Boycott Borders Books!
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Workers at Borders Books store #1 in Ann Arbor, MI went on strike this past Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 AM.
Borders Books Workers Strike
From the Organizing Committee:
Workers at Borders Books store #1 in Ann Arbor, MI went on strike this past Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 AM. We do not take this step lightly. By striking, we hope to convince Borders Management to negotiate with us in good faith so we can reach a fair contract and return to our jobs.
We are writing to ask all of you to support us by
1) boycotting all Borders, Waldenbooks, and;
2) volunteering to picket with workers in front of the store or organize solidarity pickets in your city;
3) joining Borders Readers United, our community support coalition (
4) calling Borders Headquarters (734-477-1100) to tell them you support us;
5) coming to our Strike Fund Concert at the Ark in Ann Arbor on 11/10/03;
6) signing an online petition: Sign
7) forwarding this message to all your friends and colleagues!
In Solidarity and thanks,
Borders Workers Union Organizing Committee