Notes from Enough is Enough, 1-28-14
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Notes from Enough is Enough--an anti-police brutality organization.
community agreements
Members of the New York Civil Liberties Union—Genesee Valley Chapter joined us.
coalition building
stop and frisk data legislation
-very hard to prove racial discrimination in court
-Field Information Form (FIF) data was FOIL'd by the local NYCLU
-data is voluntarily collected by officers but doesn't differentiate stop and frisk policing and doesn't mandate any specific gathering of data;
-Part of new legislation—the Community Safety Act (CSA)—in NYC has been to mandate that police record race data and make it transparent to the public.
-Stop and frisk is a racially biased and illegal practice that is legally mandated to stop with the CSA in NYC.
-The NYCLU-GVC is interested in forcing the police in Rochester to do exactly what the NYC PD has to do now as mandated by the CSA.
-In order to show the problem of a racist stop and frisk policy, hard data is required.
-By telling the police here to take that data and make it accessible and transparent, the public will have a much better handle on the problem.
-We're not naive; we understand this happens a lot, and that stop and frisk is racist policing
-hard data could bring more groups and people with influence into the work of police accountability
NYC's Community Safety act
-created the position of Inspector General
-Made stop and frisk policy illegal in NYC
CSA for Rochester?
-Rochester is starting from the beginning in this process
-The NYCLU can bring the legal side of things for creating the legislation
-EiE was identified as a group that can get the word out and rally people
-The specific language of the NYCLU legislation for Rochester has not been written yet. -mandate that when a stop and frisk happens, that police would have to document it (it would not be voluntary anymore) on a field information form with specific race data
-FIFs would have an end date on the information—it would be destroyed or erased.
-Information would be made public, creating transparency for police policy.
-Like NYC, data could be released quarterly
What are Field Information Forms (FIFs)?
-Any interaction an individual has with police or that police witness, where an arrest is NOT made or a ticket NOT given, is intelligence that can be recorded in a FIF
-This information is linked with other FIFs
-FIFs are kept forever and new information is either linked to them or added onto them -there is not an end point where the information has to be deleted
-District attorneys try to enter FIF data in court to discredit a defendant's character to the jury
-The data collected on FIFs now is not transparent and is collected voluntarily—it does not distinguish a stop and frisk stop nor does it require that race of the person being stopped and frisked be recorded
Kick-off event for spring and summer to bring attention to the problem (Liberty Bell Project)
-Public/media event to get people aware of police tricks used to get to the point of a stop and frisk
-people are required to have a bell on their bike; police unequally enforce this law in low-income neighborhoods of color
-Cops stop people on bikes when they have no bell
-This is a pretext to stop someone which leads to a frisk “for the officer's protection”
-If any contraband is found the person is arrested
-If the officer doesn't like how someone is acting they can be arrested and charged with the usual “disorderly conduct”
-in order to alert people to this trick of the cops, the coalition would hand out “liberty bells” to people on bikes in order to give the cops one less reason to stop and frisk someone
-This would be a public education opportunity—one location, jefferson/bartlett, would be a great place to start
-get's the conversation going and gives people meaningful information
Where does EiE fit in?
-NYCLU-GVP sees EiE as a coalition partner
-Get people out to events and inform the our constituency
NYCLU campaign plan:
-once the proposed legislation is in place, get the mayor or councilor to support it
-conduct a community survey speaking to the specific issue of stop and frisk
-the police are currently doing a survey with Cornell
-Our survey may not have the same scientific backing that Cornell study has
-Therefore, we need tons of survey's (5000?) from the community over a few month period
When and where should this coalition get together to discuss this and other issues?
-March 4, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
-This gives some time to invite people to come to the coalition meeting
-NYCLU has a beginning ally list
What does this meeting look like?
-community leaders, stakeholders, and delegates from different organizations would meet together and build local connections
-find out if anyone has been contacted by the attorney general of NYS and discuss if that is an avenue to go down
-Show and tell from representatives regarding what they are doing about police accountability
-not a public event
-NYCLU would be one partner in this coalition with an interest in getting legislation passed regarding data collection for stop and frisk
-other issues could be presented with this issue
-other meetings in the future (Quarterly? Yearly?)
-streamline the presentation given to the AG
-ask where folks would want to meet—Flying Squirrel could be the de facto spot unless another space is requested/suggested/offered.
Action steps:
-Flesh out an agenda (ted said he could help with this)
-KaeLyn from NYCLU will send out list of partner organization
-KaeLyn will set up google doc where we can keep track of who has been invited
-Ask people to bring the issues they are working on from their groups in a short presentation
-Invite other groups who might have a stake in police accountability
Mission / Vision discussion tabled till next week
Press Conference for Dwayne Ivery
-Dwayne Ivery filed a civil rights lawsuit in Federal court against the officers, the chief (Sheppard), and the city for the brutalization he suffered
-Ted will contact Dwayne and Charlie about when they are free next week to do a press conference (m-f, 11am or 4pm)
-Charlie Burkwit, the same lawyer for Benny Warr, would love to see some press on this case
-We could make press packets w/dvd's of Dwayne's brutalization (Would anyone like to help with this?)
-Once we hammer out a time when Dwayne and Charlie are free, we can put the press release together
Announcements/pass the hat:
-$23 + $5 Canadian from passing the hat
-Thurs., March 30, Tavis Smiley will be at RIT at noon at the Gordon field house; then he will be at East High from 6-8pm talking about race relations in Rochester
-Arthur Brooks made a mini documentary about Benny Warr's story and is selling the DVDs for $10 dollars each
-The Flying Squirrel's Monday Mayhem will be screening July '64 at the flying squirrel (285 Clarissa St.) on Feb. 3, 7-9pm, in honor of black history month and the 50th anniversary of the race rebellion in Rochester. They will have a few guests who were in Rochester at the time talk about their experiences and memories. If you have memories, you are encouraged to come out and share them.