Genocidal Mentality, Pt. 1: The 'Free Market' as Genocidal Ideology</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>While the main topic of this page is not climate change, it does include a section discussing modern Ecocide as an expression of the Genocidal mentality (which is now targeting other species, and will lead to a wave of mass extinctions in the next couple of decades, affecting at a minimum, tens of thousands of species.)</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate conference becomes a disaster - Kyoto up in smoke?</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Putin meets with Bush at his ranch, and then heads home to announce that Russia will not be signing the Kyoto accord. Coincidence?</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A spiritual revolution - a manifesto</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> While not a page exclusively dealing with climate change, there is some discussion of the reaction of the religious right in the United States to the phenomena (they are mystifying the cause and blaming it on the Palestinians and what they label lack of U.S. support for Israel).</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Global Warming and the potential water crisis</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As glaciers melt away, and rivers and lakes dry up, and the Western United States is in danger of turning into a perpetual desert, it turns out that the North American continent also has a depleted ground water crisis.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Antarctic ozone hole sets record</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Sudden Climate Change is the historical norm</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>One of the criticism aimed at modern climate change modeling computer software is that these systems model climate change as taking place gradually over an extended period of time, when the historical record indicates that climate change takes place suddenly, with an exponential rate of increasing change, once a critical threshold has been crossed.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara storm system threatens Africa with famine</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As torrential rains poured down on the Southern Desert region of the Sahara, rivers were carrying eight times as much water as normal, and were within one inch of bursting their banks. And then another huge storm system began brewing, which would have destroyed irrigation supported subsistence agriculture which is the lifeblood of millions of people in the region.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Changing Climate on the Sahara brings flooding in countries along Southern Border</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Increasing rainfall is bringing about the retreat of the Sahara desert, and the transitional period is bringing increasing rains every year, and in 2003 brought severe flooding.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> Related story : <a href="">Africa's desert's are in retreat - according to New Scientist magazine</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Global Warming is good for you (unless you are an American)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> I have been doing some research on climate history, and my research has taken me to the ‘advocates' of Global Warming, who paint a rosy scenario of Global Climate Change. A change of only a degree or two takes us back in time about 8,000 years, when things were much better for much of the third world, even if it is bad news for Americans. A parody of these rosy scenarios... </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Drought Watch, September 2003 - The Unhealthy Forests Initiative</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> As you can tell by looking at the graphic images, the sudden interest of the White House in 'healthy forests' is due to the fact that you have an unhealthy forest problem, and the White House knows this, which is why they are suddenly so interested in trees. <br /><br /> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara desert moves north into Europe - the heat wave of 2003</a><br /><br /><br /></center> <p>the historical record indicates that climate 'flips' suddenly once a critical threshold has been reached. The sudden change in the El Nino pattern in the last couple of decades (it now comes every two years instead of every seven, while the La Nina phenomenon has disappared), the rapidly increasing rains and retreat of the Sahara, the ice cap retreating at twenty times its previous rate, the rapid disintegration of glaciers, the drought that has spreading over the United States since the late 1990s, the record breaking heat waves of the 1990s, and the record breaking temperatures in the American west this October, 2003, all of these conccurent changes, which are increasing in speed, indicate that one of these critical threshold events is either approaching, or is already under way. What this means is that the comforting fiction of climate computers which states that people have fifty or a hundred years is more than likely going to prove to be false. As well the change in the El Nino pattern shows just how sensitive the global climate is to even small changes, and it could be the case the climate software is also dull and insensitive, and changes will be much more abrupt, shocking, and rapid than any one ever suspected would be the case. <br /><br /><br /></p> <p><br /><br /> <br /> </p></blockquote><br /> <center><br /> <font face="ARIAL" size="2"><i><b> </b></i><p><a href="">INDEX</a></p> <p></p></font><br /> </center><br /> <br /><br />
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 3 elements)
#type (String, 9 characters ) container
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
class (String, 8 characters ) clearfix
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 10036 characters ) <p>A collection of links to some stories I have...
