Take Back the Land Rochester Calls for Protest against Eviction by Fannie Mae
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2011-02-19 14:14
Take Back the Land Rochester is calling on the community to protest Fannie Mae's move to evict five people from a house in Rochester and render them homeless. Despite many attempts, the government-backed corporate bank has refused to negotiate with the tenants of 820 South Goodman Ave. Despite Fannie Mae's $90 billion bailout from the government to help keep people in their houses, Fannie Mae is still putting people out on the street. For the past 7 months the residents, all formerly homeless people, have been making improvements (roof repair, dry-wall repair, painting, etc.) to a house which would have otherwise fallen into complete disrepair due to Fannie Mae's neglect.
Where: 820 South Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14620
When: Noon Monday, February 21, 2011