EIE presents A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series: COINTELPRO 101
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EIE presents A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series: COINTELPRO 101
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<p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is supporting the Flying Squirrel's End Mass Incarceration in October programming with...<br><br>A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series<br><br>COINTELPRO 101<br><br><span class="text_exposed_show">Tuesday, October 7, 2014<br><br>7:00pm - 9:00pm<br><br>Flying Squirrel Community Space<br><br>285 Clarissa St.</span></span></p><p><span class="fsl"><span class="text_exposed_show">Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/<br><br>COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym but its meaning and continuing impact are absolutely central to understanding the government’s wars and repression against progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the state’s strategy to prevent movements and communities from overturning white supremacy and creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a formal program of the FBI and a term frequently used to describe a conspiracy among government agencies—local, state, and federal—to destroy movements for self-determination and liberation for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.<br><br>COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.<br><br>Produced by The Freedom Archives: <a href="http://www.freedomarchives.org/Cointelpro.html" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://</span><wbr><span>www.freedomarchives.org/</span><wbr>Cointelpro.html</a><br><br>Enough Is Enough is meeting from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.</span></span></p><div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><div class="clearfix"><p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><span class="fsl">For more information on this special programming, check out: <a href="http://thesquirrel.org/node/1240" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">thesquirrel.org/node/1240</a></span></p></div></div></div></div><p> </p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2451 characters ) <p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is suppor...
<p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is supporting the Flying Squirrel's End Mass Incarceration in October programming with...<br /><br />A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101<br /><br /><span class="text_exposed_show">Tuesday, October 7, 2014<br /><br />7:00pm - 9:00pm<br /><br />Flying Squirrel Community Space<br /><br />285 Clarissa St.</span></span></p> <p><span class="fsl"><span class="text_exposed_show">Facebook event: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/">https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/</a><br /><br />COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym but its meaning and continuing impact are absolutely central to understanding the government’s wars and repression against progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the state’s strategy to prevent movements and communities from overturning white supremacy and creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a formal program of the FBI and a term frequently used to describe a conspiracy among government agencies—local, state, and federal—to destroy movements for self-determination and liberation for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.<br /><br />Produced by The Freedom Archives: <a href="http://www.freedomarchives.org/Cointelpro.html" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://</span><wbr><span>www.freedomarchives.org/</span><wbr>Cointelpro.html</wbr></wbr></a><br /><br />Enough Is Enough is meeting from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.</span></span></p> <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even"> <div class="clearfix"> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><span class="fsl">For more information on this special programming, check out: <a href="http://thesquirrel.org/node/1240" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">thesquirrel.org/node/1240</a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p> </p>
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href (String, 18 characters ) https://identi.ca/
query (Array, 2 elements)
action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 126 characters ) EIE presents A People's History of the FBI film...
EIE presents A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series: COINTELPRO 101 http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/103993
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
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href (String, 25 characters ) https://reddit.com/submit
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title (String, 130 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
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href (String, 49 characters ) https://bookmarks.yahoo.com/myresults/bookmarklet
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<span class="date-display-single">Tue, 10/7 - <span class="date-display-range"><span class="date-display-start" property="dc:date" datatype="xsd:dateTime" content="2014-10-07T19:00:00-04:00">7:00pm</span> to <span class="date-display-end" property="dc:date" datatype="xsd:dateTime" content="2014-10-07T21:00:00-04:00">9:00pm</span></span></span>
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value (String, 2328 characters ) <p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is suppor...
<p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is supporting the Flying Squirrel's End Mass Incarceration in October programming with...<br><br>A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series<br><br>COINTELPRO 101<br><br><span class="text_exposed_show">Tuesday, October 7, 2014<br><br>7:00pm - 9:00pm<br><br>Flying Squirrel Community Space<br><br>285 Clarissa St.</span></span></p><p><span class="fsl"><span class="text_exposed_show">Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/<br><br>COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym but its meaning and continuing impact are absolutely central to understanding the government’s wars and repression against progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the state’s strategy to prevent movements and communities from overturning white supremacy and creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a formal program of the FBI and a term frequently used to describe a conspiracy among government agencies—local, state, and federal—to destroy movements for self-determination and liberation for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.<br><br>COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.<br><br>Produced by The Freedom Archives: <a href="http://www.freedomarchives.org/Cointelpro.html" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://</span><wbr><span>www.freedomarchives.org/</span><wbr>Cointelpro.html</a><br><br>Enough Is Enough is meeting from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.</span></span></p><div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><div class="clearfix"><p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><span class="fsl">For more information on this special programming, check out: <a href="http://thesquirrel.org/node/1240" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">thesquirrel.org/node/1240</a></span></p></div></div></div></div><p> </p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 2451 characters ) <p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is suppor...
<p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is supporting the Flying Squirrel's End Mass Incarceration in October programming with...<br /><br />A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101<br /><br /><span class="text_exposed_show">Tuesday, October 7, 2014<br /><br />7:00pm - 9:00pm<br /><br />Flying Squirrel Community Space<br /><br />285 Clarissa St.</span></span></p> <p><span class="fsl"><span class="text_exposed_show">Facebook event: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/">https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/</a><br /><br />COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym but its meaning and continuing impact are absolutely central to understanding the government’s wars and repression against progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the state’s strategy to prevent movements and communities from overturning white supremacy and creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a formal program of the FBI and a term frequently used to describe a conspiracy among government agencies—local, state, and federal—to destroy movements for self-determination and liberation for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.<br /><br />Produced by The Freedom Archives: <a href="http://www.freedomarchives.org/Cointelpro.html" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://</span><wbr><span>www.freedomarchives.org/</span><wbr>Cointelpro.html</wbr></wbr></a><br /><br />Enough Is Enough is meeting from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.</span></span></p> <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even"> <div class="clearfix"> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><span class="fsl">For more information on this special programming, check out: <a href="http://thesquirrel.org/node/1240" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">thesquirrel.org/node/1240</a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p> </p>
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<p><span class="fsl">Enough Is Enough is supporting the Flying Squirrel's End Mass Incarceration in October programming with...<br /><br />A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101<br /><br /><span class="text_exposed_show">Tuesday, October 7, 2014<br /><br />7:00pm - 9:00pm<br /><br />Flying Squirrel Community Space<br /><br />285 Clarissa St.</span></span></p> <p><span class="fsl"><span class="text_exposed_show">Facebook event: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/">https://www.facebook.com/events/794896317228335/</a><br /><br />COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym but its meaning and continuing impact are absolutely central to understanding the government’s wars and repression against progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the state’s strategy to prevent movements and communities from overturning white supremacy and creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a formal program of the FBI and a term frequently used to describe a conspiracy among government agencies—local, state, and federal—to destroy movements for self-determination and liberation for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.<br /><br />COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.<br /><br />Produced by The Freedom Archives: <a href="http://www.freedomarchives.org/Cointelpro.html" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><span>http://</span><wbr><span>www.freedomarchives.org/</span><wbr>Cointelpro.html</wbr></wbr></a><br /><br />Enough Is Enough is meeting from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.</span></span></p> <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even"> <div class="clearfix"> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><span class="fsl">For more information on this special programming, check out: <a href="http://thesquirrel.org/node/1240" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">thesquirrel.org/node/1240</a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p> </p>
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EIE presents A People's History of the FBI film & discussion series: COINTELPRO 101 http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/103993
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href (String, 22 characters ) http://digg.com/submit
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href (String, 23 characters ) http://del.icio.us/post
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href (String, 25 characters ) https://reddit.com/submit
query (Array, 2 elements)
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