<p>A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade.</p> <!--break--><p> <font color="#FF0000"><h1 align="CENTER"><br /> Global Warming - Climate Change Links<br /> </h1></font><br /></p> <blockquote><p><font face="ARIAL" size="3"></font></p> <p></p><center><br /> <a href="">El Nino Returns</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Just a month ago scientists were saying that there would be no El Nino this year, and now suddenly, El Nino has unexpectedly returned.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate Change in the Bible</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>A study of the ancient record preserved in the Bible shows that the phenomenon of Jewish Prophecy arose in response to climate change caused by environmental destruction, in particular the clear cutting of the ancient forests, which resulted in the arid and semi-arid desert conditions in the Middle East, which persist to this very day.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> Over the next few decades glaciers which feed rivers and lakes will disappear, and so will those rivers and lakes. The Great Lakes dropped another foot over the last year, while barges are running with only half loads on the Mississippi to avoid scraping bottom. As well the Arctic ice cap is now receding at a rate twenty times faster than in the previous century.. </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">California Republicans demand no taxes, speedy fire service</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Video of the San Diego fires.</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A Plague of Locusts</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Rainfall has been increasing and breaking previous records on the Sahel, which borders the Southern Sahara, since mid 1990s. This years rains flooded parts of the region and led to a large harvest, setting the stage for a plague of the dreaded North African Locust. At its worst, a plague of these locusts can cover one fifth of the earth, and affect the food security of one tenth of the world's population. Just last year the locusts crossed the Mediterranean and attacked vine yards and the famous tomatoe fields of Italy.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">The Genocidal Mentality, Pt. 1: The 'Free Market' as Genocidal Ideology</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>While the main topic of this page is not climate change, it does include a section discussing modern Ecocide as an expression of the Genocidal mentality (which is now targeting other species, and will lead to a wave of mass extinctions in the next couple of decades, affecting at a minimum, tens of thousands of species.)</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Climate conference becomes a disaster - Kyoto up in smoke?</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Putin meets with Bush at his ranch, and then heads home to announce that Russia will not be signing the Kyoto accord. Coincidence?</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">A spiritual revolution - a manifesto</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> While not a page exclusively dealing with climate change, there is some discussion of the reaction of the religious right in the United States to the phenomena (they are mystifying the cause and blaming it on the Palestinians and what they label lack of U.S. support for Israel).</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Global Warming and the potential water crisis</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As glaciers melt away, and rivers and lakes dry up, and the Western United States is in danger of turning into a perpetual desert, it turns out that the North American continent also has a depleted ground water crisis.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Antarctic ozone hole sets record</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Sudden Climate Change is the historical norm</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>One of the criticism aimed at modern climate change modeling computer software is that these systems model climate change as taking place gradually over an extended period of time, when the historical record indicates that climate change takes place suddenly, with an exponential rate of increasing change, once a critical threshold has been crossed.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara storm system threatens Africa with famine</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>As torrential rains poured down on the Southern Desert region of the Sahara, rivers were carrying eight times as much water as normal, and were within one inch of bursting their banks. And then another huge storm system began brewing, which would have destroyed irrigation supported subsistence agriculture which is the lifeblood of millions of people in the region.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Changing Climate on the Sahara brings flooding in countries along Southern Border</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote>Increasing rainfall is bringing about the retreat of the Sahara desert, and the transitional period is bringing increasing rains every year, and in 2003 brought severe flooding.</blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> Related story : <a href="">Africa's desert's are in retreat - according to New Scientist magazine</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href="">Global Warming is good for you (unless you are an American)</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> I have been doing some research on climate history, and my research has taken me to the ‘advocates' of Global Warming, who paint a rosy scenario of Global Climate Change. A change of only a degree or two takes us back in time about 8,000 years, when things were much better for much of the third world, even if it is bad news for Americans. A parody of these rosy scenarios... </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><br /><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Drought Watch, September 2003 - The Unhealthy Forests Initiative</a><br /><br /></center><br /> <blockquote> <blockquote> As you can tell by looking at the graphic images, the sudden interest of the White House in 'healthy forests' is due to the fact that you have an unhealthy forest problem, and the White House knows this, which is why they are suddenly so interested in trees. <br /><br /> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /></p><center><br /> <a href="">Sahara desert moves north into Europe - the heat wave of 2003</a><br /><br /><br /></center> <p>the historical record indicates that climate 'flips' suddenly once a critical threshold has been reached. The sudden change in the El Nino pattern in the last couple of decades (it now comes every two years instead of every seven, while the La Nina phenomenon has disappared), the rapidly increasing rains and retreat of the Sahara, the ice cap retreating at twenty times its previous rate, the rapid disintegration of glaciers, the drought that has spreading over the United States since the late 1990s, the record breaking heat waves of the 1990s, and the record breaking temperatures in the American west this October, 2003, all of these conccurent changes, which are increasing in speed, indicate that one of these critical threshold events is either approaching, or is already under way. What this means is that the comforting fiction of climate computers which states that people have fifty or a hundred years is more than likely going to prove to be false. As well the change in the El Nino pattern shows just how sensitive the global climate is to even small changes, and it could be the case the climate software is also dull and insensitive, and changes will be much more abrupt, shocking, and rapid than any one ever suspected would be the case. <br /><br /><br /></p> <p><br /><br /> <br /> </p></blockquote><br /> <center><br /> <font face="ARIAL" size="2"><i><b> </b></i><p><a href="">INDEX</a></p> <p></p></font><br /> </center><br /> <br /><br />
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Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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